Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children - New Mexico Kids

Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children - New Mexico Kids

Nutrition and Wellness Tips for Young Children - New Mexico Kids


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Build a Healthy Plate With Whole GrainsHow can I encourage children to eat more whole grains?If children are not used to eating whole grains often, introduce them gradually incombination with their favorite foods. Here are some ways to get children excitedabout whole grains:► Mix it up. Try mixing whole- <strong>and</strong> non-whole-grain foods in your recipes <strong>and</strong>meals. Then, gradually increase the amount of whole grains each time you makethem. For example, mix regular <strong>and</strong> whole-grain pasta or combine brown ricewith white rice in a recipe or as a side dish. Or, start with ½ white <strong>and</strong>½ whole-wheat-bread s<strong>and</strong>wiches, <strong>and</strong> eventually make both sides whole wheat.► Have a whole-grain taste-test. Have children taste-test whole-grain <strong>and</strong> lower fat,sugar, <strong>and</strong> sodium versions of their favorite snacks, such as crackers, granolabars, soft pretzels, bagels, <strong>and</strong> dry cereals. Or, let children sample dishes that usewhole grains as main ingredients, <strong>and</strong> have children Name That Grain!► Try some fun whole-grain activities <strong>and</strong> games. Make art out of whole grains, <strong>and</strong>have older children identify foods made from whole grains. See “Grain Collage”from Team <strong>Nutrition</strong>’s Making <strong>Nutrition</strong> Count http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/Resources/graincollage.pdf <strong>and</strong> “The Grain Game” from the Community <strong>Nutrition</strong>Action Kit. http://www.fns.usda.gov/tn/Resources/graingame.pdfSupport the MessageWhy Breakfast?Smart Reasons To EatBreakfast…Fuels the body with nutrients. Yourchild might not make up nutrients missed atbreakfast. You might not either.Provides calories (energy) <strong>for</strong> themorning’s active play.Gets your child ready to learn – athome, school, or day care. <strong>Kids</strong> learn betterif they eat breakfast. If you eat breakfast, youmay get more done in the morning, too.Helps keep a healthy body weight.Breakfast helps control the urge to nibble oreat too big a lunch. Even with breakfast,young kids may need a small morning snack.Helps kids feel good. <strong>Children</strong> may getmorning tummy aches if they miss breakfast.These aches are usually hunger pangs.Tastes good! Offer foods your child <strong>and</strong>family enjoy – even if they are not common<strong>for</strong> breakfast.Provided bySmart Ways To MakeBreakfast Successful!Eat breakfast yourself. “Showing” teachesmore than simply “telling.” Your child willfollow what you do.Manage your early morningtime.• Start making breakfast the night be<strong>for</strong>e.You might mix the juice, slice fruit, ormake hard-cooked eggs.• Go to bed earlier, so you get up earlier.• Stock your kitchen with quick-to-fixbreakfast foods.Consider your child’s needs.• Encourage variety <strong>and</strong> help your childfeel in control of breakfast; offer choicesthroughout the week.• Give your child time to wake up. Manykids aren’t hungry right away. Rushingputs pressure on breakfast eating. Wakeup earlier.• Ask your child to help with breakfast –on a morning when you’re not rushing. Itcan be a nice way to start your child’s day.Yours, too!NIBBLES FOR HEALTH 5 <strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>New</strong>sle ters <strong>for</strong> Parents of <strong>Young</strong> <strong>Children</strong>, USDA, Food <strong>and</strong> <strong>Nutrition</strong> Service► Send the message home. Breakfast is a good timeto include whole grains, even on weekends <strong>and</strong>busy mornings. Share the Nibbles <strong>for</strong> Healthtake-home newsletter <strong>for</strong> parents on breakfasttips <strong>and</strong> ideas. http://teamnutrition.usda.gov/Resources/Nibbles/Nibbles_<strong>New</strong>sletter_5.pdf► Enjoy whole grains <strong>and</strong> children will too. They learnfrom watching you.30<strong>Nutrition</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Wellness</strong> <strong>Tips</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Young</strong> <strong>Children</strong>: Provider H<strong>and</strong>book <strong>for</strong> the Child <strong>and</strong> Adult Care Food ProgramBuild a Healthy Plate With Whole Grains • http://www.teamnutrition.usda.gov/library.html

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