1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

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mixture was water-washed, dried, and heated in aglass container; after which it was poured into anexternal electric field <strong>of</strong> about 4 X 10^* volts permeter. There was, <strong>of</strong> course, some electrificationdue to mineral-glass contact, but if we consider therelative surface areas involved, the electrificationdue to the glass can be neglected.The average surface charge density on —48 +60mesh <strong>of</strong> quai-t.z-Florida phosphate particles was computedby photographing the trajectories <strong>of</strong> the particlesin a known, uniform, external electric field.Thc maximum charge was <strong>of</strong> the order <strong>of</strong> 1 X 10""coulomb per square meter. Since the maximumcharge in air could he about 26 X 10"" coulomb persquare meter it appears'that only approximately4% <strong>of</strong> the theoretical charge was obtained hy particle-particlecontact electrification. The low chargingefficiency probably is due to the impossibility<strong>of</strong> making contact {even with considerable movementto effect repeated contact) because <strong>of</strong> theroughness and re-entrant angles <strong>of</strong> the surface involved.Particle-particle contact can not he assui-edmerely hy increasing agitation because one <strong>of</strong> theoperating difficulties assoeiated with particle-particlecontact electrification is the prevention <strong>of</strong> theformation <strong>of</strong> a common surface on all minerals. Acommon surface tends to form hy virtue <strong>of</strong> attritionduring the material handling stages <strong>of</strong> the process.This undesirable phenomena ])laces a rather imposingrequirement on thc design <strong>of</strong> a commercialflow sheet.Experimental TechniquesThe metallurgists faced with the problem <strong>of</strong> designingcommercial electrical beneficiation processesmust fii'st determine the conditions that will lead tooptimum selective charging <strong>of</strong> the minerals in theore to be concentrated. There are many sophisticatedexperimental techniques that can be used includingthe determination <strong>of</strong> glow cui-ves {Leverenz*^^')optical absorption studies (Mott'^s) and Gumey*^"'")aud X-ray and electron diffraction techniques. Aless didactic but more direct api:>roach to the problemis disclosed by using some <strong>of</strong> thc experimentalset-up used at the <strong>Colorado</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong> shownin Figures 6, 7, S, 9, and 10.w Fig, 6Figure 6 depicts a chamber used for contactelectrification tests. The ambient temperature isadjusted through the use <strong>of</strong> thermostatically controlledsti-ip heaters mounted on the upper part <strong>of</strong>the chamber. Ambient pressure and chemical compositioncan be controlled by fillmg the chamberto the desired pressure from compressed-gas cylindere<strong>of</strong> known chemical composition. Humidity canbe controlled by standard H2S04-n20 solutions withinthe chamber.• Fig. 7^1A contaet-break-contact apparatus is shown inFigure 7. A metal cup E is held in a horizontal positionby means <strong>of</strong> a pin G opposing the motion <strong>of</strong> aspring, P. Contact between a mineral and the metalcup is made by placing thc grains in the cup. Exchange-chargeis determined hy allowing one <strong>of</strong>the two contacting substances to fall into a Paraday])ail, and the resulting potential rise between thepail and thc earth is then measured with a vacuumtubeelectrometer*. When the pin G is retractedas is shown in Figure 8, the cup moves to a verticalposition, thus permitting the grains to fall into theParaday pail A. In the ease <strong>of</strong> contact between twominerals, we merely substitute one <strong>of</strong> the mineralsfor the metal cup. A cross-sectional view <strong>of</strong> thecontact-break-contact mechanism including an auxiliaryhead for studying contact electrification in thejiresence <strong>of</strong> an external electric field is shown inFigure 9. The central system is shown in Figure 10.-w Fig. 8* Ttie electrometer used is a Keitliley model 200A vacuumtube electrometer with air input circuit consisting: o£a resistance greater than lOi^ ohms shunted hy a capacitanceoi: 6 nfif.24 THE MiNES MAGAZiNE • JANUARY, 1960Grounded shieKtfElectrometer• Fig. 9 Fig. 12Shielded cableCharging by Conductive InductionLet us consider a solid particle resting on anearthed conductor in the presence <strong>of</strong> an eieetricfield as is shown in Figure 11.rvFig.The particle rapidly develops local siu-facecharges by induction, but, if the external field isuniform and the particle has no initial charge, thepai-ticles experience no electric force. If the particleis conductive, it will become charged to thesame potential as the metal plate upon which it isresting, with a total charge Q = CpVp, whence itwill experience the electrical force F = QE; whereC|, is the capacitance <strong>of</strong> the particle and Vp is thepotential difference between the metal plate andthe charging electrode. If the particle is a dielectric,we cannot, in general, speak <strong>of</strong> its potential becausethc potential varies from point to point on the surface<strong>of</strong> the dielectric. A particle with finite conductivitywill eventually obtain a total chargeQ = CpVp, but the time required may be very large.The problem can be approximated if we consider thefollowing as an equivalent circuit:liFiq.cLet R- = the effective particle surface resistance.The value <strong>of</strong> Ii will depend on the temperature <strong>of</strong>the sample, its previous chemical and temperaturehistoi-y and, in many cases, on the polarity used inthe concentrating circuit. It may be possible t<strong>of</strong>avoi"abiy alter the effective resistance <strong>of</strong> a mineralby heating the mineral in the presence <strong>of</strong> the vapor<strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> its constituent components to produce astoichiometric abnormality, or by introducing im-iOFaraday CupGrounded Chamberpurities into the mineral such that it will behaveas a semiconductor. It is also possible to alter theeffective resistance <strong>of</strong> a. mineral by irradiation withelectromagnetic energy <strong>of</strong> a suitable energy. Undergiven conditions, however, one can assign an effectivevalue <strong>of</strong> R- and consider that the charging mechanismwill behave as follows; neglecting inductanceone can Avrite:oriR-\-where idQdt_dQdtQ_ _C„RIf we assume the particle to have an initial chargeQ„ = 0,VpRthen Q = CV„ - CV,. e - RC RC(E-7)The practical interpretation <strong>of</strong> the analysis is(a) the charge Q at time t is proportional to thecapacitance <strong>of</strong> the particle and to the potential <strong>of</strong>the charging electrode, and (b) the time requiredto charge the particle to a given fraction <strong>of</strong> its finalcharge is proportional to the particle capacitanceand its resistance. Por example, the particle chargesto 63% <strong>of</strong> its final charge, in time t — RC.Unfortunately, attempts to tabulate the electricalconductivity <strong>of</strong> minerals are almost hopeless becauseTHE MiNES MAGAZiNE • JANUARY, 1960 25

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