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1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

1 - Mines Magazine - Colorado School of Mines

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showing the sources <strong>of</strong> the fjeologic dataincluded in the map.Dr, J. D. Forrester, director <strong>of</strong> the ArizonaBureau <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong>, said the Cochisemap is "designed to serve many usefulpurposes, not only for the mineral expert,but for the public as a whole."The Cochise geologic map, as well asthe other five maps already issued, maybe s^ecured from the <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> the Director,Arizona Bureau <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong>, The University<strong>of</strong> Arizona, Tucson, at ,75 cents acopy.Helium Extraction in CanadaA gap in the historical record <strong>of</strong> theearly research on helium gas in Canadais filled by John Satterly, pr<strong>of</strong>essor <strong>of</strong>physics, University <strong>of</strong> Toronto, Toronto,Canada, who narrates from memory andfrom notes his recollections <strong>of</strong> the originand progress <strong>of</strong> the 1915-1920 helium projectsponsored in Canada by the BritishAdmiralty in an effort to obtain heliumfor use in iighter-than-air ships.Details are given <strong>of</strong> the staff concerned;<strong>of</strong> the first experim^ental extractionplant at Calgary, where, from early1918 to April 1920, about 60,000 cu. ft.<strong>of</strong> helium <strong>of</strong> 60 to 90 per cent purity wasrecovered from Canadian natural gasfrom the Bow Island (Aiberta) field.<strong>Mines</strong> Branch Information CirculariC 105 was published by the Dept. <strong>of</strong><strong>Mines</strong> and Technical Surveys, Ottawa,Canada; price 25 cents.Petroieum Industry in KansasThe Kansas petroleum industry canremember 1958 as a year <strong>of</strong> some pleasantsurprises in oil and gas developments andexploratory activity, despite a productiondecline that brought value <strong>of</strong> raw petroleumproducts from 458 million dollarsin the peak year <strong>of</strong> 1957, to +32 milliondollars in 1958."Oil and Gas Developments in KansasDuring 1958" by E. D. Goebel, P. L. Hilpman,and D. L. B'eene, by the State GeologicalSurvey at The University <strong>of</strong> Kansas,records and evaluates the year'sactivities.A highlight <strong>of</strong> the year's developments,according to the report, was the discovery<strong>of</strong> tbe Llanos oil field, Sherman County,which opened northwest Kansas to intensiveexploration. Before the end <strong>of</strong> theyear, other oil fields were opened in tbearea-—for example, the Sappa Creek field,Rawlins County, and the Rueb field, Chey-•enne Coimty. The Rueb field, 30 miles(Continued on Page 45)CLASS NOTES(Continued from page 36)Co. <strong>of</strong> Calif., has moved from La Habra,Calif., to Vernal, Utah. His P. O. Boxis +55.John Sulzbach is project managertraine'e, Heavy Construction Division,Henry J, Kaiser Co. He lives at Apt. 5,+5i Wayne Ave,, Oakland 6, Calif.M, Donald Wagner is production engineerfor Mobil Oil Co. de Venezuela withmailing address Apartado del Este 5393,Caracas, Venezuela.1957Guymon E. Adams is geophysical interpreterfor Creole Petroleum Corp, Hehas moved from Pleasant Grove, Utah, toCaracas, Venezuela, where