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Geophys. Lett., 1 (2008)1-20DELINEATION OF THE STRUCTURAL PATTERNAND SEDIMENTARY BASINS OF THE SOUTHERNPART OF THE NILE DELTA, EGYPT, USINGGRAVITY DATA.Abeer Abd EI-Rehim EI-KenawyGeologyDepartment, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University.ABSTRACTThe study area lies between Latitudes 30°00' and 30°30 'N and Longitudes 30° 44 'and 31" 28 'E. It takes theform of a triangle enclosed between the two Nile branches,Damietta and Rosetta.The purpose of this study is to delineate the structuralframework and the sedimentary basins. The Bouguergravity map was treated to separate anomalies due todifferent sources by different analytical methods such astrend analysis, Griffin, second vertical derivative and leastsquaremethods. In addition, the depth estimation methodsas 2-D modeling, spectral analysis and Eulerdeconvolution were used. Finally, the Euler deconvolution(gridepth solutions) map was constructed using 2-D Eulerdeconvolution.The main tectonic trends revealed in the area are(Nl5"-25"E), (N45"-65"E), (N35"-45"W), (E- W), (N65"W)and (N-S). The depth to the basement ranges between 1 to5km. The analysis of different maps shows that the centralpart is characterized by a big graben (basin) bound~d bytwo uplifted areas.INTRODUCTIONThe area of study occupies the southern part of the Nile Deltaregion, Egypt. It is located between Latitudes 30°00' and 30° 30 'N andLongitudes 30° 44' and 31° 28 'R/ It takes the form of a triangleenclosed between the two Nile branches, Damietta to the East andRosetta to the West together with some parts in Eastern and WesternDesert in Egypt (Fig. 1).

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