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AMCS Bulletin 5 ReprintPleopods resembling those of S. quinterensis. Malepleopod 2, segment 3 of exopod short, only about1/5 length of segment 2 (nearly 1/2 length in S.quinterensis).Uropod protopod, medial lobe not reaching posteriorto lateral tooth; margins with few spines. Endopodreaching transverse suture of exopod. Exopodproximal segment with 22 spines on lateral margin,distal spine not more robust than others; distal seg·ment about 0.4 length of proximal segment.Color. Without pigmentation except black pig.ment dorsally on distal part of telson, most of uro·podal endopod, and lateral part of exopod.Relationships-Of the known species of Spelaeomysis,only S. bottazzii, S. quinterensis, and S.nuniezi agree with S. olivae in having the eyestalksseparate and without ommatidia. Among other differences,S. quinterensis has a narrower telson withfewer marginal spines (24 in Villalobos' figure 3, 27in the topotype illustrated herein-Figure 12). In theuropod the medial lobe of the uropod has no long apicalspine (Fig. 20), and the endopod reaches beyondthe suture of the exopod. The sternal lamellae ofpleonites 3-5 all have slightly concave posterior margins.S. bottazzii is described in terms having genericrather than specific value, but appears to lack thesuture on the exopod of the uropod.Spelaeomysis cardisomae, new speciesFigs. 21-31,33-38Material Examined-(AII collected by Donald B.Bright, Cali<strong>for</strong>nia State University, Fullerton): LCBA(Land Crab Biological Associate) 356: Margin of mangrove,Hooker Bay, Isla San Andres, Columbia (Caribbean,east of Nicaragua), 1 foot above mangrove HHTline, burrow temperature 30°C; dominant plants,Avicennia and Caesalpinia; water in burrow brown,high sulfide odor. 8 July 1968. Burrow occupied bycrab, Cardisoma guanhumi and mosquitoes, adultDeinocerites pseudes. 6 males, 1 female.LCBA 363: Margin of mangrove, Southwest Bay,Isla Providencia, Columbia (Caribbean, east of Nicaragua).1.2 feet above MHT line, burrow occupied byCardisoma guanhumi and larval and adult Deinoceritespseudes. Mud with "rusty" color, numerous burrowscovered by high tide during day. 20 July 1968. 1 female.LCBA 505: Eastern margin of Estero Rojos, Bocadel RIO Tumbes, Peru. Margin of Estero covered withsome Avicennia and Prosopis; Salicornia common.Cardisoma crassum burrows approximately 125 feetfrom central area of Estero in soft alluvial mud. Burrowsflooded approximately 8 hours per day; watertable very high, hence burrows do not become dry.Burrow water pH 6.4, salinity 31.6 0/00. 31 January1969.6 males, 4 females, 1 juvenile.LCBA 508. Same data as 505. 1 male, 1 juvenile.LCBA 509. Same data as 505. 3 males, 1 juvenile.LCBA 510. Same data as 505. 2 juveniles.Holotype-A 6.2 mm male from LCBA 505(USNM 143332). The remaining specimens in 505and those in 508, 509, and 510 are paratypes.Etymology-Named after the land crab genus inwhose burrows the mysids were collected.Diagnosis-Length 4.5-6.5 mm. Carapace withrounded rostrum covering only bases of eyestalks;anterolateral lobes reaching al most to distal end ofeyestalks. Eyestalks separate, about as wide as long,broader distally, with a few distolateral ommatidia.Pleuron of pereonite 7 not reaching ventrad beyondpleuron of pereonite 1. Sternal lamellae of pleonites3-5 slightly concave on free margins. Telson spatulate,about 1.3 times as long as width at base; marginof distal 1/2·2/3 armed with spines, the number in·creasing with size-20 in a 3.7 mm male, 31 in a 6.7mm male; largest spine at apex, flanked by a pair ofshort spines, followed by a pair of large spines andthen a pair of spines larger than all except apicalspine.Antenna 1 peduncle, segment 2 slightly shorterand distinctly narrower than segment 1; dorsal surfaceof segment 2 and distomedial part of segment 1covered with small shingle-like scales; segment 3 withdistolateral process bearing 3 setae; inner flagellumreaching nearly to posterior end of pleon; outer flagellumslightly shorter. Antenna 2 scale about 2.5 timesas long as wide, reaching more than 1/3 along lastpeduncle segment; flagellum reaching anterior part ofpleon. Mandible similar to that of S. olivae but withminor differences in setation of palp. Maxilliped withslender epipodite; carpus with 4 spines on lateralmargin. Pereopods similar to those of S. olivae, butnot so long and slender.Male pleopod 2, exopod segment 2 broad; medialmargin armed with close-set curved spines.Uropod protopod, medial lobe well developed;margins with numerous curved spines. Endopod reachingwell beyond transverse suture of exopod. Exopodproximal segment with about 23 spines on lateralmargin; distal spine distinctly more robust thanothers; distal segment about half length of proximalsegment.Color. Preserved specimens have mottled darkbrown pigment on eyestalks, peduncles of antennae 1and 2, carapace, exposed pereonites, pleon and telson.The uropodal rami are very sparsely pigmented.Ventrally the pereon and pleon are very lightly and17

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