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The Twenty-fourth Session of IRCICA’s Governing Boardheld in Istanbul8-9 November 2009Message of His Excellency President Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal,Chairman of the 11th Islamic Summit and Chairman of the COMIAC on theoccasion of the Governing Board meetingThe Twenty-fourth Session of the Governing Boardof IRCICA was held at the Centre’s premises on 8-9November 2009. His Excellency Maître Abdoulaye Wade,President of the Republic of Senegal, Chairman of the 11thIslamic Summit Conference, and Chairman of the StandingCommittee for Information and Cultural Affairs (COMIAC)have sent a Message on this occasion.The opening ceremony on Sunday 8 November 2009 atthe Centre’s headquarters in Yıldız Palace was held in thepresence of President Malal Bacai Sanha, President of theRepublic of Guinea-Bissau, who was in Istanbul in thatperiod to participate in the Economic Summit of the OICconvened on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of theCOMCEC (OIC’s Standing Committee for Economicand Commercial Cooperation). The Secretary General ofthe OIC Prof. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu was present at theceremony. Ministers from the Member States participatingin the Economic Summit were also present: the Minister ofCommerce of Senegal Mr. Amadou Niang, and the Ministerof Commerce of the Palestinian Authority Mr. Hassan AbuLabda. It was at the same time an occasion for IRCICA tobrief the guests on the activities.The Message of President Abdoulaye Wade was read onbehalf of the President by Mr. Amadou Niang, Minister ofCommerce of the Republic of Senegal. The message pointedto the particularly significant results obtained by IRCICA inthe various fields covered by its activities and underlined theimportance of the essential guiding lines of the mission ofIRCICA in the present time.The ceremony started with the presentation of a briefdocumentary on the Centre’s activities. Then, IRCICADirector General Dr. Halit Eren gave a welcoming address,first expressing gratitude for the support extended by Headsof State and Government of the Member States which helpedit achieve its present status with many authentic workson its record all responding to the objectives set for it. Hesaid that furthermore, in its orientations and initiativesIRCICA benefited immensely from the guidance and theliaisons provided by its Governing Board members. Hesaid: “Based on these solid foundations, IRCICA drewfrom the inexhaustible sources and legacy of Islam over itsvast geography. It promoted research and learning on thishistory, on its heritage that is living in the cultures, thelanguages, the cities, the arts and sciences of so many peoplesand communities across the world.” Dr. Eren said that indisseminating the results of its studies the Centre addressesmultiple audiences within and outside the Member Statesincluding governments and NGOs, academic platforms, themedia and public opinion. Thus over the past twenty-nine4Newsletter September -December 2009, No: 80The opening ceremony

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