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<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>ApplicationsThe RF recorder is suitable for recording typicalreceive scenarios in different countries with excellentsignal quality. The recordings can be storedin a library for functional testing of receivers. Itis possible to record and replay signals of up toeight antennas.The recorder covers the frequency range from9 kHz to 3 GHz (optional 6 GHz / 18 GHz) witha realtime bandwidth selectable up to 25 MHz,which is sufficient to cover the whole FM broadcastband simultaneously. The replay generatorcovers the frequency range from 9 kHz to 3 GHzwith a bandwidth of 120 MHz, which allows tocombine different recorded and calculated scenariosinside this bandwidth.The <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> System consists of three components:a recording system, a server with softwarefor off-line editing and signal sources to replaythe signals.Benefits include greatly reduced costs for fieldtesting, repeatable tests in the lab and fidelity inreproducing real RF environment which allows ashorter time to market.The record and replay system <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> is theideal platform for RF receiver design validationof analog and digital radio, video and GlobalNavigation Satellite Systems (GNNS) anddevelopment of automotive car infotainmentsystems and chipsets.<strong>RecPlay</strong> SystemThe <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> record and replay systemconsists of at least one <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 RF Recorderwith integrated high performance RF receiverand built-in server, an external server for datastreaming and one <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 signal generator forreplay of the recorded I/Q data (figure 1).An <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> system for diversity recordingconsists of one <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 RF Recorder perRF RECORDER <strong>IZT</strong> R3301DIVERSITYRECORDINGRF RECORDER <strong>IZT</strong> R3301HHDorLANSYNC UNIT<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-SNCHHDorLANSERVER<strong>IZT</strong> P1000Datastorage&off-lineprocessing&streamingantenna and is synchronized by an external clockdistribution (figure 2).A common reference clock alone (f.e. 10 MHz)will not be sufficient to ensure all receivers operatephase synchronous. Therefore, one master <strong>IZT</strong>R3301 creates all necessary clock signals, like systemclock and both VHF-UHF local oscillators, andsends them to a central clock distribution, whichamplifies the signals and passes them on to allreceivers. An additional trigger impulse starts thesample-synchronous recording of the system. Intercommunicationbetween master and slaves ofthe built-in servers is controlled via optical LANinterface to minimize EMI. The built-in GPS receiverof the master serves as time and locationreference.If necessary, a calibration signal can be coupledinto the antenna feeds, which allows to establishzero phase shift between the antenna inputs.The captured data streams of up to approximately120 MByte/sec are sent via internal GigabitEthernet to each built in server and is stored onan integrated RAID system.Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the recordingsystem configured for two diversity signals.The system is modular and can be expanded upto eight antenna signals.LANSIGNAL GENERATOR<strong>IZT</strong> S1000DIVERSITY REPLAYINTERNETfigure 3: <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> diversity setup with streaming server for data post processing2 | 3

Recording Systemfigure 4: FM broadcast recording with high dynamic range<strong>IZT</strong> R3301The <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 RF Recorder is a portable receiverwith built-in server for data recording. It is optimizedfor recording RF signals in mobile and portableapplications.The outstanding RF performance and signal processingmatches the professional <strong>IZT</strong> R3000receiver series. These receivers were developed forapplications of regulatory agencies, military andcivilian radio surveillance and as lab test equipment.They are designed to produce good signal qualityunder extreme dynamic range and have sucessfullypassed many rigorous technical evaluations withcivilian and military customers.With its very high dynamic range (figure 4) andexcellent phase noise this receiver platform is theideal solution for the needs of modern digitalmodulation standards.Thanks to its front panel control, touch screenand integrated processing hardware, the <strong>IZT</strong>R3301 RF Recorder is the perfect portable RFrecording system. While having a compact andrugged design, it also meets CISPR 25 / EN 55025for extremely low RF emissions. The wide rangeAC and DC power supply is completed by anuninterrupted power supply (UPS) for surge & subvoltage protection against DC supply fluctuations.An internal GPS module adds location <strong>information</strong>to the received signals.The <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 is characterized as follows:• Portable, rugged design: 45 x 35 x 24 cm,approx. 17 kg• Continuous I/Q data recording with up to30 MSamples/s• Swappable RAID system (figure 5) for about11 hours of continuous recording with24 MSamples/s in 4 TB configuration• Built-in GPS for embedded location <strong>information</strong>• 10 to 30V DC power supply, approx. 125 W

