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99 3 1 Value of tangible assets remaining after the write-off ofassets unsuitable for restoration and further use as a resultof emergencies99 3 2 Insurance indemnity sums99 3 3 Other income resulting from emergencies99 4 T Other expense resulting from emergencies99 4 1 Losses not covered by insurance indemnity99 4 3 Losses from the write-off of inventories unsuitable forrestoration as a result of emergencies99 4 4 Non-recurring emergency benefits to employees99 4 5 Expenses in connection with a loss event99 4 6 Other expenses resulting from emergencies99 5 Current profit tax99 5 1 Deferred tax liabilities99 5 2 Profit tax and other similar dues for previous reportingperiods99 5 3 Income tax withheld in accordance with the laws of foreigncountries99 5 4 Deferred tax assets99 6 Profit tax reassessments99 7 T Fines and penalties related to taxes and other similardues99 7 1 T Tax penalties99 7 1 1 Profit tax penalties99 7 1 2 VAT penalties99 7 1 3PROPERTY TAX PENALTIES99 7 1 6 Other tax penalties99 7 1 7 Reassessed penalties payable99 7 2 T Tax fines99 7 2 1 Property tax fines99 7 2 2 VAT fines99 7 2 3 Property tax fines99 7 2 6 Other tax fines99 7 2 7 Reassessed fines payable99 7 5 T Unified social tax penalties99 7 5 1 Penalties related to the unified social tax payable to theSocial Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation99 7 5 2PENALTIES RELATED TO UST PAYABLE TO THEFEDERAL BUDGET99 7 5 3 Penalties related to the unified social tax payable as part ofcompulsory health insurance (FCMIF)99 7 5 4PENALTIES RELATED TO COMPULSORY307

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