Hypnotism, and magnetism, mesmerism, suggestive ... - Awaken Video

Hypnotism, and magnetism, mesmerism, suggestive ... - Awaken Video

Hypnotism, and magnetism, mesmerism, suggestive ... - Awaken Video

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MIND READING AND SPIRITUALISM. 135ing over two hundred miles from her sister, who,when last heard from, was enjoying her usualgood health. Upon retiring one night at heraccustomed bed time, she went to sleep as usual,but was awakened about two a. m. by, as shesupposed the voice of her sister calling her. Sheheard her sister call her twice by her given name,<strong>and</strong> got up, supposing she had come unexpectedlyduring the night, <strong>and</strong> went to the doorwith the intention of admitting her, but foundno one there.This greatly puzzled her, for as she stated afterwardsshe was positive of being wicie awakewhen her name was called the second time, <strong>and</strong>that she recognized fier sister's voice. The nextmorning at seven o'clock she received a telegramstating that her sister had died unexpectedly<strong>and</strong> alone, between two <strong>and</strong> three a. m., of hearttrouble.This, strictly speaking, was what is termedClairaudience, <strong>and</strong> was caused or Brought aboutby the intense desire of the stricken one to see<strong>and</strong> speak to her sister before she died. Realizingas she did that she was dying, her mindbecame so deeply agitated <strong>and</strong> was so stronglyconcentrated upon Her distant sister that she receivedthis warning or premonition of death.Two persons will often simultaneously ex-

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