<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>• 100 to 240V AC supply with built-in UPS• Control via touch screen• Synchronization interface for diversity andmulti-frequency recording (figure 7)• Low RF emissions, meets EN 55025 / CISPR 25• Built-in high-end <strong>IZT</strong> R3000 receiver technologyThe outstanding RF performance of the integrated<strong>IZT</strong> R3000 receiver technology is based on a verymodern and market proven receive system withexcellent reception at very good signal quality.It is highly insensitive to strong adjacent bandinterference due to sub-octave preselector filtersand high first intermediate frequency.The integrated <strong>IZT</strong> R3000 receiver is characterizedas follows:• 9 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range• Frequency range upgradeable up to 18 GHz• Real-time bandwidth up to 25 MHz• Very low phase noise• High linear RF frontend for excellent IP3performance• Preselector filter-bank guaranties best IP2performance• Additional digital filtering• IF Filter bandwidth: 6.25 kHz to 25 MHz• 1 Hz tuning resolution• Multichannel recording of up to 4 differentbandwidths simultaneouslyAn external synchronization unit (figure 6) providesphase coherent clock to multiple <strong>IZT</strong> R3301RF recorders in diversity or multi-frequency setups.It can be enhanced by a calibrated signal source(connected directly to the junction plane of the antennaconnectors) in test scenarios where absolutephase difference between the antennas is needed(figure 3).Remote connection between multiple recorderunits is made via optical LAN interface to preventelectromagnetic interference. An optical LANconverter allows for complete remote control of asingle <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 unit over longer distances withoutEMI problems, for example in a highly sensitive RFmeasurement setup inside an EMI chamber.figure 5: Easy RAID storage swappingfigure 7: External interfaces for power supply, LAN, GPS antenna and synchronizationApplication Example 1:Diversity antenna setupThe system is ideal for handling phase coherentand frame synchronous recordings with multipleantennas at the same center frequency, e.g. forvalidation of FM broadcast diversity-tuners.This challenging use case requires a very highaccuracy in signal and data processing of therecord and replay system.Application Example 2:Multi-frequency antenna setupThe system also fits perfectly into handling framesynchronous recording with multiple antennachannels at different center frequencies. This is animportant use case for automotive customers fortesting seamless DAB to FM linking in the field.The setup allows also to record DAB and DVB orthe GPS satellite signal and any other service atthe same time.Of course application example 1 and 2 can be combinedfor covering both a phase coherent FMbroadcast diversity and also frame synchronous DABrecording by using a <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> setup consisting ofthree synchronized RF recorders <strong>IZT</strong> R3301.figure 6: Synchronization unit <strong>IZT</strong> R3301-SNC4 | 5

Replay SystemSERVER<strong>IZT</strong> P1000Datastorage&off-lineprocessing&streamingSERVERRAIDLANGbit EthernetRF Data 1LANControlGbit EthernetRF Data 2SIGNAL GENERATOR<strong>IZT</strong> S1000figure 8: Player for diversity signals, using a single <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 with two rf outputs<strong>IZT</strong> S1000RF 1RF 2CalCAL KIT<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CALfigure 9: <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 data & control interface for 2 x 24 MSamples/s streamingCalRF 1RF 2<strong>IZT</strong> S1000 Multichannel Signal GeneratorReplay of the RF signals is done with signal generator<strong>IZT</strong> S1000. Contrary to most signal generatorsavailable today, the <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 has been specificallydesigned to replay complex signals comprising alarge number of individual carriers.The <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 is characterized as follows:• 9 kHz to 3 GHz frequency range• 120 MHz bandwidth• 31 virtual signal generators (independentVSG channels)• Dual RF outputs support diversity replay fortwo antennas• Phase synchronous replay of diversity signals• Continuous streaming up to 2 x 25 MSamples/sdata from external server or a combination ofdifferent sample rates up to 50 MSamples• Real-time impairment simulation• Modulators for DAB, DAB+, DMB, DRM,DRM+, XM, Sirius, HD Radio• Universal ARB function with up to 8 GB RAM• Easy to use compact setupFigure 8 shows a setup for playing two diversitysignals with a maximum bandwidth of 120 MHz.The setup can be expanded easily to a systemwith four or up to eight diversity replay channelsby combining multiple external synchronized <strong>IZT</strong>S1000 signal generators.For diversity or multi-frequency streaming bandwidthis divided into 2 x 24 MSamples/s allowingto stream two independent signals with 20.5 MHzbandwidth each (figure 9).As this IQ data stream is handled dynamically withup to 50 MSamples/s by using LAN load balancingtechniques, multiple channels with individual bandwidthcan be streamed simultaneously (figure 11).Additional signals can be generated at the sametime from the internal 8 GB <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 memory. Anoptional calibration kit can be used to preserve theabsolute phase difference between the two antennasof the diversity recording setup up to the DUTinputs (figure 9).

