Air Induction Systems

Air Induction Systems

Air Induction Systems

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temperature is monitored on many engines toprevent damage from high intake temperatures.Typically, the engine power will be de-rated iftemperatures are excessive.Other intake air sensor strategies include:• Ambient air pressure sensor (barometricpressure sensor) for altitude compensation.• Intake manifold temperature sensor. This isdata is used to modify fuel timing/injection ratesto minimize emissions and is monitored by theengine protection system in the event of excessintake temperature• Turbocharger boost pressure sensor; data usedto adjust fuel rates and sense engine load.Moisture & Dirt Removal From Intake<strong>Air</strong>Intake systems can be designed a number ofways to minimize the entry of moisture and dirtentry into the air induction system.A frontal intake system alone with inlets closeto the ground will results in more ingestion ofroad salt and water into the air intake. Waterwill dissolve the salt and allow it to passthrough the induction system causing corrosionto components like the aluminium intercoolerand eventually cylinder component damage.Below: frontal air intake system withinduction passage through the hood.Note the dirt-air drainAbove: Side mounted intake systemseliminate more moisture and dirtaspiration than frontal systemsbutlose the “Ram <strong>Air</strong>” effect

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