his mailingaddress is c/o Creole Petroleum Corp.Ge<strong>of</strong>isica, Apartado 889.John P, Allen, department head forUnion Carbide Nuclear Corp., has movedfrom Tarentum, Pa., to Uravan, Coio.Robert T. Beckman, mining engineer inthe Division <strong>of</strong> Mineral Resources, U. S,Bureau <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong>, has moved from Julesburgto 701 S. Emerson, Denver 9, Colo,William T. Larsen has left MountainView, Calif., for 2446 Walnut GroveAve., San Jose 28, Caiif.Dale L. Pinkerton was recently transferredto the Denver <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Ingersoll-Rand as mining and construction representativein the Coiorado and northernNew Mexico area. For tbe past 2% yearsDale has been with the New York headquarters<strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> Ingersoll-Rand as salesengineer in the rock drill departm'ent. ThePinkertons, now a family <strong>of</strong> four, havetheir home at 64+7 Lee St., Arvada, Colo.Z. A, Sancevic, exploitation engineer forCia Shell de Venezuela Ltd,, is on leaveto take graduate work at PennsylvaniaState University, College <strong>of</strong> Mineral Industries,Planning Department, UniversityPark. Pa.Kenneth A, Wagner, petroleum engineerfor Amerada Petroleum Corp., hasmoved from Manhattan, Kans., to Charlston,N. Dak. flis P. O. Box number is 77.Charles R. Wood has been promotedfrom second lieutenant to first lieutenant.His mailing address is 1st Lt. Charles R.Wood 05504462, Hq. 79th Engr. Gp.(Const.), Ft. Belvoir, Va,1958Douglas P. Hildenbrandt has movedfrom Greeley, Colo., to 1+16 E, Fair OaksAve., So. Pasadena, Calif.Glen D. Cheney, <strong>of</strong>fice engineer for Ingersoll-RandCo., has moved from Bairoii,Wyo., to 820 Simms St., Golden, Colo.Bruce E. Russell, mine geologist forCliffside Mine, Phillips Petroleum Co.,lives at 431 N. Iron St., Grants, N. M.Peter J. Sanger has moved from Purcell,Okla., to +225 S. Broadway, Englewood,Colo.William H. Wahl has moved from ElCerrito, Calif., and now lives at 2555Duke, Richmond, Calif.Ens. Charles J. Wideman, 2707 E.Adams St., Tucson, Ariz., graduated Nov.20 from the Navy's Officer Candidate<strong>School</strong> in Newport, R. 1. He was one <strong>of</strong>722 <strong>of</strong>ficer candidates to complete the 18weeks <strong>of</strong> intensive training in the navalsciences., 1959William D. Gay, mining engineer forUnion Carbide Nuclear Trace ElementsCorp., has moved from Maybell, Colo., to6th and Green Sts., Craig, Colo.Robert A. Lame's address is 1143 E.Garvey Blvd., West Covina, CaHf.Ensign Craig S. Martenson graduatedon Nov. 20 from the Navy's Officer Candidate<strong>School</strong> in Newport, R. I. His mailingaddress is 180 Oaks Rd., Framingham,Mass.Charles H. McKinnis is a second lieutenantin tbe U. S. Army. His mailingaddress is 95 Brentwood, Lakewood, Colo.Gary E. Melickian, a graduate studentat the University <strong>of</strong> California at losAngeles, has moved from Syimar, Calif,to 212 Bonita, Apt. 8, Arcadia, Calif.Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Miine announcethe birth <strong>of</strong> a son, Scott Alan, Nov. 29,The Miioes live at 2325 28th St., Boulder,Colo.Douglas M. Ross has moved from Golden,Coio. to 1416 E. Fair Oaks Ave., SouthPasadena, Calif.James R. Swaisgood is on a six monthslour <strong>of</strong> duty with the U, S. Army. Hismailing address is Box 402, Rt. 3, Ft.Collins, Colo.Richard T. J. Whittington's address is1304 E. Jax, Midland, Texas. He is employedby the R. H. Ray Geophysical Co.Mr, and Mrs. George N. Brown, Jr.,are parents <strong>of</strong> a daughter, Janel Rene,born Nov. 24 at Kadlec Hospital in Richland,Wash. Mrs. Brown was the formerMiss Joyce Rapp <strong>of</strong> Golden. Mr. Brownis employed in Reactor Technology andOperations with Gen'eral Electric Co. atthe Hanford Atomic Products Operationin Richland.1960B. Frank Porter, who receives his E.M.degree in January 1960, has become thefirst active member <strong>of</strong> the Alumni Association<strong>of</strong> tbe Class <strong>of</strong> '60.ADDRESS CORRECTION NOTICE USE FOR CLASS NOTESTo receive your <strong>Mines</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> regularly—keep usYou want to read about <strong>Mines</strong> Men.advised <strong>of</strong> your correct address. They want to read about you.Name — •Address . ,Position — ^ —Company Connection44Address: <strong>Colorado</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong> Alumni Assn., Golden, Colo.THE MINES MAGAZINE • JANUARY, 1960BOOKREVIEWS(Continued from page 44)from the nearest producing area, gaveCheyenne County its first commercial oilproduction.Copies 6f "Oil and Gas Developmentsin Kansas During 1958" (Bulletin 138)may be obtained for $1 each from theState Geological Survey, The University<strong>of</strong> Kansas, Lawrence. Kan.Survey <strong>of</strong> Canadian iron OreIndustry During 1958The Department <strong>of</strong> <strong>Mines</strong> and TechnicalSurveys, Mineral Resources Division,Ottawa, Canada, <strong>of</strong>i'ers Mineral InformationBulletin MR 31, by T. H. Janesand R. B. Elver, price 50 cents.This publication provides a detailedstudy <strong>of</strong> the production, trade and developments<strong>of</strong> the iron ore industry inCanada during 1958. Maps showing theproperties in production, properties underdevelopment for production within thenext few years, and properties on whichexploration <strong>of</strong> iron-bearing material istaking place are included. The text^ issupported by tables and graphs dealingwith production, consumption, and tradein iron ore.PLANTNEWS(Continued from page 42)he became president and a director <strong>of</strong>Dorr-Oliver Inc. During World WarII, Mr. Hitch served as a civilianAero Service CerpPhiladelphia, Penna,236 B. Courllanii StreetAiniworih & Sons, Ine., Wm. * .. .. ..Denver, Colo., 3151 Lawrence SI,Air RsnlaU, Inc. *- -DeiiTer, <strong>Colorado</strong>, 3301WalnutAllis-Clialmers Mfg. C<strong>of</strong>iS5 BroadwayDenver, <strong>Colorado</strong>llihvauliee, WiaeonsiiiAmeritati Manflanese Steel Dliiision .-Chicago HeiEhts, 111.Armite Laboratories - -Los AngeleH 1, Calif., 0609 Broad SI.Card Iron Woriis Conipany, C. S. 3Denver, Colo,, 2501 W. IHth Ave.<strong>Colorado</strong> Cemral Power CoBnBiettood, Colo.<strong>Colorado</strong> Fuel & Iron Corp. * 4.\niaiillo, 1008 Bisli Bldg.BillinEa, 215 I'Talt Bldg.Uiille, 401 .MOLald Bk. Bltlg,Chicago 1, 231 Noilh LaSalle SI.Denver 2, Continenlal Oil Bltig.Deiroit 2H. 1915 National Bli. BUIK,!':i Paso, 803 B.issBit 'i'ower Bldg.Port Worth 2, 15UG CoillineiilalLife Bldg.Houston 11, 340 South 66II1 St.Lincoln S, 1227 Sliavp Bldg,Los Angeles 1, 739 East BOth SI.Xew York 22, 575 Madison Ave,Oklahoma City 2. 