189 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses, Including Severe Acute ...

189 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses, Including Severe Acute ...

189 Coronaviruses and Toroviruses, Including Severe Acute ...


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CHAPTER <strong>189</strong> <strong>Coronaviruses</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Toroviruses</strong>, <strong>Including</strong> <strong>Severe</strong> <strong>Acute</strong> Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) 23875. Beards, G. M., Hall, C., Green, J., et al.: An enveloped virus in stools ofchildren <strong>and</strong> adults with gastroenteritis that resembles the Breda virus ofcalves. Lancet 1:1050–1052, 1984.6. Bende, M., Barrow, I., Heptonstall, J., et al.: Changes in human nasalmucosa during experimental coronavirus common colds. Acta Otolaryngol.107:262–269, 1989.7. Bradburne, A. F.: Antigenic relationships amongst coronaviruses. Arch.Gesamte Virusforsch. 31:352–364, 1970.8. Bradburne, A. F., Bynoe, M. L., <strong>and</strong> Tyrrell, D. A.: Effects of a “new”human respiratory virus in volunteers. B. M. J. 3:767–769, 1967.9. Bradburne, A. F., <strong>and</strong> Somerset, B. 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