<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>figure 10: <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 replay setup with P1200 streaming server and real-time GPS map visualizationfigure 11: <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 GUI streaming multiple VSG signals with variable bandwidhs at individual center frequenciesand power levels<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-MTX Switching MatrixThe <strong>IZT</strong> S1000-MTX is an external 2:4 RF switchmatrix for the <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 signal generator. It canbe used for test setups in DUT environment andlaboratory. The <strong>IZT</strong> S1000-MTX is capable ofsimulating Bias-T current sinks, e.g. for active antennas.RF Filters can be looped-in at each singleRF output. The switching behaviour is controlledfrom the <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 GUI and can also be controlledvia remote interface.6 | 7

<strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite Data ProcessorThe <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite <strong>RecPlay</strong> Data Processor is apowerful unique data processing software whichallows to review and to edit recorded data in offlinemode:• Fast interactive display of spectrum andspectrogram• Display of meta data <strong>information</strong>, e.g.recorder settings, GPS location <strong>information</strong>.The <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite <strong>RecPlay</strong> Data Processor canbe used to extract or combine individual signalsfrom a recording which means easy to use cut,copy, paste & merge functionality of RF signals intime and frequency domain:• Extraction of time segments of a recording• Extraction of signals in spectrogram (time andfrequency) and conversion of the signal into aplayer file with adequate sample rate (figure 13)• Deletion of individual signals from a widebandspectrum (figure 14)Moreover this concatenation of single recordingsin the frequency domain allows to record frequencybands wider than 20.5 MHz (e.g. DVB-T)in several adjacent frequency intervals and combinethese recordings to a single file with largebandwidth of up to 120 MHz to replay it with <strong>IZT</strong>S1000 signal generator platform.Several additional plug-in interfaces are availablefor the <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite <strong>RecPlay</strong> Data Processor:• Map visualization interface for embeddedGPS streaming data (figure 12)• Video/audio camera replay function• Encryption interface for key based <strong>IZT</strong> S1000streaming• RDS demodulator• Database client for easy data synchronizationwith <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> DatabaseThe post processing software includes an exportfunction for Averna (NI) and R&S I/Q compatibledata formats and plain I/Q data. Other data formatscan be supported on request.For both off-line post-processing and multi-channelI/Q data streaming, <strong>IZT</strong> provides several serversolutions with specially selected components forefficiently handling the sophisticated algorithmsof the <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite <strong>RecPlay</strong> Data Processorwith optimum performance.• Cost effective signal streaming server <strong>IZT</strong> P1100• Powerful off-line data processing and signalstreaming server <strong>IZT</strong> P1200, including 2.5” trayfor easy data storage swapping (figure 10)• High performance data storage server<strong>IZT</strong> P1300 for <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> Database, alsosuitable for powerful off-line data processingand signal streaming, including 2.5” tray foreasy data storage swappingfigure 12: Off-line visualization of GPS location <strong>information</strong>

<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>figure 13: Extracting multiple signals simultaneously with individual timeline, bandwidths and centerfrequenciesfigure 14: Blanking multiple signals with individual bandwidths and centerfrequencies of a wideband FM broadcast recording8 | 9

