money laundering best practices, lessons to be learnt and steps

money laundering best practices, lessons to be learnt and steps

money laundering best practices, lessons to be learnt and steps

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At present, <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> still does not have a complete <strong>and</strong> internationally recognizeddefinition <strong>and</strong> there is also no unique strategy <strong>to</strong> combat <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> on a world level.There are several international conventions that are ratified by most countries, <strong>and</strong> legislations ofmost of the signa<strong>to</strong>ry states are adjusted <strong>to</strong> fit the recommendations. However, these conventionsonly provide a good basis for fighting crime. It is up <strong>to</strong> each country <strong>to</strong> implement theseconventions in daily functioning, which is not always cheap or simple. Globalization <strong>and</strong> growingdifference <strong>be</strong>tween rich <strong>and</strong> poor, i.e. educated, rich <strong>and</strong> well trained people versus non educated,poor <strong>and</strong> untrained people, opens a wide highway for all sorts of criminal activities thus creatinga huge lump sum <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> laundered worldwide.Lack of legislative measures, reporting structures <strong>and</strong> penalty systems in some parts of the worldallow this lump sum <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> laundered smoothly <strong>and</strong> with minimal risk. Money <strong>laundering</strong> is asecondary crime in a vast majority of cases (i.e. an initial crime <strong>to</strong>ok place previously <strong>to</strong> this).One should have in mind that all laundered <strong>money</strong> is a direct result of criminal activity <strong>and</strong> that ithas a devastating effect on the stability of economy, level of corruption, national governments,property rights <strong>and</strong> human rights. Such proceeds mostly come from: drugs trade – manufacturingof illegal substances on a highly organized <strong>and</strong> commercial basis -- sales of arms – not excludingsales of nuclear weapons but also small arms; prostitution – the United Nations estimates tha<strong>to</strong>ver 500.000 women <strong>and</strong> girls are entrapped in a modern version of slave trade; terrorism – weare facing frequent terrorist activities happening all around the glo<strong>be</strong> where linkages <strong>be</strong>tweenorganized crime <strong>and</strong> terrorist cells support their operational activities. 2 All these groups needfinancing for their activities <strong>and</strong> weapons, corruption - there are num<strong>be</strong>r of cases when highranking politicians after their retirement are accused or found guilty of accepting bri<strong>be</strong>, fraud –such as for example mortgage fraud, credit card fraud, pyramid schemes (well spread aroundBalkan region in the 1990), forgery, theft of <strong>money</strong>, blackmail <strong>and</strong> ex<strong>to</strong>rtion, art <strong>and</strong> antiquefraud, smuggling, cus<strong>to</strong>ms, VAT fraud <strong>and</strong> tax evasion, theft <strong>and</strong> illegal export of s<strong>to</strong>len vehicles,trafficking in human <strong>be</strong>ings etcHowever, experts agree that the real magnitude of <strong>money</strong> <strong>laundering</strong> is significantlyunderestimated. General Anti Money Laundering Act on a world level should <strong>be</strong> a key priorityfor a num<strong>be</strong>r of reasons. International st<strong>and</strong>ards have <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> respected in the relevant countries <strong>and</strong>2Buscaglia, Edgardo, Samuel Gonzalez-Ruiz, <strong>and</strong> William Ratliff (2005) Undermining the Foundations ofCorruption <strong>and</strong> Organized Crime. Essays in Public Policy. Hoover Institution. Stanford: Palo Al<strong>to</strong>Money Laundering Best Practices,Lessons <strong>to</strong> <strong>be</strong> Learnt in the Balkan RegionWritten by Tamara BrneticPage 5 of 58

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