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ElectrochemicalDilatometerThe ECD-2-DL is a research grade instrument dedicated to the measurementof charge-induced strain (expansion and shrinkage) of electrodesdown to the sub-micrometer range. The dilatometer has beenparticularly developed for the investigation of Li-ion battery and otherinsertion-type electrodes. It may be used in organic as well as aqueouselectrolyte solutions. The heart of the ECD-2-DL is an electrochemicalcell, hermetically tight against ambient atmosphere. The two electrodesinside are separated by a stiff glass frit that is fixed in position. Theupper (working) electrode is sealed by means of a thin metal membrane,through which any charge-induced height change is transmittedtowards the sensor/load unit that is attached from top.Dilatometerworkingprinciplecurrent / mAA high-resolution LVDT displacement transducer detects dimensionalchanges ranging from 50 nanometers up to 500 micrometers, duringone and the same experiment that may last between a few seconds tomany days. The sample’s electrode potential may be controlled againsta reference electrode that is positioned in close proximity to the workingelectrode.height2 µmThe ECD-2-DL comes with an integrated data logger recording the displacementsignal together with the electrode potential, the cell currentand the temperature. The displacement and temperature signal are alsoavailable at the analog output connector, thus enabling seamless integrationinto many of today‘s electrochemical workstations and batterytesters.Enabling Electrochemical Dilatometryin the Nanometer ScaleThe new ECD-nano-DL electrochemical dilatometer has a resolutionin the true nanometer range. This new development is fully compatiblewith the ECD-2-DL, except for the sensor/load unit. With thenew capacitive parallel-plate sensor system, the ECD-nano-DL providesa much better resolution below 5 nanometers (against 50 nmfor the ECD-2-DL). The high resolution of the ECD-nano-DL opensnew fields of application to electrochemical dilatometry. Quasi2 -dimensional electrode processes like the SEI formation in lithium-ionbatteries, or the electrochemically driven growth of passivation layers onmetal surfaces might become the subject of future dilatometric studies.Just like the ECD-2-DL, the ECD-nano-DL provides an analog signal outputthat allows for seamless integration into the software applicationsof many of today’s electrochemical workstations and battery testers.potential / VCurrent response and height change of layered Ruthenium oxide HROin 2 M H2SO4 during slow scan voltammetry. Courtesy of Prof. WataruSugimoto, Shinshu University, Japan. Measurement with LVDT sensor(ECD-2-DL).ECD-2-DL ECD-nano-DLDisplacement Sensor LVDT CapacitiveRange 500 microns 100 micronsResolution

ECD-2-DLFeatures ECD-2-DL500 micrometer full range with 50 nm maximum resolution (LVDTsensor with dc voltage output, -10 to 10 V)Choice between many different electrode types:bound films (up to 10 mm in diameter, up to 1 mm thick), binderfreepowders or single crystalsCompatible with aprotic as well as aqueous electrochemistry byproper choice of construction materials (standard is gold or stainlesssteel 316L for current collectors, PEEK for cell housing, andEPDM for seals)Small cell volume (< 2 ml electrolyte required)High drift stability of height signal for long-term experiments(drift

Electrochemical Test CellsECC Electrochemical CellTest cells for Li-battery electrodesThe ECC Electrochemical Cell is considered a standard test cell for thecharacterization of lithium ion battery as well as other aprotic chemistries.With the ECC cell design we have adapted the advantages of theindustry’s standard button (coin) cell while avoiding its serious shortcomingsfor everyday lab usage. The ECC cell design is the result of manyyears experience and iterative improvement in lithium ion battery andsupercapacitor electrode testing. It is perfectly suited for voltammetryand impedance as well as cycle life testing. The ECC cell can be optionallyequipped with a reference electrode to control or monitor half cellpotentials. Also available is a special version for aqueous systems.ECC-StdStandard Test Cellfor lithium ion batteryand other aproticelectrochemical systemsFeaturesHigh precision 18 mm diameter sandwich geometry with

Complete systemsECC-StandDockingstation for 5 test cellsThe ECC-STAND docking station can accommodate up to 5 cells of theECC series. Just a click, and the test cell is connected to a battery testeror multi-channel potentiostat via a terminal box. A toggle switch servesto switch between two- and three-electrode operation. The ECC-STANDdocking station thus allows for a permanent connection between agiven tester channel and the corresponding cell position inside thestand, thereby helping to prevent the common wiring trouble and riskof failure when operating multiple cells in parallel.The ECC-STAND can be wall-mounted, placed inside a temperaturechamber, or simply sit on the bench top.Placement into Temperature Chamberdocking station wall-mountedFeaturesAccommodates up to 5 cells of type ECC, ECC-REF or ECC-AQUUp to 4 stands (20 cells) can be placed inside any temperaturechamber of the 53 liters Binder series (e.g., Binder BG53).Adaptation to many other environments is possible on request.Operating conditions: Temperature -40 to +70°C, humidity noncondensingTwo 15-pole SUB-D connectors for connectiontowards Terminal BoxShielded connection cables with pair-wise twisted sense and currentlines for low parasitic impedanceTechnical Data150 mm x 398 mm x 160 mm (height x width x depth)weight appr.: 3.8 kg10 <strong>EL</strong>-C<strong>EL</strong>L-flyer / 09-2012

Lithium batteryapplication labServices:Manufacturing (slurry preparation, casting, drying, punching) ofelectrodes from client’s materials; formulation and characterizationof electrolytesCycle life and impedance tests on half and full cells (to some extentmaterials can be provided by us)Round Robin tests for validation and tuning up of client’s testcapabilitiesTesting of client’s materials with <strong>EL</strong>-C<strong>EL</strong>L test cells:- ECD Dilatometer (charge induced electrode expansion)- ECC-Press (gas evolution)- ECC-Opto (optical inspection with face-to-face arrangementof electrodes)- ECC-Opto SBS (optical inspection with side-by-sidearrangement of electrodesIndividual training and hands-on seminars to get you up to speedwith Li-ion battery making and testing. Full access to the equipmentlisted below.Equipment/Facilities:MBraun Glovebox system with

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