M A Y 2 0 1 2 • S A S O L D I E R - Department of Defence

M A Y 2 0 1 2 • S A S O L D I E R - Department of Defence

M A Y 2 0 1 2 • S A S O L D I E R - Department of Defence

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2011 review <strong>of</strong> defenceS A S O L D I E R(SANDF) after 1994.Indeed, it can be attested that 2010was an extraordinary year in terms<strong>of</strong> defence and security requirements.This experience would not havebeen possible without the efforts andcontributions <strong>of</strong> our armed forces.As host <strong>of</strong> the Soccer World Cup, andthe first <strong>of</strong> its kind on the continent,we set out to ensure that the countryprovided ironclad security for theduration <strong>of</strong> the tournament.During the tournament our frigatesand submarines patrolled ourterritorial waters and the approachesto the ports where soccer was beingplayed, while the newly acquiredGripen and Hawk aircraft flew aircombat patrols over all the stadiumswhile games were in progress. Inaddition to the pivotal role these ships,submarines and aircraft played insecuring those areas where none <strong>of</strong>the other government departmentshad the required capability, theyformed a magnificent backdrop behindand above our stadiums while thevarious matches were being played,a vindication <strong>of</strong> the Government’sdecision to acquire the strategic defencepackages.During the same period the National<strong>Defence</strong> Force was called upon toassume responsibility during thecrippling three-week national healthworkers strike. This required deployingmedical personnel and taking over74 abandoned hospitals in eightprovinces. In addition, members <strong>of</strong> theSANDF provided protection for thosemembers who were prepared and hadvolunteered to assist in helping otherservices.The DOD’s National Youth Service(NYS) Programme got <strong>of</strong>f to an excitingstart. The programme aims to buildthe youth through civic educationand training in basic workplace skillswhile also encouraging self-respect,respect for others, integrity and societalresponsibility.In support <strong>of</strong> the Government’sforeign policy, under the auspices<strong>of</strong> the United Nations (UN) and theAfrican Union (AU), the SANDFcontinues to support peace initiativeson the African continent. Democraticprocesses have taken place in statessuch as Burundi, the DemocraticRepublic <strong>of</strong> the Congo, the Sudanand the Central Africa Republic, tomention but a few. This has earnedthe SANDF the accolades <strong>of</strong> being acredible and pr<strong>of</strong>essional peace broker.The work that has been done by theDOD leadership in a short space <strong>of</strong>time has been phenomenal. The DODis in better shape than it was threeyears ago, though there is still a longway ahead. This is only the beginning<strong>of</strong> a new dawn for members <strong>of</strong> theDOD who have taken a pledge to servethis country and its people with theirlives.(For more information please read thearticle as published in SA Soldier, May2011 edition, pages 10 and 11.)Focus on pertinent defence mattersCompiled by Itumeleng MakhubelaLt Gen Derick Mgwebi, the thenChief <strong>of</strong> Human Resources (nowChief <strong>of</strong> Joint Operations), heldhis Communication Period at thePersonnel Service School in ThabaTshwane on 7 June 2011.He wanted to use the occasion toaddress pertinent issues unfoldingin the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong> (DOD)and he conceded that the <strong>Department</strong>,with emphasis on the South AfricanNational <strong>Defence</strong> Force (SANDF) wasin a better state than it had been sincethe dawn <strong>of</strong> the new dispensation.Lt Gen Mgwebi spoke about the<strong>Defence</strong> Amendment Bill that hadbeen passed by Parliament and saidthe DOD could now concentrate onthe pertinent issues, eg conditions <strong>of</strong>service, remuneration and grading <strong>of</strong>posts and matters affecting the corefunctions <strong>of</strong> the SANDF.He said that the long overdue draft<strong>of</strong> the <strong>Defence</strong> Review was readyto be presented to Parliament, afterwhich the DOD would embark on apublic consultation process beforethe submission <strong>of</strong> the final <strong>Defence</strong>Review to Parliament.He added that <strong>Defence</strong> WorksCapability would urgently attendto the matter <strong>of</strong> the declining state<strong>of</strong> defence infrastructure. The DODhad begun discussions with the<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Works on theestablishment <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Defence</strong> EstateManagement Mechanism, whichwill result in the DOD progressivelyexiting from the current arrangementon property and facilities managementby the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> Public Works.The rolling out <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Defence</strong>Works Capability, which is an inhousecapability to maintain andrepair defence facilities, has beenimplemented.Lt Gen Mgwebi said that theDOD’s National Youth Service (NYS)Programme, currently in partnershipwith the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> RuralDevelopment and Land Reform,with more government departmentsto join the programme in the nearfuture, had gotten <strong>of</strong>f to an excitingstart. The programme aims to buildthe youth through civic educationand training in basic workplace skillswhile also encouraging self-respect,respect for others, integrity and societalresponsibility. The desired outcome isindividuals who are reintegrated intothe community and determined to helpbuild their community, thus making apositive contribution to society at large.He pointed out that on 17 March2011, 500 students <strong>of</strong> the NYSPilot Programme graduated at DeBrug near Bloemfontein and weresent to the <strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> RuralDevelopment and Land Reformto complete the remainder <strong>of</strong> theirNYS Programme. The self-attestedchange in the graduates strengthensthe DOD’s resolve to continue withthe programme. Partnerships areenvisaged with more governmentdepartments in the near future.Lt Gen Mgwebi added that thebudget <strong>of</strong> the DOD had to change toreflect the constitutional requirements<strong>of</strong> the DOD. Unfortunately, in the shortterm the DOD has had to reprioritiseand scrape through at great cost toits development programmes. Thepriorities outlined will require asignificantly increased budget.The then Chief <strong>of</strong> HumanResources concluded: “These aresome <strong>of</strong> the achievements that haveset the tone for the SANDF on theroad ahead. We appreciate the hardwork that the Minister <strong>of</strong> <strong>Defence</strong>and Military Veterans has put intoimproving the livelihood <strong>of</strong> SANDFmembers. The groundbreaking workthat was done by the Interim National<strong>Defence</strong> Force Service Commission inattending to long-standing challengesin a short space <strong>of</strong> time in the SANDFis admirable.”(For more information please read thearticle as published in SA Soldier, August2011 edition, page 38.)M A Y 2 0 1 2 • 37

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