Human Research Ethics 2009 - Research - University of Melbourne

Human Research Ethics 2009 - Research - University of Melbourne

Human Research Ethics 2009 - Research - University of Melbourne

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McKenziePostdoctoralFellowshipsDescriptionThe McKenzie Postdoctoral FellowshipScheme has been established to attractoutstanding recent doctoral graduates tothe <strong>University</strong> in areas <strong>of</strong> research priorityfor the university and its faculties, andin particular to recruit new researcherswho have the potential to build and leadcross-disciplinary collaborative researchactivities inside and across faculties.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong>fers a leading and livelyresearch environment that is internationallyengaged, public-spirited, and with manyoutstanding areas <strong>of</strong> research strength.The objectives <strong>of</strong> the scheme are to:• assist the university to build anambitious program <strong>of</strong> research activity,and• attract outstanding new postdoctoralresearchers to be part <strong>of</strong> that and tobegin to build the next generation <strong>of</strong>research activity.EligibilityApplicants must have evidence <strong>of</strong> theaward <strong>of</strong> a PhD with their application orno later than15 November 2012. The date<strong>of</strong> award is considered to be the date <strong>of</strong>the <strong>of</strong>ficial notification letter. For thoseapplicants attending institutions whereno such letter is provided, equivalentevidence that they have graduated orhave completed all the required steps tobe eligible to graduate with a PhD mustbe provided. Applicants must have beenawarded the PhD no earlier than 1 January2010, please see the guidelines for theprocess <strong>of</strong> submitting Eligibility Exemptionrequests from any eligibility criteria. TheMcKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships areintended for applicants who do not holda fixed term or continuing appointment<strong>of</strong> greater than one year duration at the<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>.• Applicants may be drawn from any fieldin which the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Melbourne</strong>has research strength, and must havean ability to contribute to researchcollaborations and programs acrossfaculties or disciplines.• Applicants will be required to providea declaration <strong>of</strong> support from thedepartment/school in which they wouldbe located if successful but the criteriafor selection will be <strong>University</strong>-based.• Assessment will take account <strong>of</strong>achievement relative to opportunity.FundingThe Fellowships will be funded by<strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Research</strong> to the value <strong>of</strong> aLevel A academic salary including on costs.Fellows will be employed at Level A.6 in the<strong>University</strong> Salary Band.Fellows will receive an additional $15,000to be spent on travel and/or equipment overthe term <strong>of</strong> their Fellowship. Awards will befor a maximum <strong>of</strong> three years commencing1 January 2013 but the start date may bedeferred up to 30 June 2013.Application Procedure & GuidelinesSee the <strong>Melbourne</strong> <strong>Research</strong> Office websiteunder Internal Grants & Fellowships.ContactFor further information in the first instanceemail: McKenzie-application@unimelb.edu.au or phone Alice Boland, <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Research</strong>: +61 (0)3 9035 5727.Key DatesApplications open 9 July 2012EligibilityExemptionrequests dueto <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Research</strong>Applications dueto <strong>Melbourne</strong><strong>Research</strong>24 August 201221 September20127

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