Connecticut - The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Connecticut - The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

Connecticut - The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund

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Ongoing MonthlyOngoing Monthly–OngoingSunsigns &MarchHOLIDAYS2008SAT 8 Intern’l. Women’s DaySUN 9 Daylight Saving TimeTHU 20 Sun enters AriesTHU 20 s Spring EquinoxFRI 21 ~ Full MoonSUN 23 R Easter SundayAprilSAT 19 N Passover beginsSUN 20 ~ Full MoonMON 21 Sun enters TaurusTUE 22 D Earth DayFRI 25 W National Arbor DaySUN 27 D World Children’s DayMayTHU 1 F Beltane/May DaySAT 10 [ World Fair Trade DaySUN 11 M Mother’s DayTUE 20 ~ Full MoonWED 21 Sun enters GeminiMON 26 k Memorial DayJuneTHU 5 C World Environment DaySUN 15 Father’s DayWED 18 ~ Full MoonTHU 19 ] JuneteenthFRI 20 H Summer SolsticeSAT 21 Sun enters CancerSUN 29 Gay Pride DayJulyFRI 4 R Independence DayFRI 18 ~ Full MoonWED 23 Sun enters LeoAugustWED 6 b Hiroshima DaySAT 16 ~ Full MoonSAT 23 Sun enters VirgoTUE 26 , Equality Day (US womenwin vote, 1920)Drum & Dance — Come to dance, to drum - orboth...and experience the organic, improvisationalconnection between the dancers and drummers.This is an opportunity to move and groovein a non-judgmental atmosphere that cultivatescommunity and self expression! Usually held the3rd Friday of every month, please call for details.At YogaSpace, in Brookfield. E 203-775-6220Restorative Yoga —Restorative yoga poses canbe thought of as active relaxation. By supportingthe body with props, we alternately stimulateand relax the body to move toward balance. Asthe body and mind relax, the nervous systemsends and receives fewer messages, allowingquietness and deep relaxation. Experience howrestorative yoga can relax, rejuvenate and nourishyour body, mind and spirit. At YogaSpace, inBrookfield. Held the 1st Saturday of each month.Please call for details. E 203-775-6220Monthly Meeting for Holistic Mom’s Network— Evening monthly meetings are heldon the second Thursday of each monthat the Associates in Family Chiropractic andNatural Health Care located at 156 EastAvenue in Norwalk. All area moms (and dads)with an interest in natural health andmindful parenting are welcome. Visithome.homewebs.com/holisticmoms/index.cfmfor more information.Spiritual Cinema at C4PT — Each month wewill view 4 features and shorts in our mainmeeting room. <strong>The</strong> movies represent the best ofspiritual cinema and art. <strong>The</strong> Spiritual CinemaCircle provides some of our favorite filmselections which do not have regular marketing& distribution. 4th Wednesday of each month.Donation. Manchester. E 860-916-2775Women’s Group (Red Tent) — <strong>The</strong>re is a RedTent Temple Movement happening, and we are apart of it. Women please join us for heart shares,and self care. Time to slow down for a few hoursin our busy lives and just be. If you have not everbeen in a women’s circle or have been in manyplease consider checking our circle out. SecondSaturday of the month, 1-4 pm, Center forProgressive <strong>The</strong>rapies, Manchester. Emailleahremerson@gmail.org or call E 860-429-6100A Men’s Circle - Gatherings for the MaleJourney — What is it to be a man? What is thedirection of our journey? And above all - Whattrustworthy resources are available along theway? In our gatherings we will explore, share,and support each other to act on these and otherquestions that live in our souls. Take the opportunityto step out of the awful, invisible isolationthat marks the lives of so many of us into a confidentialcommunity of peers. 4th Thursday ofeach month, 7pm, Center for Progressive<strong>The</strong>rapies, Manchester. For info call JimE 860-916-2775<strong>Community</strong> Networking Social — Open toall those connected with C4Pt and certainly, allthose in the Holistic <strong>Community</strong>. Open to professionalsin the healing arts, holistic practitionersand those just interested in the field ofholistic health. Bring your plans and/or flyersfor your event, your classes, workshop, service,practice, etc. 1st Wednesday of eachmonth, Center for Progressive <strong>The</strong>rapies,Manchester. For info call E 860-916-2775ONGOINGPolarity <strong>The</strong>rapy Trainings — Self-helpintroductory weekend workshops & polaritypractitioner trainings for associate & registeredlevels. Energy Healing & Polarity <strong>The</strong>rapyCenter. Call for schedule E 860-274-7039Please see the display ad on page 67Reiki Certification Training — Reiki I, II, IIIand Masters Level taught by Carol Ann Lucia,Reiki Master. Learn to balance life-forceenergy for self & others. Energy Healing &Polarity <strong>The</strong>rapy Center. Call for scheduleE 860-274-7039Please see the display ad on page 67Past Life Regression Workshop — Healpresent-day dilemmas, conflicts & relationshipsthrough the exploration of past lifeexperiences. Energy Healing & Polarity <strong>The</strong>rapyCenter. Call for schedule E 860-274-7039Please see the display ad on page 67Reiki Arts Continuum — Professional certificateprograms and training ~ all levels, inasssociation with the New York OpenCenter. Private sessions. Ongoing events.Call or visit our website for locations.ReikiArtsContinuum.com E 212-570-1623Chef’s Training Program — Fully accreditedcareer program in natural foods, specializingin health supportive, mostly vegetariancooking & theory. <strong>The</strong> Natural GourmetInstitute for Health & Culinary Arts. For info,call E 212-645-5170 ext. 109Please see the display ad on page 66Childbirth Education with a holistic slant!—Private or group programs focusing on thespiritual, emotional, and physical aspectsof birth, breastfeeding and parenting.www.birthpartnersdoulas.com E 203-729-9963Cooking Classes — Over 150 health-supportivecooking and specialty classes, lectures anddemonstrations. Natural Gourmet Institute forFood and Health. Manhattan. Call for brochureE 212-645-5170Please see the display ad on page 66BODY MINDRESTORATIONRETREATSAn extraordinary healing &rejuvenating program tonourish body & mind Living Foods Wheatgrass Diet & lifestyle classes Recipe classes Yoga classes Meditation instruction Daily meditation Guided visualization Rebounding Massage therapy Colonics Freshwater swim ponds Swimming & sauna Walking trailsRETREAT DATESfor 2008Fri, June 13 – Sun, June 22Fri, June 27 – Sun, July 6Mon, July 7 – Fri, July 18Fri, Aug 1 – Sun, Aug 10Mon, Aug 11 – Fri, Aug 22Fri, Sept 5 – Sun, Sept 14Mon, Sept 15 – Fri, Sept 26Fri, Oct 3 – Mon, Oct 13607-277-7779info@ bodymindretreats.comwww.bodymindretreats.comA picturesque 60-acre retreatcenter near Ithaca, NYC ALENDAR28THE NATURAL PAGES® 0 MARCH-AUGUST 20085 TELL THEM YOU FOUND THEM IN THE CONNECTICUT NATURAL PAGES!29

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