money laundering best practices, lessons to be learnt and steps

money laundering best practices, lessons to be learnt and steps

money laundering best practices, lessons to be learnt and steps

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whole meets once a year. There is no permanent secretariat, <strong>and</strong> administrative functions areshared on a rotating basis.Although initially the focus of the Egmont FIU was essentially on <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong>, FIUs alsoplay an important role in the international effort <strong>to</strong> combat the financing of terrorism.Egmont approved the following definition of an FIU in 1996, consequently amended in 2004 <strong>to</strong>reflect the FIU’s role in combating terrorism financing:A central, national agency responsible for receiving, (<strong>and</strong> as permitted, requesting),analyzing <strong>and</strong> disseminating <strong>to</strong> the competent authorities, disclosures of financial information:1(i) concerning suspected proceeds of crime <strong>and</strong> potential financing of terrorism, or2(ii) required by national legislation or regulation,in order <strong>to</strong> combat <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> <strong>and</strong> terrorism financing 6 .According <strong>to</strong> the Statement of Purpose of the Egmont Group, the Financial Intelligence Units(FIUs) participating in the Egmont Group resolve <strong>to</strong> encourage co-operation among <strong>and</strong> <strong>be</strong>tweenthem in the interest of combating <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> <strong>and</strong> terrorism financing.MONEY LAUNDERING SITUATIONIN THE TERRITORY OF FORMER YUGOSLAVIABEFORE THE WAR IN 1990Lack of legislation on all levels <strong>and</strong> general perception of the population that <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> isa joke happening somewhere else, along with other contributing fac<strong>to</strong>rs like the existence of ablack market of convertible currencies, low or easy avoidable property tax, out of date cadastral<strong>and</strong> property books, regularly high inflation, <strong>be</strong>neficial loans which were in the long run eaten byinflation, as well as many other fac<strong>to</strong>rs, contributed <strong>to</strong> somehow unique position for the statescreated after the fall of former Yugoslavia, <strong>and</strong> wars <strong>be</strong>tween former republics in the earlynineties.Before 1990 there was hardly any regulation regarding <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> in the banking systemof former Yugoslavia. Private international transfers were not possible, i.e. the banking systemoperated in a way that it prevented individuals from transferring <strong>money</strong> abroad for private6www.egmontgroup.orgMoney Laundering Best Practices,Lessons <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> Learnt in the Balkan RegionWritten by Tamara BrneticPage 9 of 58

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