PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge


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Q. When Browsing Declarer’s Checklist, which suit is likely to provide extra tricks?A. Hearts.The diamond suit might also provide an extra trick if the missing diamonds are divided 3-3 but itwill be of no help on this deal, so it can be ignored.East and West, turn yourhearts face up.WESTNORTH♥ A K 8 7 3EAST♥ Q 9 4 ♥ 10 2Q. How many extra tricks can be developed inSOUTHthe heart suit?A. Two.♥ J 6 5• Two extra tricks can be developed throughlength by playing the ♥A-K and then giving up a heart trick to West’s ♥Q.• North’s two remaining hearts become winners when the missing hearts are divided 3-2.If a student asks if the ♥Q can be captured through a finesse, you can illustrate how West’s ♥9becomes a winner if South’s ♥J is led and covered by West’s ♥Q.• So, North and South are likely to make seven tricks with hearts as the trump suit: fourhearts and three clubs.• Looked at another way, declarer has to lose six tricks: two spade tricks, one heart trick,and three diamond tricks.Observations• If North-South were left to play in a contract of 2♥, they would be defeated one trick andEast-West would get 50 points.• By using the overcall to get into the auction and compete for the contract, East-West canbid and make 2♠ for a score of 110 points.• If North-South were to compete to 3♥, they will be defeated two tricks and East-Westwill get 100 points – or 300 points if they were to double for penalties.• So, the overcall can be an effective way to get into the auction when the opponents openthe bidding:• We might reach a contract we can make.• We might push the opponents to a contract they can’t make.Closing InstructionsTurn all the cards face up. South, West, and East place your cardson top of the corresponding suit in the North hand. Each player thentake one suit.68

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