906 Colcord Illdg,Phoenix, 305 Bast BnchananPortland 9, 1350 N.W, BaleigliI'liehlo, P, 0. Bos 316Salt Lake City ), 411 WalkerBk, Bldg.San Franeiseo 3, 1245 Howard St,Seattle 4, 3434 Second Ave., So.Spoliane, 910 Old National BU. Bldg.Wichita 5, 811 East 10 St.<strong>Colorado</strong> Iron Works Conipany •*Deiner, Colo., 1624 Seventeelllh St.Kingslon, Ontario, Can.,Canadian Loco, Wlis. Co.Vancouver, B, C, Can.Vanconver lion Wlis., Lid.Johannesbui^, So. Africa,Head, Wrightson & Co.Stockton on Tees, Eng.Head, Wrightson & Co.Oransille, N. S, W.The Clyde Sng, Co., Ltd.Colorailo Halional Bank +- -Denver, Colo., 17th and Champa Si.technical advisor in Cliina for theU. S. Government.Mr. Boling joined the company in1941 following eight years with CaliforniaSpray Chemical Corp. A graduate<strong>of</strong> the University <strong>of</strong> Cahfornia,he served successively as assistant controller,controller, secretary and treasurer<strong>of</strong> the former Oliver UnitedFilters organization. When theymerged with The Dorr Company inlate 1954, he became vice presidentfor finance and a director <strong>of</strong> the newcorporation. On Jan. 1, 1959, he becamevice president for operations coordinationand on June 15 was electedexecutive vice president and chief executive<strong>of</strong>ficer.Gardner-Denver, ApexWill Merge on March 1G. V. Leece, president <strong>of</strong> Gardner-Denver, has announced that ApexMachine & Tool Co. <strong>of</strong> Dayton, Ohiowill become a wholly-owned subsidiary<strong>of</strong> Gardner-Denver on March 1,1960.Apex is a leading manufacturer <strong>of</strong>screwdriver bits and sockets for powertools. The company also is an importantproducer <strong>of</strong> universal joints formachinery and aircraft. In Gardner-ADVERTISERCoors Company * 47Golden, <strong>Colorado</strong>Deister Concentrator Co.Fort Wayne, Ind., 911 Glasgow Ave,New York, N. Y„ 104 Pearl St,Nesmiehonine, N.Y'.. 231E. Catawissa St.Hibbing, Minnesota, P. 0. Bos 777Birminghani, Alabama,930 2nd Ave., NorthDenver Equipment Company ic 6Denver 17, Colo., 1400 17th StreetNew York City 1, N. V.,4114 Empire State Bldg,Toi'onto, Ontario, 135 Bay SI.Vanconver, B. C,305 Credit Foncelr Bldg.MBVICO, D. F., 14 Aveulda Jnaie/Londou E. C. 2, 15-17 ChristopherSt., FiiiEljiiry Square,lohannesbnrg, S. Africa, 8 Village RoadDenver Fire Clay Company icDenver, Coio.Salt Lake Cily, Utah, V. 0. Box 836El Paso, Texas, 203 Mills Bldg.Dorr-Oliver Incorporated irRIaniford, ConneeticntNeiv York 6, N. Y., 99 Park Ave.Aliania, Ga., 900 Peaehtiee St., N. B.Chicago 54, llL, 042 Mei'chandiseMartCleveland 8, Ohio, 14700 Detroit Ave.Virginia, Minn., 204% Chestnut Ave.Denver, Colo., 3916 Boiilh Fox St,llallas 30, Tes., 6)15 Berkshire LaneLos Angeles 17. Calif,. 811 W. 7th St.Oakland 1, Calif,, 2900 Glascock St.Seattle 1, Wash,, 3104 Smith TonerDresser IndMslries, IncBcpnbiic National Bank Bldg.V. 0, Box 718, Dallas, Tex.du Pont de Nemours fi Co., E. 1. •*Denver, Colo,, 444 Seventeenlb SI.Wilmington, DelawareSan Francisco, Calit., Ill Sailer St.Equipment Engineers, IncPalo Alto, Calif.Flexible Sleel Laeins CompanyChicago, 111,, 4638 Lexington St.THE MINES MAGAZINE • JANUARY, 1960Franco Western Oil Co. *Bakersfield, Calif., 3120-18th St.Gardner-Denner Company irQnincy, lUUioisDenver, <strong>Colorado</strong>llutte, Mont,. 