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Society and Culture49Phenomenon of ChineseCulture at the Turnof the 21st CenturySilkroad PressInformative and accessible, this record conductsa multidirectional scan of contemporary China’scultural conflict, revealing that the carnivalunder globalization is only a false characterizationof this era. An authoritative resource, thisaccount argues that modernity fractures thehistory of experience, tradition perseveres, andcultural conflict will inevitably follow.March 2011. 440p. Hardcover.ISBN: 9789814332354 $178.00Rethinking Progressand Ensuring a SecureFuture for AllWhat We Can Learn From The CrisisCouncil of EuropeEurope is bearing the full load of globalization.Besides population movements on an unprecedentedscale, awareness of our interdependence andcompetition for natural resources are increasing.These changes affect not only institutions and individualson social and economic grounds, but also,more decisively, public opinion. People have a vague sense of insecurity,fear and anxiety, fueling doubts about the future: never before has confidencebeen so lacking in the modern era.This anxiety is spreading across Europe. The deterioration of the globalecosystem and the unfair distribution of goods have created inequalitiesand social injustice. Unemployment levels are soaring and debt is increasingfor households — including those whose members work — and statesalike. Weakened by the recent financial crisis, states are hard put to preservethe social protection provided since the Second World War.February 2011. 161p. Paperback.ISBN: 9789287168894 $88.00Society at a Glance 2011OECD Social IndicatorsOrganisation for Economic Co-operation andDevelopmentThis sixth edition of Society at a Glance,OECD’s biennial overview of social indicators,updates some indicators from previousvolumes and introduces several new ones. Italso features a special chapter on unpaid work.It includes data on the four newest OECDmembers: Chile, Estonia, Israel and Slovenia.Where available, data on major emergingeconomies Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia and South Africa arealso included.Visions for ChangeRecommendations for EffectivePolicies on Sustainable LifestylesUnited Nations Environment ProgrammeThis publication provides recommendations todevelop efficient sustainable lifestyles policiesand initiatives based on the Global Survey onSustainable Lifestyles (GSSL). It is aimed atpolicy-makers and all relevant stakeholders onhow best to help support the shift to sustainablelifestyles, for instance through effective communicationand awareness-raising campaigns.The survey, which involved 8,000 young urban adults from 20 differentcountries, points to three key dimensions of empowerment and creativity:new visions of progress, behavioral alternatives, as well as trust andparticipation.The report highlights the need for working together to better comprehend,educate and empower young adults globally, to enable them tocreate their own positive visions of sustainable lifestyles, and thereforebecome actors of change.February 2011. 82p. Paperback.ISBN: 9789280731163 $40.00Sign Up for <strong>Bernan</strong>’sStanding Order Service• Get priority shipping—guaranteed prompt, automaticdelivery of each new edition.• Flexibility—Adjust your Standing Orderaccount to fit your needs.• Receive outstanding customer service—Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.Use the Order Formon the back page to sign up today!April 2011. 90p. Paperback.ISBN: 9789264098527 $49.00www.bernan.com • Order by Phone: 800-865-3457 • Fax: 800-865-3450

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