PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge


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• Let’s assume North has a five-card suit for the 1♠ overcall.Combined Trumps Level3-card support 5 + 3 = 8 Two level4-card support 5 + 4 = 9 Three level5-card support 5 + 5 = 10 Four level• So, with the hand on the table, South has three-card support and should be willing to raiseto the three-level.East, replace the Pass with a 2♥ bid.Change the South hand:In spades: add a low spade.In clubs: take away the ♣J.WESTQ. West opens 1♥, North overcalls 1♠, and East raises to2♥. What call does South make?A. 3♠.• South has 5 high-card points plus 1 dummy point for each doubleton.1♥NORTH1♠EAST2♥SOUTH♠ K x x x♥ x x♦ Q x x x x♣ x x• With four-card support, South can make an obstructive – preemptive – jump raise to 3♠to try and make it more challenging for East-West to find their best spot.Change the South hand:In spades: add a low spade.In hearts: take away a low heart.In diamonds: take away ♦Q;add a low diamond.Q. After West opens 1♥, North overcalls 1♠, and Eastraises to 2♥, what call could South make with thishand?A. 4♠.WEST1♥NORTH1♠EAST2♥SOUTH♠ K x x x x♥ x♦ x x x x x♣ x x• It seems surprising for South to jump all the way to 4♠ with only three high-card points,but South has a good distributional hand with 3 dummy points for the singleton heart and1 dummy point for the doubleton club.• With a weak distributional hand, advancer can make a preemptive raise to the four levelwith five-card support … competing to the level of the combined number of trumps heldby the partnership (5 + 5 = 10 → ten tricks → four level).86

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