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project which ran through 1994-2004 where the Centrerestored and rebuilt monuments and published books on thehistory of Muslims in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He recalledthat the Centre now runs a similar project for Al-Quds.H.E. Mr. Amadou Niang, Minister of Commerce of theRepublic of Senegal, read the Message of H.E. PresidentAbdoulaye Wade, to the audience. The message pointed tothe particularly significant results achieved by IRCICA inthe various fields covered by its activities. It underlined andaffirmed the importance of the essential guiding lines of themission of IRCICA in the present time. In its noble missionaimed at highlighting eternally the image of the Islamicreligion and culture, the Centre had taken care not to neglectanything of that culture and this religion; it had also takencare to expand its research activities to all parts of the world.The President underlined the common task of the Centre andall Muslims consisting of re-establishing the beauty of theIslamic culture by showing, to the entire world, its writings, itsmonuments, its immeasurable literary and artistic heritage,the diversity of handicraft works it inspires, and, above all, itsuniversal dimension based on solidarity, sharing and peace.President Wade also indicated that the activities undertakenby IRCICA in Al-Quds“reflect the concern to restorethe great works, but theyespecially have, as foundinggrounds, the protection of amessage of mutual acceptancein this High Place wheredifferent civilisations meet,6Dr. Abdulaziz Turki Subaiespoke on behalf of theGoverning BoardAmbassador al-Masry, advisorto the OIC Secretary GeneralProf. Amadou Cissé Ndiéguène,SenegalNewsletter September -December 2009, No: 80mix, but unfortunately,sometimes clash.”Mr. Mohammed A. al-Murr,U.A.E.Dr. Saad A. Al-Rashid,Saudi ArabiaThe Governing Board held its working sessions from theafternoon of the same day until the end of next day, that is,during 8-9 November 2009. It examined the activity reporton the implementation of the 2009 work plan. It examinedand finalised the proposed work program for 2010 before it issubmitted to the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers throughthe Islamic Commission for Economic, Cultural and SocialAffairs (the General Assembly of the OIC subsidiaries) foradoption.During its working sessions and in its Final Report, theGoverning Board of IRCICA expressed its deep gratitude toH.E. Maître Abdoulaye Wade, President of Senegal, Chairmanof the 11th Islamic Summit Conference, and Chairman of theStanding Committee for Information and Cultural Affairs(COMIAC) for the significant and comprehensive Messageaddressed to IRCICA.The Governing Board conveyed its profound gratitude toHis Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani, Emir ofthe State of Qatar, for having visited the Centre and givenencouragement to its activities, and especially, for extendinga generous donation to IRCICA which is an expression of HisHighness’ wish to extend support to activities and projectsaimed at promoting the Islamic heritage and preserving it forthe benefit of the Muslim peoples and the world at large.The following members of the Board were present: Dr.Abdulaziz Bin Abdulla Bin Turki Al-Subaie, Qatar (Chaiman);Dr. Saad Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Rashid, Saudi Arabia (Vice-Chairman); Prof. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli, Turkey; Dato Haji A.Aziz Bin Deraman, Malaysia; Mr. Mohammed Ahmed Al-Murr, United Arab Emirates; Prof. Amadou Cissé Ndiéguène,Senegal; Dr. Mutlaq Rashid Al-Qarawi, Kuwait, Dr. HalitEren, Director General, IRCICA. The Secretary Generalof OIC and the Director General of IRCICA are ex-officiomembers of the Board. During theworking sessions which followedthe opening ceremony, SecretaryGeneral Prof. Ekmeleddin İhsanoğluwas represented by AmbassadorSayed Kassem Al Masry, Advisor tothe Secretary General of OIC.Dato Haji A. Aziz Bin Deraman,MalaysiaDr. Mutlaq R. Al-Qarawi,KuwaitDuring the session the GoverningBoard members and the DirectorGeneral of IRCICA recalled withgratitude and paid tribute to H.R.H.AmbassadorDr. WijdanAl-Hashimi,f o r m e rChair of theBoard, forher excellentconduct andguidance ofthe work ofProf. Dr. Mehmet İpşirli,Turkeythe Board formany years

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