Scholarship Information Sheet 2013 - The Friends' School

Scholarship Information Sheet 2013 - The Friends' School

Scholarship Information Sheet 2013 - The Friends' School


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<strong>The</strong> Friends’ <strong>School</strong><strong>Scholarship</strong>s for <strong>2013</strong><strong>The</strong> Friends’ <strong>School</strong> is pleased to offer a range of scholarships, which are open to students who wish toattend the school, as well as those currently attending.<strong>Scholarship</strong>s are offered each year for entry into Years 5, 7 and 11, and are available in three differentcategories; academic, music and boarding.Academic <strong>Scholarship</strong>sAcademic scholarships are offered to students who demonstrate through an academic exam they havestrong abilities across a range of the key areas of learning.All applicants are required to sit an examination on Saturday, 5 May 2012.Shortlisted applicants are invited to an interview with our scholarship panel. Shortlisted applicants willalso need to demonstrate a willingness to participate in school life such as our co-curricular programwhich includes sport, music and service opportunities.In Year 11, students are able to apply for either an International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) or theTasmanian Certificate of Education (TCE) academic scholarship. If you would like more informationabout the IB and TCE programs please contact Chris White, the IB Co-ordinator, or Tony Barrett, theHead of Clemes on 6210 2255.Venue and times for Saturday 5 May 2012 as follows:Year 5Location: <strong>The</strong> Morris Library, 395 Argyle Street, North HobartTime: 1:45 – 4:30pm (for 2:00pm sharp start)Year 7Location: High <strong>School</strong> Library, Carr Street, North HobartTime: 2:00 - 4.30pmYear 11Location: Clemes Campus, 395 Argyle Street, North HobartTime: 2.00pm to 5.15pmAcademic <strong>Scholarship</strong> ConditionsYear 5: <strong>Scholarship</strong>s for entry into Year 5 are tenable for two years only. <strong>Scholarship</strong> holders will beinvited to sit for Year 7 <strong>Scholarship</strong>s at the relevant time prior to entering Year 7.Year 7: <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are reviewed annually, with a major review conducted in Year 10. Continuation ofscholarships into Years 11 and 12 is dependent on the successful outcome of this review.Year 11: <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are tenable for two years subject to satisfactory performance levels during eachyear. Students will be expected to pursue the course of study (IB or TCE) nominated in the scholarshipoffer in order for the scholarship to be retained.1

