Skibbereen Arts Festival

Skibbereen Arts Festival

Skibbereen Arts Festival


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TUESDAY JULY 2728CHILDREN’S PUPPET SHOWAN SEANFHEAR BEAGle Marc Mac LochlainnBased on ‘The Story of the Little Old Man’by famous Swedish author, Barbro Lindgre,it has been adapted and traslated by MarcMacLochalinn. It is a delicate tale of the friendshipbetween a lonely old man and a dog no-one wanted,told with enchanting puppets and live music. Thistouching story is told by Branar with the help ofpuppets created by Suse Reibisch and Morgan Cooke’snewly composed live music. The show was created withthe help of the <strong>Arts</strong> Council. Branar is delighted to beworking with Bjarne Sandborg of Teatre Refleksionwho was artistic advisor on this project.Age 6-10THEATRETHESCIENCEOF FLANNO’BRIENTUESDAY JULY 2529In his writings, and particularly, in ‘The ThirdPoliceman’, Flann O’Brien took scientific principles,extrapolated them to fantastic proportions, and setthe outcomes in a bizarre context that is at once bothlogical and illogical. Written in 1940, but not publisheduntil after the author’s death in 1967, the story followsthe trail of a murderer on the run through an Irishcountryside that is not as we know it.In this setting, the narrator is continually challenged byscientific processes that we normally take for grantedsuch as the relationship between light and time, theConservation of Energy, and perhaps most famously,the Molecule Theory. His most infamous descriptionrelates to how molecular theory contributes to theproduction of a being that is part-Garda, part-bicycle(and vice-versa).In this exciting two-man show, where travel is anillusion and a pint of plain is your only man, the comicworld of Flann O’Brien is prised open by DCU ChemistryProfessor Dermot Diamond and actor Fergus Cronin.SKIBBEREEN TOWN HALL | 1PM/7PM | €5ABBEYSTREWRY HALL | 8PM | €10

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