October 2005 - American Bonanza Society

October 2005 - American Bonanza Society

October 2005 - American Bonanza Society

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RMBS group at the lodge on Glacier Notional Pork's Lake McDonald.guided tour on an old double-deck boatcruising the gin-clear waters of LakeMcDonald. The guide filled us in on thehistory and geological features.We had choices for the balance ofthe day-some hiked, some rode horses,others opted for a driving tour on theGoing-to-the-Sun Road in historic redbuses. These vintage motor coaches,built in the late '30s, have roll-back canvastops that allow great viewing. Byany mode of transportation, all enjoyedspectacular alpine scenery, snowcappedand glacier-clad mountains andwi ldlife in a natural setting.Each evening was a fine diningexperience in the lodge. Many of thewait staff were work exchange studentsfrom European countries. It was fun listeningto them practicing English, andthey had great stories about their homelandto share with us.For a less-formal setting thanRussell 's Fireside restaurant, there wasJammer Joe's Grill and Pizzeria, servingburgers, sandwiches and pizza washeddown with some unusual-soundinglocal microbrews. My favorite wasMoose Drool-and I don 't even rememberseeing any moose during our visit!After dinner we sat around a hugestone fireplace roasting marshmallowsand making s'mores. We were especiallypopular with the kids in me lodge.Clear sky and mostly favorablewinds bid RMBS members farewell tothis very enjoyable weekend.-Bill GrieSingerSoutheastern <strong>Bonanza</strong><strong>Society</strong>Oh my, we did have a good time!The pride John and Linda Sellmer havein their summer home in North Carolinais well deserved. They had every facetof our fly-in covered with quality andattention to detail. The FBO was alsoattentive to our needs and everyone wasquickly refueled, safely parked and offon an eight-mi nute ride to JeffersonLanding resort.After Friday's breakfast, a group ofmore than 30 members took a two-anda-halfhour canoe trip-a mixture ofbeauty and calm when we crui sedunderneath the overhanging trees. Otherparts of the trip were more exciting aswe glided beneath low bridges, overrocks and men through white water,which made those in me forward seatssit up and take notice.Saturday brought three alternatives:The golf course, a day trip to an"Arts in the Park" event or to the airfieldfor pointers from Bob Ripley onaircraft maintenance and some old-fashionedtire kicking. Eventually, everyoneregrouped and were excited and animatedas they told aboUl their choice of theday 's activities.At the Saturday evening banquet,Autumn Brown drew names for one ofthe lovely local gifts Linda Sellmer hadwrapped so beautifully.The fly-in came to an end too soon,and as the morning fog lifted on Sundayrevealing a bright blue sky, we made outdeparture.Our annual SEBS fl y-in to theBahamas is coming up in December.Those interested in joining SEBS orattending our fly-ins should check ourwebsite www.SEBS.org or contact TroyBranning (305-378-8669).- Jay WilsollSEBS group swapping stories at dinner.The spectacular alpine scenery and wildlife inGlacier Pork was a real treot for RMBS members.SEBS group at Jefferson Landing resort in Narth Carolina.ABS <strong>October</strong> <strong>2005</strong> www.bonanza .org Page 9285

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