Technical Specifications – <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 RF RecorderRF characteristicsFrequency range9 kHz to 3 GHzConversion concept 9 kHz to 30 MHz 1) (HF) Direct sampling20 MHz to 3 GHz 2) (VUHF) Double superheterodyne conversionRF input Impedance 50 OhmMaximum input power HF +20 dBm, +30 dBm with input attenuator activeVUHFTuning resolution HF, VUHF 1 Hz+15 dBmVSWR HF, VUHF < 2.1Tuning accuracy HF, VUHF < 0.2 HzReference frequency HF, VUHF 10 MHz internal/externalInternal reference stability HF, VUHF < 1 x 10 -7Input sensitivityHF: 100 kHz to 30 MHz@ S/N = 10 dBVUHF: 20 MHz to 3 GHz@ S/N = 10 dB-120 dBm @ 3 kHz BW-111 dBm @ 25 kHz BW-114 dBm @ 3 kHz BW-105 dBm @ 25 kHz BW-92 dBm @ 500 kHz BWOscillator phase noise HF -130 dBc/Hz typical @ 1 kHz offset-140 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 kHz offsetVUHF-120 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 kHz offsetSweep time HF, VUHF < 3 msScanning speed HF, VUHF > 4 GHz/s, linear> 175 GHz/s, within 24 MHz bandwidthInput IP3 HF +40 dBm, typicalVUHF+24 dBm, typical (Low Distortion Mode)+13 dBm, typical (Normal Mode)Noise figure HF 9 dB typicalVUHF10 dB (f < 2 GHz) to 12 dB (f > 2 GHz), typical (Low Noise Mode)13 dB (f < 2 GHz) to 15 dB (f > 2 GHz), typical (Normal Mode)IF rejection HF not applicableVUHF> 120 dB typicalImage rejection HF not applicableVUHF> 110 dB typicalOscillator reradiationHFnot applicableat antenna inputVUHF< -110 dBmPreselector HF 12-BandVUHF11-BandIF bandwidth HF, VUHF 6.25 kHz to 24 MHz1)degraded performance: 9 kHz to 500 kHz 2) degraded performance: 20 MHz to 30 MHzSignal generationOperating systemIntegrated hard diskInternal memoryData representationOutput sample rateData storageRecording modesGain controlWindows 7 Ultimate (64bit)2.5" SATA system disk 320 GB8 GBData format: 16/32 bit I/Q with embedded <strong>IZT</strong> CBB metadata <strong>information</strong>variable up to 30 MSamples/s4 x 2.5" SATA HDD or SSD, removable tray; 4 TB RAID system by defaultstand alone, diversity, multi-frequencyAGC fast/slow with adjustible ADC backoff and deadband, MGC

<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>InterfacesAntenna input HF, VUHF N, female, 50 ΩData storage system SATA tray 4 x 2.5“ HDD or SSD, 9.5 mm height, removableLAN Gigabit LAN RJ45, CAT 6Gigabit LAN, opticalLC-DuplexUSB 2 x USB 2.0GPS antenna Input SMA, female, 50 OhmActive biasing< 60 mA @ 3 V DCSynchronization Input 3 x SMA, female, 50 Ω (DCLK, 2x VUHF LO)Output3 x SMA, female, 50 Ω (DCLK, 2x VUHF LO)Trigger pulse Input SMA, female, CMOS 3.3 V (5 V tolerant input)OutputSMA, female, CMOS 3.3 VReference input 10 MHz SMA, female, 50 ΩRemote controlD-SUB 9, femaleGeneral dataOperating temperature0° to +40°CStorage temperature-20°C to +60°CHumiditymax. 85%, non-condensingEMI / EMC CISPR 22 / CISPR 25 (EN 55022 / EN 55025)MTBF> 10.000 hrs (MIL-HDBK)Power supplyAC: 100–240 V, 47–63 Hz, 240 VA, DC: 10–30 V, approx. 125WUPS: Li-Ion, 56,4 Wh; approx. 10 min. recording, 15 min. measurementDimensions 450 x 347 x 234 mm (W x D x H)Weightapprox. 17 kgFrequency range extension <strong>IZT</strong> R3301-RF6 <strong>IZT</strong> R3301-RF18Frequency range 3 GHz to 6 GHz 3 GHz to 18 GHzRF input 50 Ohm 50 OhmMaximum input power +15 dBm +10 dBmVSWR < 2.1 < 2.1Oscillator phase noise -120 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 kHz offset -114 dBc/Hz typical @ 10 kHz offsetSweep time < 3ms < 3msScanning speed > 4 GHz/s, linear > 4 GHz/s, linear> 175 GHz/s, within 24 MHz bandwidth > 175 GHz/s, within 24 MHz bandwidthInput IP3 +18 dBm (Normal Mode) +25 dBm (Low Distortion Mode)+2 dBm (Low Noise Mode) +15 dBm typical (Low Noise Mode)Noise figure 6 dB, typical (Low Noise Mode, LNA on, maximum gain) 16 dB typical (Low Noise Mode)16 dB, typical (Normal Mode, LNA off, maximum gain) 23 dB, typical (Normal Mode, LNA off, maximum gain)IF rejection > 120 dB typical > 120 dB typicalImage rejection > 110 dB typical > 110 dB typicalOscillator reradiation < -110 dBm < -110 dBmPreselector filter 8-Band tracking bandpass filterSpecification subject to change without further notice.10 | 11

