M A Y 2 0 1 2 • S A S O L D I E R - Department of Defence

M A Y 2 0 1 2 • S A S O L D I E R - Department of Defence

M A Y 2 0 1 2 • S A S O L D I E R - Department of Defence

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2010 review <strong>of</strong> defenceUnderstanding the<strong>Defence</strong> Amendment BillS A S O L D I E RBy Pr<strong>of</strong> Sipho Seepe, StrategyConsultant and Special Adviser tothe Minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong>An appreciation <strong>of</strong> the current<strong>Defence</strong> AmendmentBill would be incompletewithout locating it within theconstitutional mandate anddevelopments in the everchangingdefence environment.The South African Constitutionis deliberate and unambiguouswith regard to its expectations<strong>of</strong> the National <strong>Defence</strong> Force. Itpurposefully enjoins us to establish adefence force that is “structured andmanaged as a disciplined militaryforce.” The emphasis on disciplineis obvious. Without discipline the<strong>Defence</strong> Force would be unable t<strong>of</strong>ulfil its primary function <strong>of</strong> defendingand protecting the Republic, itsterritorial integrity and its peoplein accordance with the Constitutionand the principles <strong>of</strong> internationallaw regulating the use <strong>of</strong> force.This translates into defending andprotecting our critical interests,supporting our foreign policy byassisting our allies and supportingpeace operations on the continent.In addition, the <strong>Defence</strong> Force helpsto beef up the civil power throughthe support it gives to the police,including border protection, disasteror emergency relief.More <strong>of</strong>ten this responsibility involvesexposure to enormous personal risksand sacrifices arising from heavyoperational commitments. Members<strong>of</strong> the SANDF are expected to spendlarge amounts <strong>of</strong> time away fromhome on back-to-back deployments.To the extent that they bear theresponsibility as the last defence <strong>of</strong>our democracy, they are our ultimateinsurance policy against any threatwithin or outside the country. For theirsake, and ours, we must preserve theircalibre and morale.It does not take much to appreciatethat their commitment cannot bereduced to issues <strong>of</strong> pay. There areother intangibles such as pride in theservice <strong>of</strong> one’s country and “enjoyment<strong>of</strong> a lifestyle that involves adventuroustraining and activities [that] makeremuneration only one <strong>of</strong> many factorsthat motivate personnel”.In her budget vote <strong>of</strong> 2009, the Minister<strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> and Military Veterans, MsLindiwe Sisulu, sought to underscorethis very issue when she said: “Iwant to assure <strong>Defence</strong> Force staffthat their conditions <strong>of</strong> service are aconcern … We are acutely aware thatthe state <strong>of</strong> readiness <strong>of</strong> the SANDFdepends primarily on the morale <strong>of</strong> oursoldiers”.She went further and said: “Weare considering making a requestfor a separate dispensation for the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> that wouldallow us to deal creatively with ourown needs and the specificities <strong>of</strong> ourown unique security requirements.”All these commitments, which arethe subject <strong>of</strong> the present bill beforeparliament, were undertaken tomotivate the DOD’s personnel andencourage recruitment and retention.The Ministry <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> and MilitaryVeterans has gone a long way towardsestablishing a different dispensation.The concept was approved by Cabinet.It also approved the regulatorymechanism to govern and overseethe dispensation, which allows us toaccommodate the unique nature <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Defence</strong> Force. It is precisely forthis reason that we demand and takeextraordinary measures to enforcediscipline. Soldiers are not tied to thestate by an employment contract, but byan oath.The new dispensation presents thecreative space to respond innovativelyto the unique challenges <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Defence</strong>Force. It has used the space to developan HIV and Aids policy that uniquelyresponds to its circumstances. Itis a matter <strong>of</strong> public record that itspolicy on HIV and AIDS is not onlyprecedent setting, but is consideredthe most progressive in the world.The present bill, which serves toamend the <strong>Defence</strong> Act <strong>of</strong> 2002, is theculmination <strong>of</strong> a process that startedwith the Minister’s 2009 budget vote.Three critical concerns are beingpresented: the first is the establishment<strong>of</strong> the permanent Service Commissionto replace the current Interim SouthAfrican National <strong>Defence</strong> ServiceCommission (INDFSC). Contrary tomisrepresentations, the bill beforeparliament has been drafted by theINDFSC. Credit (and in some casescriticism) is due to their sterling work.The second amendment relatesto remedying the lacunae in thelegislation. The Constitution refers tothe President having the responsibility,among others, <strong>of</strong> appointing themilitary command. However, nodefinition is provided in the legislation<strong>of</strong> what the military is or entails.The last aspect <strong>of</strong> the bill dealswith the empowering <strong>of</strong> the Chief<strong>of</strong> the SANDF to recall members <strong>of</strong>the Reserve Force. At the momentmembers <strong>of</strong> the Reserve Force canonly be recalled when the country isat war or during a state <strong>of</strong> emergency.As a resource, they are underutilisedand their combat readiness is severelycompromised. The bill aims to remedythis situation inasmuch as it respondspositively to their request to berecalled for service when the Chief <strong>of</strong>the SANDF deems fit.Far from wanting to assume dictatorialpowers, the Ministry <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong>and Military Veterans is taking allthe necessary steps to ensure that itdelivers on its mandate <strong>of</strong> structuringand managing a pr<strong>of</strong>essional,disciplined <strong>Defence</strong> Force in theservice <strong>of</strong> the country and the nation.(For more information please read thearticle as published in SA Soldier, July2010 edition, page 12.)M A Y 2 0 1 2 • 27

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