Switching Costs in Two-sided Markets - Ecares

Switching Costs in Two-sided Markets - Ecares

Switching Costs in Two-sided Markets - Ecares

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E Proof of Proposition 7For part (i),∂p A 0,1= δ ∂s A 3 − 4δs A(3e 2 − 2)3(1 − e 2 ,)∂ 2 p A 0,1∂s 2 A= − 4δ(3e2 − 2)3(1 − e 2 )∂p A 0,1∂s A| sA =0 = δ 3 > 0.{ > 0 if e is small,< 0 if e is large,For part (ii), we compare the multi-hom<strong>in</strong>g model with the s<strong>in</strong>gle-hom<strong>in</strong>g model withasymmetric switch<strong>in</strong>g costs. On the side with switch<strong>in</strong>g costs,p A mh < pA sh if e + v B2> 1,where mh denotes the multi-hom<strong>in</strong>g framework, and sh denotes the s<strong>in</strong>gle-hom<strong>in</strong>g framework.On the side without switch<strong>in</strong>g costs,Referencesp B mh > pB sh if e + v B2> 1.[1] Simon Anderson, Øyste<strong>in</strong> Foros, and Hans Jarle K<strong>in</strong>d. Competition for Advertisers<strong>in</strong> Media <strong>Markets</strong>. In Fourteenth CEPR/JIE Conference on Applied IndustrialOrganization, 2013.[2] Mark Armstrong. Competition <strong>in</strong> two-<strong>sided</strong> markets. RAND Journal of Economics,37(3):668–691, 2006.[3] Gary Biglaiser, Jacques Crémer, and Gergely Dobos. The value of switch<strong>in</strong>g costs.Journal of Economic Theory, 2013, forthcom<strong>in</strong>g.[4] Bernard Caillaud and Bruno Jullien. Chicken & egg: competition among <strong>in</strong>termediationservice providers. RAND Journal of Economics, 34(2):309–328, 2003.[5] Yongm<strong>in</strong> Chen. Pay<strong>in</strong>g Customers to Switch. Journal of Economics & ManagementStrategy, 6(4):877–897, 1997.[6] Joseph Farrell and Paul Klemperer. Coord<strong>in</strong>ation and Lock-<strong>in</strong>: Competition with<strong>Switch<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>Costs</strong> and Network Effects. In Mark Armstrong and Rob Porter, editors,Handbook of Industrial Organization, volume 3, chapter 31, pages 1967–2072. North-Holland, 2007.[7] Drew Fudenberg and Jean Tirole. Customer poach<strong>in</strong>g and brand switch<strong>in</strong>g. RANDJournal of Economics, 31(4):634–657, 2000.23

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