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128 Module Documentation• CUresult cuMemcpyAtoH (void ∗pDst, CUarray hSrc, unsigned int srcOffset, unsigned int bytes)Copies memory from Array to Host.• CUresult cuMemcpyAtoHAsync (void ∗pDst, CUarray hSrc, unsigned int srcOffset, unsigned int bytes, CUstreamhStream)Copies memory from Array to Host.• CUresult cuMemcpyDtoA (CUarray hDst, unsigned int DstOffset, CUdeviceptr dptr, unsigned int NumBytes)Copies memory from Device to Array.• CUresult cuMemcpyDtoD (CUdeviceptr dst, CUdeviceptr src, unsigned int bytes)Copies memory from Device to Device.• CUresult cuMemcpyDtoH (void ∗dst, CUdeviceptr dptr, unsigned int bytes)Copies memory from Device to Host.• CUresult cuMemcpyDtoHAsync (void ∗dst, CUdeviceptr dptr, unsigned int bytes, CUstream hStream)Copies memory from Device to Host.• CUresult cuMemcpyHtoA (CUarray hDst, unsigned int dstOffset, const void ∗pSrc, unsigned int bytes)Copies memory from Host to Array.• CUresult cuMemcpyHtoAAsync (CUarray hDst, unsigned int dstOffset, const void ∗pSrc, unsigned int bytes,CUstream hStream)Copies memory from Host to Array.• CUresult cuMemcpyHtoD (CUdeviceptr dptr, const void ∗src, unsigned int bytes)Copies memory from Host to Device.• CUresult cuMemcpyHtoDAsync (CUdeviceptr dptr, const void ∗src, unsigned int bytes, CUstream hStream)Copies memory from Host to Device.• CUresult cuMemFree (CUdeviceptr dptr)Frees device memory.• CUresult cuMemFreeHost (void ∗p)Frees page-locked host memory.• CUresult cuMemGetAddressRange (CUdeviceptr ∗pdptr, unsigned int ∗psize, CUdeviceptr dptr)Get information on memory allocations.• CUresult cuMemGetInfo (unsigned int ∗free, unsigned int ∗total)Gets free and total memory.• CUresult cuMemHostAlloc (void ∗∗pp, size_t bytes, unsigned int Flags)Allocates page-locked host memory.• CUresult cuMemHostGetDevicePointer (CUdeviceptr ∗ret, void ∗p, unsigned int Flags)Passes back device pointer of mapped pinned memory.Generated on Wed Apr 1 16:11:42 2009 for <strong>NVIDIA</strong> <strong>CUDA</strong> Library by Doxygen

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