2012 CAFR - Encina Wastewater Authority

2012 CAFR - Encina Wastewater Authority

2012 CAFR - Encina Wastewater Authority


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ENCINA WASTEWATER AUTHORITYNOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTSJUNE 30, <strong>2012</strong> AND 2011Note 11 - New Governmental Accounting Standards: (Continued)GASB No. 67In June <strong>2012</strong>, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 67, “Financial Reportingfor Pension Plans - an Amendment of GASB Statement No. 25”. This pronouncement is effective for periodsbeginning after June 15, 2013. This Statement replaces the requirements of Statements No. 25, “FinancialReporting for Defined Benefit Pension Plans and Note Disclosures for Defined Contribution Plans”, and No.50, “Pension Disclosures”, as they relate to pension plans that are administered through trusts or equivalentarrangements (hereafter jointly referred to as trusts) that meet certain criteria. T he requirements ofStatements No. 25 and 50 remain applicable to pension plans that are not administered through trustscovered by the scope of this Statement and to defined contribution plans that provide postemploymentbenefits other than pensions. The <strong>Authority</strong> has not yet determined the effects of this pronouncement in theyear of implementation.GASB No. 68In June <strong>2012</strong>, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board issued Statement No. 68, “Accounting andFinancial Reporting for Pensions”. This pronouncement is effective for periods beginning after June 15, 2013.This pronouncement establishes accounting and financial reporting requirements related to pensions forgovernments whose employees are provided with pensions through pension plans, as well as fornonemployer governments that have a legal obligation to contribute to those plans. The <strong>Authority</strong> has notyet determined the effects of this pronouncement in the year of implementation.See accompanying independent auditors’ report.42

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