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UNESCO Institute for StatisticsP.O. Box 6128, Succursale Centre-VilleMontreal, Quebec H3C 3J7CanadaTo access online resources related to the Digest – including statistical tables, time series data andaccompanying metadata – please consult: www.uis.unesco.org/publications/GED2010.To order the interactive database on CD-Rom, please contact: publications@uis.unesco.org. Education192011 Higher EducationDirectoryHigher Education Publications, Inc.The Digest presents a wide range of education indicators and data for the school yearending in 2008 or the latest available year, as well as data for 2009 for a small number ofcountries. It includes data tables from the World Education Indicators programme, whichare comparable across a group of 62 countries, including members of the OrganisationFor over two decades, top executives in thefor Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). These indicators can helpbenchmark the performance of national education systems.The UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) is the statistical office of the United Nationshigher education industry Educational, Scientific have and Cultural Organization trusted (UNESCO) and is the UN depository thefor comparable statistics in the fields of education, science and technology, culture, andcommunications.Higher Education Directory to providethem with the information they need tocommunicate and analyze. Keeping pace withthe dynamic higher education industry, theHigher Education Directory has become“The Authoritative Source” for information onwho’s who at colleges and universities.The Higher Education Directory is the only single-source for academicand administrative personnel at accredited, degree-granting colleges anduniversities. Institutions listed in the Directory are accredited by agenciesrecognized by the Secretary of Education and/or the Council on HigherEducation Accreditation.November 2010. 1075p. Paperback.ISBN: 9780914927648 $83.00E F A G l o b a lTh hidd i i A d fli t d d tiEFA GlobalMonitoring Report2The hidden crisis:Armed conflictand education0 1 1E d u c a t i o n f o r A l lEducation for All, GlobalMonitoring Report 2011The Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflictand EducationUnited Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural OrganizationThe Hidden Crisis: Armed Conflict andEducation documents the devastating effectsof armed conflict on education. It examinesthe widespread human rights abuses keepingchildren out of school. This ninth edition ofthe Education for All Global Monitoring Report calls on governmentsto demonstrate greater resolve in combating the culture of impunitysurrounding attacks on schoolchildren and schools. It sets out an agendafor fixing the International aid architecture. And it identifies strategies forstrengthening the role of education in peace building.The Report includes statistical indicators on all levels of education in morethan 200 countries and territories. It serves as an authoritative referencefor education policy-makers, development specialists, researchers and themedia.March 2011. 430p. Paperback.ISBN: 9789231041914 $50.00The 2010 Global Education Digest focuses specifically on gender and education to mark“Beijing +15” – the 15th anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women. Thisedition presents a rich set of cross-nationally comparable data compiled by the UIS aswell as information from household surveys and assessments of learning achievementthat capture the scope of gender disparities across the world.The international community pledged to eliminate gender disparities in all levels ofeducation by 2015 as part of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Yet accordingto the UIS, which is responsible for monitoring the international education targets, 63%of countries (out of 157 with available data) are still faced with gender disparities inprimary and secondary education and these imbalances will probably persist in nearlyhalf of countries in 2015.GLOBAL EDUCATION DIGEST 2010: Comparing Education Statistics Across the World UNESCO INSTITUTE for STATISTICSI N S T I T U T E f o r S TAT I S T IC SU N E S C OSpecial focus on genderGLOBAL EDUCATION DIGEST 2010Comparing Education Statistics Across the WorldGlobal EducationDigest 2010Comparing Education Statisticsacross the WorldUnited Nations Educational, Scientific andCultural OrganizationGlobal Education Digest 2010 focusesspecifically on gender and education to mark“Beijing +15” – the 15th anniversary of theFourth World Conference on Women. Thisedition presents a rich set of cross-nationallycomparable data compiled by the UIS as well as information fromhousehold surveys and assessments of learning achievement that capturethe scope of gender disparities across the world.The Digest presents a wide range of education indicators and data for theschool year ending in 2008 or the latest available year, as well as data for2009 for a small number of countries. It includes data tables from the WorldEducation Indicators program, which are comparable across a group of62 countries, including members of the Organisation for Economic Cooperationand Development (OECD). These indicators can help benchmarkthe performance of national education systems.October 2010. 276p. Paperback.ISBN: 9789291890880 $55.00Indicators of School Crime and Safety 2010National Center for Education StatisticsEnsuring safer schools requires establishing good indicators of the currentstate of school crime and safety across the nation and regularly updatingand monitoring these indicators. This is the aim of Indicators of SchoolCrime and Safety.This report presents the most recent data available on school crime andstudent safety. The indicators in this report are based on informationdrawn from a variety of data sources, including national surveys ofstudents, teachers, and principals. It covers topics such as victimization,teacher injury, bullying, school conditions, fights, weapons, availabilityand student use of drugs and alcohol, and student perceptions of personalsafety at school. Indicators of crime and safety are compared acrossdifferent population subgroups and over time. Data on crimes that occuraway from school are offered as a point of comparison where available.January 2011. 191p. Paperback.ISBN: 9780160872587 $30.00www.bernan.com • Order by Phone: 800-865-3457 • Fax: 800-865-3450

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