Music <strong>Scholarship</strong>sMusic <strong>Scholarship</strong>s are offered to students who demonstrate exceptional musicianship, that is studentswho consistently perform expressively, display technical proficiency well beyond the average for theiryear group, and show evidence of their ability to make an ongoing, strong and varied contribution to themusical life of the <strong>School</strong>.All applicants are also required to sit for an academic examination on Saturday, 5 th May 2012. See theacademic scholarships area for further information on venues and time.Music candidates are required to include a comprehensive resumé with their scholarship application.<strong>The</strong>y are also encouraged to include a letter from their current school Music Teacher that briefly describesthe nature of their involvement in their <strong>School</strong>’s music program.Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an audition with the Head of Music and a selected panel asfollows:Date: Thursday 26 April 2012Time: 9am onwards (times slots to be advised by Friends’)Audition Requirements: Candidates will be required to perform two short contrasting pieces on theirprincipal instrument or voice and if they choose, one piece on a second instrument. In addition they willbe given tests in sight-reading and aural skills, and will be interviewed about their musical contributionto their current <strong>School</strong> and their potential to make a contribution at Friends’ in <strong>2013</strong> and beyond.Where the pieces performed are written / arranged for piano accompaniment, it is desirable that anaccompanist be present. It will be the responsibility of the candidate to supply, and pay for, anaccompanist. <strong>The</strong> <strong>School</strong> is happy to provide a list of accompanists who might be able to assist. Giventhe short time frame between the application closing date and the day of the auditions, it is suggestedthat candidates inform accompanists of the audition date well before the deadline for applications.Music <strong>Scholarship</strong> ConditionsAll successful candidates will be expected to play an active part in promoting the musical life of the<strong>School</strong>. It is also expected that successful candidates will participate in a minimum of two Friends’ <strong>School</strong>music ensembles, and will perform at a range of school events, either as a soloist or member of anensemble, as requested by the Head of Music or a member of the Music Staff. Music Scholars will beavailable for all performances by their respective <strong>School</strong> ensembles. In the first instance and wherepossible, the ensembles students choose to join upon entering Friends’ should be related to theirauditioning instrument or voice.Year 5: <strong>Scholarship</strong>s for entry into Year 5 are tenable for 2 years only. <strong>Scholarship</strong> holders will beinvited to sit for Year 7 <strong>Scholarship</strong>s at the relevant time prior to entering Year 7.Year 7: <strong>Scholarship</strong> recipients will be required to study Music as an elective subject in Years 8 to 10.Year 11: <strong>Scholarship</strong> recipients are not required to study Music as an elective subject but will berequired to be strongly involved in Co-curricular Music as outlined above.Music scholarships are reviewed at the end of each year, with a major review at the end of Year 10.Continuation of scholarships into Years 11 and 12 is dependent on a successful outcome from thereview. In addition to the annual review, High <strong>School</strong> and Clemes Music Scholars meet briefly with theHead of Music towards the end of Term 1 each year. During the meeting Scholars will reflect on thenature of their involvement in the Music program for the year to date, and discuss likely contributionsfor the rest of the year.2

Boarding <strong>Scholarship</strong>s (Years 7 & 11 only)Applications are invited from students who would otherwise be unable to attend the <strong>School</strong> because oftheir remote residential location or other circumstances related to their residential arrangements.All applicants are required to sit for an examination on Saturday, 5 May 2012. See the academicscholarships area for further information on venues and time.Shortlisted applicants are invited to an interview with our scholarship panel. Shortlisted applicants willneed to demonstrate a willingness to participate in school life and be positive members of our WalkerHouse community (Friends’ student residence).Boarding <strong>Scholarship</strong> Conditions<strong>Scholarship</strong>s are reviewed annually, and take into account the student’s performance and personalconduct at Walker House.General <strong>Information</strong> on <strong>Scholarship</strong>s<strong>Scholarship</strong> Discount<strong>The</strong> standard base discount is 25% of tuition fees only. All other costs would apply i.e. uniform, booksand deposit as per the ‘Conditions of Enrolment’.Supplementary BursariesIf a family is unable to accept a scholarship with a 25% discount due to family financial circumstances,supplementary bursaries may be available up to 90% of tuition fees. <strong>The</strong> supplementary bursaries varyin amount as they depend on the individual family circumstances. Please contact Cheryl Price orTamara McConnon on 6210 2286 for further information on this process.<strong>Scholarship</strong> PreparationIt is not the policy of the <strong>School</strong> to issue copies of papers set in previous years. Written papers will beset to discover students’ abilities and potential, rather than to test any knowledge of specific syllabuses.General knowledge will, however, be useful.Alternative Exam SittingsIn exceptional circumstances (usually either illness or current residence outsid e southern Tasmania) itmay be possible for papers to be taken at other times, or in other places, than those listed above for Year7 and 11 scholarships only. Please contact enrolments on (03) 6210 2286 for further information.<strong>Scholarship</strong> ApplicationAll applicants and their parent(s)/guardian(s) are required to complete the relevant application form.Special attention should be given to the additional requirements in the application form for thosewishing to apply for a Music or Year 11 <strong>Scholarship</strong>.It is essential that the applicant’s parent(s)/guardian(s) sign the application form to show they providepermission for the applicant to take part in the <strong>Scholarship</strong> process.All applications must be received by Friday 20 April 2012 and late applications will not be accepted.www.friends.tas.edu.au3

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