Public reports pack PDF 633 KB - Breckland Council

Public reports pack PDF 633 KB - Breckland Council

Public reports pack PDF 633 KB - Breckland Council


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BRECKLAND COUNCIL - PLANNING COMMITTEE - 11-03-201328/6/11Objection - refer to comments on websiteHISTORIC BUILDINGS CONSULTANTThe most recent amended plans, whilst providing a more informed response to earlier discussion,do not, in my opinion, mitigate against the potential harm that could be caused to the ListedBuilding. The decision will therefore need to be taken on balance.TREE AND COUNTRYSIDE CONSULTANTIt is unlikely that the proposal would be have a significant effect on the stone curlew specialinterest feature of the SPA.A new access from Mill Road will not be entirely straightforward due to the presence of significanttrees and hedges. The applicant should be advised to seek professional arboricultural advicebefore submitting any reserved matters.15.1.13No further commentENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH OFFICERNo objection subject to the conditions in respect of foul water drainage and surface waterdrainage.NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL HIGHWAYSNo objection subject to conditions in respect of details of visibility splays, access arrangements,parking provision and turning area. Access to be provided adjacent eastern boundary.REPRESENTATIONSObjections have been received, a summary of which is as follows:Overlooking; building is too high; out of keeping with the locality; outline application isinappropriate; inappropriate scale and location; detrimental to the setting of the adjacent Listedbuilding; dangerous vehicular access to the detriment of highway safety; harmful to neighbouramenity; detrimental to adjacent B&B.ASSESSMENT NOTES* The application is referred to Planning Committee at the request of the Ward Representative asit is considered locally sensitive.Principle of Development* The site is within the Settlement Boundary and, as such, the broad principle of a new dwelling isacceptable in accordance with Policy DC2 of the <strong>Breckland</strong> Core Strategy and the NationalPlanning Policy Framework. The site historically benefitted form outline planning permissionDC131_new17

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