Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

Download Complete Volume - National Translation Mission

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12 Amrita R. Joshib e b a c o c a c o l a• Using the same alphabets and combinations of these alphabets,the language itself provides the poem its poeticity and naturalrhythm with the ‘beba’ and the ‘babe’ and the ‘caco’, ‘coca’,‘cola’ and ‘cloaca’ all deriving from the combinations of thealphabets in “beba coca cola”.• When one approaches the English translation, the physicalreproduction of the language patterns poses the problemalthough the script remains the same. However, because thescript is the same, the visual intensity of the poem is notreduced greatly.• The translation does show the cumulative effect of such similarlooking words such as ‘drink’, ‘drool’ and ‘cocaine’.• Typographically, the vertical nature of the alphabets as well asthe roundedness is retained by the l’s and the o’s.• When we look at the translation of the poem we are considering:a faithful recreation of the same experience in “beba cocacola” which is supported by script - (visual and language -semantic) features.• The syntax in the source text and the target text is retainedwith the blank space contributing as the connecting element.The blank space visually specifies the relation that the verbson the left have with the nouns on the right.• However, as is the case with visual poems, the logical syntaxis broken for dramatic impact and in the last three ‘lines’/‘non-lines’ one has three nouns conveying the theme of thepoem.• Visually, the translation faithfully reproduces the ‘I’, Z andsingle word pattern except for the fact that the word ‘glue’does not visually fit into the column as in the original which isa language constraint.• The translation also chooses to reverse the color coding fromwhite on red to red on white, which self-referentially callsattention to the poem as object and as translated object.PDF compression, OCR, web optimization using a watermarked evaluation copy of CVISION PDFCompressor

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