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<strong>RAJKOT</strong> <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> <strong>CORPORATION</strong>Tender No.RMC/PWD/WZ/13-14/04Bid Documents ForInvitation for consultancy service fordetailed project report of Flyover atRaiya Road crossing 150' Ring Roadjunction, RajkotMilestone Dates for e-tendering is as under1. Downloading of Tender documents 03-09-13 To 13-09-13 upto 18.00 Hrs.2. Prebid Meeting at West Zone Office 11-09-2013 at 12.30 hrs3. Physical submission of EMD, Tender 21-09-2013 up to 18.00 Hrsfee and attested or Notarized copiesof other required documents4. Opening of Technical Bids (ifpossible)21-09-2013 at 18.01 Hrs5. Opening of Price Bid (if possible) 24-09-2013 at 16.00 Hours onwards6. Bid Validity 180 DaysFor further details, pre-qualification criteria etc. visit <strong>ww</strong>w.<strong>rmc</strong>.<strong>gov</strong>.in2013 - 14CITY ENGINEER (SPECIAL)<strong>RAJKOT</strong> <strong>MUNICIPAL</strong> <strong>CORPORATION</strong>SHRI HARISINHJI GOHL ZONAL OFFICEWEST ZONE, B/H.BIG BAZAAR,<strong>RAJKOT</strong> - 360 005 (GUJARAT)

Price bid for Invitation for consultancy service for the Detailedproject report of flyover at Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Roadjuction, RajkotINDEXSR.NO. ITEM PAGE1. Note on Schedule 22. Letter 33. Schedule-I 4NO.Rajkot Municipal CorporationFinancial Bid for Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Roadjuction Flyover consultancy2

NOTE ON SCHEDULE:1. The consultancy services is on lump sum basis for Technical Bid for DPR consultancyfor Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Road juction flyover - detailed design, estimate,drawing, draft tender paper as described as scope of work in details in technical bid.2. The consultant shall quote his firm and fix lump sum prices for entire consultancyservices defined in more details in various sections of the tender document.3. The rates and prices shall be submitted in the format given in the enclosed price schedule-I. Rates and prices received in any other format will be rejected and bids will bedisqualified.4. It will be entirely at the discretion of the employer to accept or reject the consultant'sproposal without giving any reasons whatsoever and the consultant shall not be permittedto withdraw his bid on this account.5. In Price Schedule-I bidders shall quote his lump sum price for entire work with all taxes.Prices quoted in Schedule-I only will be considered for price evaluation and shall form apart of the contract agreement.6. The prices shall be firm for the entire period of the contract without any escalation.7. Cost of soil survey, total station survey, other investigation for utility and fee for proofconsultant etc., will be part of the assignment. Under No circumstances, the amount ofsuch consultancy services shall be paid extra.8. RMC reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal/ all proposals received withoutassigning any reason or compensation.____________Signature of City Engineer (West Zone)Rajkot Municipal Corporation_______________Signature of ConsultantToRajkot Municipal CorporationFinancial Bid for Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Roadjuction Flyover consultancy3

The Municipal CommissionerRajkot Municipal CorporationRajkot.Sub:- Consultancy services for formulation of Detailed Project Report for DPR Consultancy ofRaiya road crossing 150' Ring Road juction Flyover at RajkotDear Sir,We, the undersigned offer to provide the consultancy services to for consultancy service forDPR for flyover at Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Road juction, Rajkot the above inaccordance with your request for proposal dated ___________ and our proposal (Technical andFinancial Proposal). Our attached financial proposal is for the sum of Rs.__________(figure)__________________________(In words). This amount is inclusive of all the taxes andduties.We undertake that the completion of the above contract will be strictly observed as per theprevailing rules of Rajkot Municipal Corporation in force.Our Financial Proposal shall be binding upon us up to expiration of the validity period of theProposal.We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive.Yours Sincerely,(Authorized Signatory)Name & Title of the signatory.Name of the firm.Rajkot Municipal CorporationFinancial Bid for Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Roadjuction Flyover consultancy4

PRICE SCHEDULE-I Quoted PricesSr.No Name of Work Amount QuotedIn wordIn figureConsultant Services forDetailed project reportof the flyover at Raiyajuction, Rajkot as perLetter of Intent &Description of workmentionedTOTALIn Words Rupees__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature of City Engineer (West Zone)Rajkot Municipal Corporation_______________Signature of ConsultantRajkot Municipal CorporationFinancial Bid for Raiya road crossing 150' Ring Roadjuction Flyover consultancy5

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