Practical Kabbalah #27

Practical Kabbalah #27

Practical Kabbalah #27


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Pushing Away Your Goals• We said to write goals 20 something classes ago; writing your 5 year plan, 1 yearplan and a plan for your day• How do you balance these two things1. Write your goals2. Be happy about who you are• Every time you have a bad day and your are not excited; you are standing in frontof your gift, “your reward,” the obsession that you have for the gift for yourselfkeeps it away for just another day• The more obsession you have about your goals and the more you are chasing afterit the more you are pushing that light out of your system• This is with everything• Ex: You work with a person and you have expectations from them, the moreexpectations you have the more judgment you have, the more you are pushingthem away and the more uncomfortable they will be around you• Ex: You are in a relationship, the more expectations you have, the morejudgment and rejection the other person feels because somehow you are in themode of wanting something from them that is not connected to the light• The more obsessed you are about anything the more it runs away from you• The Rav had an amazing business, was one of the best in his area doing what hewas doing. He came to his brother in law and gave him the business and didn’twant to have anything to do with it• You don’t have to give it up, but he had a goal and that goal was for the sake ofhumanity• The Rav knew that he cannot pursue one thing (still being a successful businessman) and still doing what he needed to do• Needed to be open for whatever the universe had to offer• What this created for The Rav was years and years of not having and feelingempty; not having the right students, not having the right buildings• The Rav knew that the more he would be upset about what was happening tohimself that the more it would push away <strong>Kabbalah</strong> from being revealed to all ofus• We would never be sitting here if The Rav and Karen had expectations• The Rav and Karen had goals, they had an ambition but every few years the goalsare changing• The big goal of removing pain and suffering from the world is not changing• But the way we are doing things is always changing because there is noattachment to anything and there is nothing so important that you are not goingto move onChanging Goals• There are people on the path that do not like changes; if there is someone thatstarted studying <strong>Kabbalah</strong> 10 years ago and the person joined with an agenda…Page 6 PDF created 2010-05-05© 2010 <strong>Kabbalah</strong> Centre International. All rights in all media reserved

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