1935 Comintern 7th Congress Part 11 Maurice Thorez Anti Fascist ...

1935 Comintern 7th Congress Part 11 Maurice Thorez Anti Fascist ...

1935 Comintern 7th Congress Part 11 Maurice Thorez Anti Fascist ...


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. f" ' ,the p(."Oph: 's lihe rties. Th:\t is \\"h:1I i ~ h r illiT • :Iutly I'{'x l ~rl('lIl'c 0 t H' :-)Iwlet <strong>11</strong>lt'<strong>11</strong> . rO\'cd IFinally. vur L'o rulIlllni",t Pa n ~' <strong>11</strong><strong>11</strong>1'" "., I}. t~t.. .. • , llUll\»)'orgnlll:-:lIlOll tl) Ulllt.: ;<strong>11</strong>1l con -.olid:l\e the.,LlHj·h.·a·lIt"" II)m ovem ent. • 'i(" l ~ t . tilIn spite of n~ ul pro~rc~. or,s.::lIIisation ",tin . . " '(}Il]t',. .,., , ' f' f,"I\I:III) 'IlOlnt. Jere arc t I O IlS:Ul( S 0 '''HIed frolll c . :; Ollt, ,01ll1lIJ\, \\·.... lj \ m s tl.' r< :ull move1llen l a Oil":, . I1nd~' r th ~· . a" •. " u )'WI~~eeffective measures, such as the th s.'\rmatnen~ and the. d~s"ta).:<strong>11</strong>1% f ,he fascist leagues and the arrest of their leader~. WI!sO. lution ,pori o· ' /li esc meaSures, 5' • uc I a po " IC:';, ." \\'e • added . '-:rIll SI P, r"over create the best conditions for the m::un·"I\'oul< Ino e , < , ,'f )Cace and it wonld ha\'e our suppor ,no mere'l' intenance 0 I' " t . "Parliament, but throughout the COUll r!'. ,. ression produced was tremendous. Our declarationsthe UllP in public scs..o;ion, from the tribune of the Chamber.were repea ted . ... the Flandin government was overthrown.That \'ery evcmn", •We had gh'cn the Ratlical devuties a little I\\ore CQurag~'" f f eAfter~\' ards,the Left gro~tpS m.e\. agnin~e~h~:~~r~i~~e \:~ I:V~:.of the Conltllllnists. A d l sc us ..';lO n . ~tar C "'munist <strong>Part</strong>y that• f L £t rovernmenL It \\as our om .~:!I!~eOdr~vin~ £;rce at these me.ctings, puttil1ga~~~~~\i:t:si::~:ftit clear that it would under no c~rc\ll1lsta~c~s ~govcrnlllcn t ,but stating 1hM It wa!'O a \\ ay•rea/Y to support

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