Prof. Ruth Wodak, Ph.D., Dr. Habil. CURRICULUM VITAE

Prof. Ruth Wodak, Ph.D., Dr. Habil. CURRICULUM VITAE

Prof. Ruth Wodak, Ph.D., Dr. Habil. CURRICULUM VITAE


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16.10.03 Lancaster: Invited Lecture: Analyzing European Union Discourses: Theories and<br />

Applications<br />

2.-3.10.03 Mallorca, Congress on Immigration: Realities and Perceptions: Identities and<br />

Culture<br />

23.-25 9. 03 Murcia, Conference on Intercultural Communication. Plenary Lecture<br />

27.-30.6.03 Leipzig, Workshop CDA: Texts for Analysis in Groups<br />

20.5.03 Cologne: Invited Lecture: Methods of Discourse Analysis (Workshop on Political<br />

Discourse)<br />

5.3.03 Vienna, (Conference on New Agenda in CDA), Plenary Lecture: Perspectives in the<br />

Research of European Identities<br />

27.2.03 Saalfelden, Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungswoche der Apothekerkammer:<br />

Kummunikation mit Kranken<br />

21.1.03 Kitzbuhel: Plenary Lecture: Communication with Patients in Health Care<br />

Organizations<br />

2002<br />

16.-21.12. Singapore: AILA Congress 2002 „The discursive construction of European Identities“<br />

19.11. Vienna: Kooperation Gesundheitsberufe (Kommunikation, Konflikt- und<br />

Riskmanagement): „Kommunikation im Gesundheitswesen“<br />

5.11.02 Vienna: 2. Liga-Salon 2002/03 “Die Todesspirale der Gewalt”<br />

26.-28.9. Aalborg University: ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: Aspects of Inclusion and Exclusion in European<br />

Union Organizations.<br />

25./26.8. Alpbach: Identifying and communicating individual Health Objectives: “Wie geht es<br />

uns heute?” Kommunikation zwischen Ärzt/inn/en und Patient/inn/en<br />

15.- 19.5.02 Florence: Workshop IDNET: "Aspects of Inclusion and Exclusion"<br />

12.-14.4.02 Lancaster: IGALA 2; Plenary Lecture "Interdisciplinarity, Gender Studies and CDA:<br />

Gender Mainstreaming and the European Union".<br />

4.-6.4.02 Gent: Sociolinguistics Symposium, Panel: "Narratives and Knowledge".<br />

25.-28.3.02 Frankfurt/Landau: 29th International LAUD Symposium "The Language of Politico-<br />

Social Ideologies", Plenary Lecture: "The Roles of Political, Cultural and Linguistic<br />

Ideologies in the Discursive Construction of European Identities: Organizing,<br />

Representing and Legitimizing Europe".<br />

25.-27.1.02 Berlin: IDNET Network, Plenary Lecture on "Racism at the Top".<br />

2001<br />

10.12.01 Linz: Universität Linz, Gastvortrag: "Politische und kulturelle Aspekte sprachlicher<br />

Kommunikation".<br />

6.-9.12.01 Vienna: VHS Brigittenau, Institut zur Erforschung und Förderung österreichischer und<br />

internationaler Literaturprozesse – Internationale Konferenz: "Vielsprachigkeit,<br />

Transnationalität, Kulturwissenschaften"; Keynote: „Auf der Suche nach europäischen<br />

Identitäten: Homogene und/oder multiple sprachliche Identitäten?“<br />

28.11.-2.12.01 Washington: American Anthropological Association, 100th Annual Meeting;<br />

Presidential Session: "Discourses of Right Wing Populism: An Austrian or a European<br />

Problem? Plenary Lecture;<br />

Panel: European Soul Searching. New Discourses on European Identity (with <strong>Prof</strong>. Irene<br />

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