PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge


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Exercise Eight – Advancing an Overcall with Support and 10+ Points Teachers’ Key Point• Show how advancer shows support with 10 or more points.• Introduce the cuebid.Student Textbook Reference: pages 59-61.Opening Remarks• We’ve seen what advancer does with support for partner’s overcalled suit and fewer than10 points.• Let’s look at what advancer does with support and about 10 or more points.• We’ll be introducing an exciting new concept.Group ActivityWest, place the 1♦ bid in front of you.North, place the 1♠ bid in front of you.East, place a Pass in front of you.Construct the following hand in front of South.WEST1♦NORTH1♠EASTPASSSOUTH♠ A x x♥ K x x♦ x x x♣ K J x xQ. West opens 1♦, North overcalls 1♠, and East passes. Does South have support forNorth?A. Yes.• North has promised at least a five-card spade suit and South has three-card support.• South also has 11 high-card points.Q. Why can’t South raise to 2♠?A. Too strong.• A raise to the two level would show only about 6-9 points.Q. Why can’t South raise to 3♠?A. Too strong.• A jump raise to the three level would show four-card support and fewer than 10 points.94

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