1916 lake elsinore gossip column - Temecula Valley Historical Society

1916 lake elsinore gossip column - Temecula Valley Historical Society

1916 lake elsinore gossip column - Temecula Valley Historical Society


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Hugh Magee was in town one day this week having his thresher repaired getting it ready to thresh his beans upon thehill.Mr. and Mrs. Albert Banks and children are spending a few days at Escondido taking in the fair.D. J. Woosley of Escondido was in town one day this week looking after business interests.Mrs. John B. Kelly and Miss Zoe D. Carr left Sunday afternoon by stage to the beach at Oceanside where Mrs. Kellywill join her husband. They will spend a few days before returning home.Last Saturday night a social party was given by Mr. and Mrs. John Cantarini at their home in French <strong>Valley</strong>. It waswell attended, many of the young folk from town attending.The Hyde Construction Company has finished the boulevard between <strong>Temecula</strong> and the county line. It is open fortravel now.September 22, <strong>1916</strong>After a very pleasant visit with friends and relatives here in <strong>Temecula</strong>, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. White and Mr. and Mrs. H.Wilson all of Los Angeles, left for their homes the early part of the week.Mrs. J. C. Rodriguez of Escondido is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Banks.The C. L. Hyde Construction Company, road builders, left the first of the week for Ventura, where they have anothercontract of road building.Mr. and Mrs. John B. Kelly and Mrs. Zoe D. Carr have returned home from the beach at Oceanside.Albert F. Nienke is building sheds for his lumberyards to protect the lumber from the wet weather.John Noble has been appointed janitor of the <strong>Temecula</strong> union School.Ole Larsen is building an extension of thirty feet to his barbershop. This room will be a pool hall and he will have twoor more pool tables. Mr. Larsen has been in business here for the past ten months.The Santa Fe has a force of about a hundred men laying a spur tract close to the riverbank in order to dump rock.Miss Hattie A. Welty left the first of the week for Catalina Island where she will spend two weeks' vacation.I. Parks of Cahuilla brought to the Santa Fe stockyards a hundred head of fine cattle and they were shipped to SantaAna yesterday.Mac Machado, August Cantarini, and John Magee left Saturday morning for Aguanga where they will spend a fewdays fishing.Mrs. J. C. Rodriguez of Escondido arrived the first of the week and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Banksand family.Saturday night, September 23, a dance will be given at the bank hall. A cordial invitation is extended to all.William H. Haynes is a happy owner of a five-passenger Saxon Six.Albert F. Nienke has sold a large bill of lumber to Ole Larsen for the building of the new poolroom. Mr. Larsenexpects to have everything in running order by the last of the week.23

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