215 E, Park St.El Paso, Texas, 301 San Francisco St.S' LISTINSalt Lake City, Utah,130 West 2nd Boiil.hLos Angeles, Calit., 845 E, Gist. St.San Francisco, Calit., 811 Folsom St.Seattle. Wash.. 514 First SouthGeophysicai Instrument & Supply Co. 10Denver, Colo., 1616 BroadwayHardinge Co., IncYork, Pa.Heron Engineu-ing Co. ic *Denver, Colo., 2000 80, AeomaHumble Oil and Refining CoHouston, Tex.tnfileo, Inc.P. II. Box 5033'i'ueson. Am.Ingersotl-Rand *BiiTningliam. Ala., 1700 Third Are.Butte, Wont., 846 S. Montana Si,Chicago, 111., 400 W. Madison Si.Decver, Colo., 1637 Blake St.El Paso, Texas, 1015 Tesas Si.Kansas City ISo., 1006 Grand Ave,Los Angeles, Calif., 1460 B, 4th Si,Manila, P. I., Earnshaws Docks SHonolnlu lion WorksNew York, N, Y., 11 BroadwayPittsburgh, Pa,,706 Chamber <strong>of</strong> Commerce Bldg.SaU Lake City, Utah,144 S. W. Temple St.San Francisco, Calif,, 350 Brannan SI.Seattle, Wash., 526 Fii'st Ave, So.Tiilsa, Okla,, 319 B. 5th SI,Kendrick-Bellamy Co. *Denver 2, Colo., 1641 California SI.Keuffei & Esser <strong>of</strong> <strong>Colorado</strong>, Inc. .. 7Denver, Colo., 1641 CaDfornia SI,Kistler Stationery Company 10Denver, Colo,Lake Shore Engineering Co - -Iran Mountain, Mich,Link-Belt CompanyChieago, !1L, 300 W- Pershing Rd.McEiroy Banch Conipany 9Ft. Worth, Texas, 405 Ft. WorthNational Bank Bldg.Michigan Cliemical CorpRare Earths DivisionSt, Louis, JlichiganMidwest Steel & Iron Works *Denver, Colo., 25 Larimer St.,Pnehlo, Colo., 1120 Northern Ave.Denver's line <strong>of</strong> equipment for industrialproduction are power screwdriversand nutsetters that utilizeApex bits and sockets.Gardner-Denver is celebrating itsCentennial this year as a world-wideindustrial firm.Clarence Thom Will BeConsulting MetallurgistClarence Thom, director <strong>of</strong> thcDenver Equipment Co.'s Ore TestingDivision for nearly 25 years, hasassumed new responsibilities, consultingmetallurgist for Denver EquipmentCo. and their many customers.GSMine fi Smeller Supply Co. irDenver, <strong>Colorado</strong>Et Paso, TexasNew York, N. Y,, 1775 BroadwaySalt Lake City, DtahJiontrcal. Canada,Canadian Vickers, Ltd,New York, New York, The Ore &Chemical Corp., 80 Broad SI.Santiago, ChHe, W. R. JudsonLima, Peru, W. R. JudsonManila. P. I., Edward J. Neil Co.<strong>Mines</strong> Magaiine 55Golden, Colo,Morse Bros. Machinery Conipany 46Denver, Colo., 2900 Broadway,P, 0. Box 1708National Fuse fi Powder Company 9Denver, Colo.Nordberg Mfg. CoJlilwaukee, Wise.Patten Engineering Co. ir 11Denver, Colo., 1795 SheridanPetro-Chemical Development CoNew York, N, Y., 122 E. 42nd St,Phiilips Petroleum ColiarllesvUle, Okla.Piiilpott Company, A. 1. +Denver, Colo., 1816 California St.Price Co., H. C, *BartlBSville, OklahomaPr<strong>of</strong>essional Directory S-9Publifl Service Conipany <strong>of</strong> Colo.Denver. Colo., Gas & Electric Bldg.Reed Engineering Co 1"fi20-N So. Inglewood Ave,Inglewood 1, Calif.Schlumberger Well Surveying CorpHouston, TexasSilver Sleei Co -- HDenver, Colo.. 6600 Highway 85Spang i CompanyButler, PennsylvaniaStearns-Roger Mfg. Company •* 2Denver, Colo., 660 Bannock St.Stonehouse Signs, IncDenver, Colo., 9th at LarimerUnion Carbide Corp „30 East 42nd St., New York 17, ^. 1,Toronto, CanadaVulcan iron Works Co. *Denver, Colo., 1423 Stout St,Walvoord, 0. W,, Inc - ^Denver, Colo., 300 Detroit St.Wllfley&Sons, A. R. *• Outside Back CovtrDenver, Colo,, Denham Bldg,New York City, 123 14, 42nri St.45

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