PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge

PDF File - Better Bridge


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North, leave the ♠Q on the tableface up and turn your remainingcards face down.East and West, turn your cardsface up.Only 27 cards are face up on thetable … the East and West handsand the ♠Q lead from North.Focus on the East-West hands.NORTH♠QWEST (Declarer) EAST (Dummy)♠ A 9 4 ♠ K 5 3♥ A K 5 3 ♥ 9 4♦ 6 5 4 ♦ Q J 10 9 7♣ Q J 7 ♣ A K 5SOUTH• Let’s go through Declarer’s Plan.• The first step is to Assess the Situation.Q. How many tricks does West need to take in a 3NT contract?A. Nine.• Let’s count the sure tricks.Spades 2Hearts 2Diamonds 0Clubs 3Total 7• The second stage in Declarer’s Plan is to Browse Declarer’s Checklist.Q. Which suit offers the potential to develop extra tricks?A. Diamonds.• Declarer can plan to promote extra tricks in the diamond suit by driving out theopponents’ ♦A and ♦K.• Once the ♦A and ♦K are driven out, declarer will have three extra winners … more thanenough to make the contract.• Before starting to play, declarer needs to go through the third stage – Consider the Order.Q. Should declarer plan to take the winners first before developing tricks in the diamondsuit?A. No.• One of the guidelines under Consider the Order is to “take the losses early.”80

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