October 2005 - American Bonanza Society

October 2005 - American Bonanza Society

October 2005 - American Bonanza Society

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Quesl,ons are marked w,Ih ,nil,ols of Ihe lech sloff or consultonl who answered ,INP-Neil Pobanz. AF-Ar'tc; Foulk. D-Tom Turner, RG-Ran Gras, AM·Arthur M,IIer. BR-BabR'pleyare the same. There is no data to supportthe buShing, but it prevents gasket blowout. as do the slip joint risers and surfacedport . - PHot-running E-225David ThrasherSteilacoom, WashingtonQ: I have a B35 with a ContinentalE-22S. It seems to be running hot in theclimb and I have let it go as high as 222with red line at 225. Departing out ofWalla Walla on a 95F day, the oil washot again and the oil pressure droppedto 28 psi. I am using the cowl flapsproperly and the oil is properly serviced.Any recommendations on how toproceed?A: Ensure the baffling is in goodshape and that the crankcase breather isopen and clear. It's also important thatthe fuel flow is rich enough. The carburetorhas an enrichment valve related tothrottle travel.You might want to try flying at fullthrottle in those conditions for fuelenrichment, with a lower rpm.("Oversquare" is OK.) Check the riggingof the throttle, and you may haveto have the carb flow checked. -NPAlternator lightPou/MondelClearwater Beach, FloridaQ: The alternator lamp on my 1970B55's glareshield is intermittent. I needto know where to buy a new assembly.A: I believe factory-new or salvageyards are your choice. Ensure thegrounds, relay and sensor wire are OKfirst. The relay is held open by powerfrom the aux terminal through an inlinefuse to the relay, which provides aground for the light. You could have ashorted wire to the relay from the light.-NPPulsing lightsDonald GummGranbury. TexasQ: I would like to install a set of theAlpi ne Aviation wingtip recognitionlights and I want them to pulse. Can yourecommend a model and source for apulsing system that would be compatiblewith the stock 24-volt three-lightstrobe system on a 1979 A36? It has thelarge lenses and large strobes. I wouldlike both the strobes and the recognitionlights to pulse. If that's not possible,then just the recognition lights will do.A: I don't believe you can pulse thestrobes, but the recognition lights can bepulsed. Try Precise Flight (800-547-2558 or www.preciseflight.com). -NPNew tail light lensJohn JohnsonPortland. OregonQ: Where can I obtain a new taillight lens for a K <strong>Bonanza</strong>? I've got theSTC drawings for it, but they don't havethe manufacturer's info.A: Wag Aero (800-558-6868) has thelens. -NP"Creaking PstabilizerTim HutchinsonVon Nuys, CaliforniaQ: I have a 1967 C55 that makes anoticeable creaking sound when the leftside horizontal stabilizer is flexedup/down using 10 to 20 pounds of forceat the outboard edge. The right side stabilizeralso makes a very slight creakingsound when flexed but nothing I wouldconsider unusual.My A&P has removed all theinspection plates and checked for signsof distress, wear, cracking, etc. withnothing found. The sound is heardmostly in the area of the horizontal stabilizerwhere the forward spar bolts tothe stabilizer structure. You can also feelthe creaking sound with your hand naton the top kin surface in this locationwhen the stabilizer is flexed.We've removed several of the boltsconnecting the stabil izer to the spar(front and rear) and found the bolt holesto be a snug fit for the bolts with no evidenceof movement or wear at the boltholes. The spar bolts were then allretorqued as specified in the Beechservice manual.There is no ev idence of excessivenex at any point along the stabi lizerwhen it i stressed. The bulkhead in thefuselage, where the spar is bolted to theairframe, was also thoroughly inspectedonce again with no obvious signs of distress,wear or cracking.The current theory is that we'rehearing a kind of 'oil caning' effectcaused by the outer skin of the stabilizerhaving been stressed and perhapsstretched at some point, and the normalnex found in the stabilizer causes theskin to creak, as when an old-style oilcan is pressed with a thumb to dispenseoi l.The aircraft is in otherwise excellentcondition with no signs of damage.corrosion or abuse. The airframe hasaround 6.000 hours on it with an excellentrecord of AD compliance and maintenance.At this point, with no clear culpritidentified, my mechanic is hardpressedto suggest a repair or to identifythis as a dangerous condition.A: Many times when there is a sharpcrack-type sound, it's because there is acrack in a doubler or the bulkhead,where it is fastened together. If there isno visual evidence of that, it may be atin-can type of sound, which would notbe a reason for not nying the airplane.Take a very close look. - P

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