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Hmong American Institute for Learning - Hmong Studies Internet ...

Hmong American Institute for Learning - Hmong Studies Internet ...


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<strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong>Dear Applicant:Attached is the application <strong>for</strong>m <strong>for</strong> the Oral History Project Coordinator with HAIL.Please fill out the application completely. Cover letters and resumes will be accepted inplace of the application.Essay questions should not exceed 150 words per question. Please answer as fully asyou can.We require two (2) references. One (1) must be from a professor. You must also submita brief writing sample (no more than 10 pages) that demonstrates your research skillsand writing ability. Please include a recent transcript (does not have to be official.)If you have any questions about the application, please feel free to contact Mary C. Yangat hailoffice@gmail.com or via phone at 651.772.6341. You may submit the applicationvia e-mail, or you can mail the applications to:HAIL – Oral History Projectc/o Center <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>Concordia University – St. PaulMail Stop CHS 1001245 Carroll AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55140Thank you,HAIL1

Oral History Project CoordinatorThe <strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> (HAIL) is looking <strong>for</strong> an Oral History ProjectCoordinator.This oral history project will focus on <strong>Hmong</strong> funeral rites and traditions, but we are open to ideas<strong>for</strong> the project’s product—whether it is an interactive CD/DVD, a short movie, a book, etc.Because of the project’s focus, the coordinator will have to speak <strong>Hmong</strong>. The coordinator willundertake a number of duties, including researching <strong>Hmong</strong> funeral rites, assembling an AdvisoryCommittee <strong>for</strong> the project, and seeing the project through to completion. This would make agreat senior thesis or independent project.This position will be a paid, full-time position <strong>for</strong> the summer and will carry over into an unpaidinternship (credit available) <strong>for</strong> the 2006-2007 school year. We are looking <strong>for</strong> the coordinator tobegin working by June 1, 2006.We are looking <strong>for</strong> a dedicated, intelligent, and responsible senior undergraduate or graduatestudent. Applicants should have excellent research, writing and oral communication, andorganizational skills. Collaborations and management experience is a plus as you will be workingwith a number of different people—from academics to <strong>Hmong</strong> elders and <strong>Hmong</strong> youth. Theposition is open to any major, but you must exhibit interest in oral history and <strong>Hmong</strong> culture.If you cannot commit to the length of the project, please do not apply. Applications are due May10, 2006; interviews will be held the following week. For more in<strong>for</strong>mation and the application,please e-mail Mary Yang at hailoffice@gmail.com.∗HAIL is a non-profit arts organization created to promote and preserve <strong>Hmong</strong> expressive culture.2005 marks the second year of the incorporation of HAIL as a 501(C)(3). HAIL has existedin<strong>for</strong>mally as Paj Ntaub Voice, the premier <strong>Hmong</strong> literary arts journal, <strong>for</strong> ten years. HAIL nowhouses Paj Ntaub Voice and offers workshops and services to writers. HAIL works to promoteemerging <strong>Hmong</strong> writers and artists and seeks to build an understanding of traditional <strong>Hmong</strong>arts and culture, translating it to the present day and using it to create contemporary arts andculture <strong>for</strong> the future.2

Title/Position: Oral History Project CoordinatorPlease fill out this application completely. Essay questions attached to this application.Applicant In<strong>for</strong>mation<strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong>Full Name:Address:Last First M.I.Date:Street Address Apartment/Unit #City State ZIP CodePhone: ( ) E-mail Address:Date Available: Social Security No.: Desired Salary: $Position Applied <strong>for</strong>:Are you a citizen of the United States?YESNOIf no, are you authorized to work in the U.S.?YESNOHave you ever worked <strong>for</strong> this company?YESNOIf yes, when?Have you ever been convicted of a felony?YESNOIf yes, explain:EducationHigh School:Address:From: To: Did you graduate?YESNODegree:College:Address:From: To: Did you graduate?YESNODegree:Other:Address:From: To: Did you graduate?YESNODegree:Previous EmploymentCompany: Phone: ( )Address:Supervisor:Job Title: Starting Salary: $ Ending Salary: $Responsibilities:From: To: Reason <strong>for</strong> Leaving:May we contact your previous supervisor <strong>for</strong> a reference?YESNOCompany: Phone: ( )Address:Supervisor:Job Title: Starting Salary: $ Ending Salary: $3

Responsibilities:From: To: Reason <strong>for</strong> Leaving:May we contact your previous supervisor <strong>for</strong> a reference?YESNOCompany: Phone: ( )Address:Supervisor:Job Title: Starting Salary: $ Ending Salary: $Responsibilities:From: To: Reason <strong>for</strong> Leaving:May we contact your previous supervisor <strong>for</strong> a reference?YESNOExtracurricular ActivitiesPlease list your extracurricular activities and your position and involvement in those activities. (Attach a separate sheet ifnecessary.)Company/Organization:Position:InvolvementCompany/Organization:Position:InvolvementCompany/Organization:Position:InvolvementCompany/Organization:Position:InvolvementCompany/Organization:Position:InvolvementDisclaimer and SignatureI certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading in<strong>for</strong>mation in my application or interviewmay result in my release.Signature:Date:4

<strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong>Please answer the essay questions below. Do not exceed 150 words per question.1. Please explain your interest in oral history.2. How much knowledge do you have about <strong>Hmong</strong> oral history and <strong>Hmong</strong> traditions?3. Describe your research skills. Indicate if you have done any research or work in this area andwhat this research entailed.5

<strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong>4. Describe your management and organizational skills. Please provide examples.5. Describe your leadership roles and how these skills may help you in this role.6

<strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong>Instructions <strong>for</strong> a Letter of RecommendationThe <strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> (HAIL) is seeking an Oral History Project Coordinator tooversee an oral history project on <strong>Hmong</strong> funeral rites. This position requires someone with excellentresearch, writing and oral communication, and organizational skills. It also requires initiative andcreativity. Furthermore, as the Coordinator will be working with a number of different people—from academics to <strong>Hmong</strong> elders and <strong>Hmong</strong> youth—we are seeking someone with diplomacyand management skills.Please address these skills and the general ability of the applicant in your letter ofrecommendation. The contents of the letters of recommendation will be kept as confidential ascurrent and future laws regarding confidentiality allow.All letters should be mailed to:HAIL – Oral History Projectc/o Center <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>Concordia University – St. PaulMail Stop CHS 1001245 Carroll AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55140Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mary C. Yang athailoffice@gmail.com.7

<strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong><strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong>Instructions <strong>for</strong> a Letter of RecommendationThe <strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>American</strong> <strong>Institute</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Learning</strong> (HAIL) is seeking an Oral History Project Coordinator tooversee an oral history project on <strong>Hmong</strong> funeral rites. This position requires someone with excellentresearch, writing and oral communication, and organizational skills. It also requires initiative andcreativity. Furthermore, as the Coordinator will be working with a number of different people—from academics to <strong>Hmong</strong> elders and <strong>Hmong</strong> youth—we are seeking someone with diplomacyand management skills.Please address these skills and the general ability of the applicant in your letter ofrecommendation. The contents of the letters of recommendation will be kept as confidential ascurrent and future laws regarding confidentiality allow.All letters should be mailed to:HAIL – Oral History Projectc/o Center <strong>for</strong> <strong>Hmong</strong> <strong>Studies</strong>Concordia University – St. PaulMail Stop CHS 1001245 Carroll AvenueSt. Paul, MN 55140Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Mary C. Yang athailoffice@gmail.com.8

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