Nios Software Tutorial - Faculty.lasierra.edu

Nios Software Tutorial - Faculty.lasierra.edu

Nios Software Tutorial - Faculty.lasierra.edu


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<strong>Tutorial</strong> Overview<strong>Nios</strong> <strong>Software</strong> Development <strong>Tutorial</strong><strong>Tutorial</strong> FilesThe <strong>Nios</strong> embedded processor software installation creates the directoriesshown in Table 4 in the \altera\kits\nios directory by default.Table 4. Directory StructureDirectory NamebincomponentsdocumentsexamplestutorialsDescriptionContains tools required for developing <strong>Nios</strong> hardware &software designs, including the GNU tool chain.Contains all of the SOPC Builder peripheral components. Eachperipheral has its own subdirectory with a class.ptf file thatdescribes the component.Contains documentation for the <strong>Nios</strong> embedded processor,<strong>Nios</strong> development board, SOPC Builder, and GNUPro Toolkit.Contains subdirectories of <strong>Nios</strong> sample designs, including thestandard_32 project on which the design for this tutorial isbased.Contains subdirectories of files that you can use with various<strong>Nios</strong> tutorials. The directory for this tutorial is<strong>Nios</strong>_SW_<strong>Tutorial</strong>__.<strong>Software</strong> ToolsUsedThe following sections describe the software tools that you will use in thistutorial.GNUPro ToolsThe <strong>Nios</strong> development kit includes the GNUPro Toolkit, which includesa compiler, debugger (command-line GDB and GUI-based Insight), andgeneral-purpose software development utilities. For more information,refer to the <strong>Nios</strong> documentation in the /documentsdirectory and other Red Hat documents in the /documents/gnu_tools directory.<strong>Nios</strong> On-Chip Instrumentation (OCI) Debug ModuleThe <strong>Nios</strong> On-Chip Instrumentation (OCI) Debug Module is a debug corecreated by First Silicon Solutions. The <strong>Nios</strong> OCI Debug Module providesa JTAG interface to the <strong>Nios</strong> CPU, and implements an in-circuit emulatorfeature set including run control, memory and register visibility, andcomplex breakpoints.12 Altera Corporation

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