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Section 5: Creating Powerful ProgramsnnRah-I haq (“The Right Path”) is a 30-minute Salam Watandar program hosted by an influential Islamicscholar. This weekly show invites moderate Islamic scholars to answer listeners’ questions andbring a modern and moderate perspective on important social issues. Up to five questions are fieldedon each show.Guftugo baa masoolin (“Conversation with Officials”), is a pre-recorded interview program on RadioDarman in Jowzjan. The 45-minute weekly program starts with a vox pop and pre-recorded questionsabout the week’s topic. The studio guest provides information about their agency’s functions andresponds to questions. This program is dedicated to the duties and responsibilities of local governmentagencies and officials.Many stations use pre-recorded phone calls as a source for topic ideas and follow-up stories that listenerswould like to hear. A program is then produced containing short packages or in-depth interviewsthat uncover various angles of the issue, provide knowledge and information and respond to the listeners’needs.nnSadayi Mardum (“The People’s Voice”), is a popular call-in show on Radio Darman in Jowzjan thatinvites listeners to call in with any questions and complaints about problems in the community. Whena listener calls in to complain about uncollected garbage, the show’s producers try to track down theright official for a response to the question.Porsopal (“Seek and Search”) is a popular radio program on Salam Watandar that gleans informationfrom the Internet as well as experts in response to general knowledge questions from listeners.Salam Watandar receives calls, letters and emails from listeners all over Afghanistan. The programanswers up to eight questions daily and the answers are broadcast live.Sometimes radio programs are just for fun and entertainment. Not all programs have to be serious ornews-related. People like variety and your station should try to respond to this need. This means yourprograms should be in different formats. Creative program formats can add a splash of color and laughterto the day or even create links between members of a community with similar interests.nDoostan (“Friends”) is an hour-long show on Radio Soley Paygham in Khost. This is an innovativesocial networking program targeting the youth. Listeners call into the live program and are introducedto each other by the host and become “friends.” Following a 3-4 minute chat, they exchange phonenumbers off the air through a producer. About 10 people meet on each show. The hour-long show includesa song at the half-hour mark. Since the show was launched two years ago, the program claimsto have connected more than 3,000 people. Some have gone on to create local “social groups” intheir districts.A quiz show is fun program that gets your listeners involved in learning and sharing knowledge. Quizshows can create excitement by focusing on listeners and giving them an incentive to participate, suchas offering a small prize.nLafzoonah aw worandizoonah (“Words and Presentations”), is an hour-long quiz show on RadioSharq in Jalalabad. Listeners call in and pick a letter of the alphabet and are asked a question on asubject of their choice (literature, geography, history). Those that correctly answer the question getprizes such as a radio or phone top-up card. Most community stations in Afghanistan have similarshows. A popular version of the show allows winners to request a song.56 STARTING A <strong>LOCAL</strong> RADIO STATION: A MANUAL FOR AFGHANISTAN

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