189 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses, Including Severe Acute ...

189 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses, Including Severe Acute ...

189 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses, Including Severe Acute ...


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CHAPTER <strong>189</strong> <strong>Coronaviruses</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Toroviruses</strong>, <strong>Including</strong> <strong>Severe</strong> <strong>Acute</strong> Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) 2385Enteric Human Coronavirus <strong>and</strong>Torovirus InfectionsCORONAVIRUSESFrom the earliest descriptions of HCoVs, because of theprominence of coronaviruses as a cause of diarrhea in youngcalves <strong>and</strong> pigs, attempts have been made to find coronavirusesin the stool <strong>and</strong> associate them with enteric disease.The particles that have been seen, often called coronaviruslikeparticles (CVLPs), have appeared as frequently in stoolsfrom well subjects as in those with diarrhea in many studies,<strong>and</strong> at times they have been difficult to distinguish from cellularmembrane fragments. Indeed, their authenticity as21, 55, 72, 81viruses has been called into doubt on occasion.This situation has been confused further by the morerecent separation of toroviruses from enteric coronaviruses,although this separation probably will lead ultimately to clarificationof this murky field. Many of the specimens that wereconsidered to contain CVLPs in earlier papers may very wellhave contained toroviruses. At present, electron microscopiststhink that these virus genera can be distinguished in mostinstances on the basis of morphology alone, 22 <strong>and</strong> in manycases the presence of human toroviruses can be confirmedby serologic testing for stool antigens with bovine antisera4, 44, 47containing bovine torovirus (Breda virus) antibody.The first reports of HCoV as a possible cause of humangastroenteritis appeared in 1975; CVLPs were found by electronmicroscopy in the stools of English adults in threesharp outbreaks of nonbacterial gastroenteritis. 14, 16 In thesame year, CVLPs were reported in the stools of healthyadults in India. 60 These rather contrasting publications fromEngl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> India heralded the beginning of a continuingcontroversy on the etiologic importance of these agents as55, 72enteric pathogens.The firmest link of CVLPs to human enteric disease iswith gastroenteritis in the very young, especially neonatalnecrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). A controlled epidemiologicinvestigation of NEC was conducted in two hospitals inFrance, one with <strong>and</strong> one without an NEC outbreak. 18Within each hospital, newborns with “no pathologic occurrence”were used as controls. In the NEC-free hospital, noCVLPs were found in the stools of 21 controls, but 2 patientswith mild diarrhea had CVLPs. In the NEC hospital, 23 ofthe 32 (72%) NEC patients had fecal CVLPs, whereas only 3of 26 (11.5%) controls were positive (p < .02). Similarly,CVLPs were observed in infants who were part of a NECoutbreak in a special care nursery in Texas. 88 This outbreakyielded a virus that subsequently has been adapted togrowth in tissue culture <strong>and</strong> to some extent characterized. 53In September 1979, an episode of acute, severe (bloodystools, bilious gastric aspirates, abdominal distention) gastroenteritisoccurred in a neonatal intensive care unit inArizona, <strong>and</strong> several clinical signs were associated significantlywith CVLPs in patients’ stools. 106 Two children diedin this outbreak, <strong>and</strong> another infant death, with carefulelectron-microscopic description of coronavirus infection inthe distal end of the small bowel, occurred in Oklahoma. 89In Italy, a case-control study of infants <strong>and</strong> young childrenwith enteritis found a significant difference in fecal CVLPpresence between the ill <strong>and</strong> control groups: 16.3 percent inill children <strong>and</strong> 1.6 percent in controls (p

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