Technical Specifications – <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 Signal GeneratorRF characteristicsFrequency Range 9 kHz to 3 GHzResolution0.001 HzInstantaneous9 kHz to 30 MHz 30 MHzbandwidth90 MHz to 2940 MHz 120 MHzReference Accuracy OCXOAging±5·10 -8 per yearTemperature stability < ±1·10 -8Warm-up time10 minPower level Maximum output power +20 dBm, typicalResolution0.1 dBUncertainty±0.5 dB from +10dBm to -50dBm; ±1.0 dB below -50dBmSpectral purity Harmonics < -30 dBc at +10 dBmSSB phase noise non harmonics < -70 dBc, typicalSignal generationIntegrated hard disk Size 320 GBInternal memory Size 4 GB, 8 GB (optional)External LAN Connection 2 x 1000 BaseT UDP/TCPChannels Number of up to 31Data representation Data format 12/16 bit I / QInput sample ratevariable up to 40 MSamples/sGeneral dataPower supply, nominal values Input voltage range: 100 V to 240 V (AC)AC supply frequency: 50 Hz to 60 HzMax. input current: 1.4 A (100 V) to 0.6 A (240 V)EMCMeets EN 55022, class B, QP, AVEnvironmental conditions Operating temperature: 0°C t o 55°CStorage temperature: -40°C to +70°CDimensions19“, 2 U, depth 570 mmWeight< 12 kgRecommended calibration interval 2 yearsSwitching Matrix<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-MTXFrequency range RF IN/OUT 100 kHz to 3000 MHzRF inputs/outputs RF IN/OUT SMA, female, 50 ΩMaximum input level RF IN 1,2 +10 dBmRF OUT 1-416V DC / 100 mAVSWR (input/output) RF IN 1,2 < 1.6:1RF OUT 1-4< 1.6:1 (typ. < 1.25:1 @ 1 GHz, < 1.35:1 @ 2 GHz)Insertion loss< 4 dB (typ. 1 dB @ 1 GHz, 2.5 dB @ 2 GHz)DC input S1000 GPIO V SUPPLY = 11 to 13 VRF OUT 1-4V BIAS = 6 to 15 V, IBIAS = 0 to 95 mADimensions 443 x 430 x 41.6 mm (W x D x H)Specification subject to change without further notice.

Technical Specifications – <strong>IZT</strong> P1000 Streaming Server<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>System specification <strong>IZT</strong> P1100 <strong>IZT</strong> P1200Operating systemOpen SuSE 11.1 (64 bit) orWindows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)Windows 7 Ultimate (64 bit)CPU AMD Phenom II X4 Intel Core I7-3820Internal memory 8 GB 16 GBInternal system hard disk 250 GB 1 x 500 GBInternal data storage 2 x 6 TB Raid0 System 2 x 9 TB Raid5 System4 x 2.5“ SATA trayOpticalDVD-ROMExternal LAN 4 x Gbit High Speed 4 x Gbit High SpeedGraphical interface On board NVIDIA GTX 650Display 17" TFT 24” TFTInterfaces 2 x ESATA (Raidcontroller) 2 x ESATA8 x USB2.0 6 x USB 3.0 / 2.04 x USB 2.0 / 1.11 x bluetooth v3.0 & WLANInput USB Keyboard, USB Mouse USB Keyboard, USB MouseWidth 426 mm (+52 mm incl. ears) 426 mm (+52 mm incl. ears)Depth 510 mm (+20 mm incl. grips) 510 mm (+20 mm incl. grips)Height 133 mm 178 mmWeight 17kg 25,6 kgEnvironmental specificationsOperating temperature 0°C to 50°CStorage temperature -40°C to 70°COperating humidity5% to 95% non-condensingStorage humidity5% to 99% non-condensingMaximum operating altitude 2000 mSpecification subject to change without further notice.12 | 13

Ordering Guide<strong>IZT</strong> R3301<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CHS<strong>IZT</strong> R3301 ChassisRF Recorder<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-HFHF Frontend, frequency range 9 kHz ... 30 MHzHardware options<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-RF3VUHF Frontend, frequency range 20 MHz ... 3 GHz<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-RF6Frequency range extension 3 GHz ... 6 GHz<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-RF18 Frequency range extension 3 GHz ... 18 Ghz<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-BSTBias-T<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-OCX Oven Stabilized Reference Ocillator<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-GSRGPS Synchronous reference (clock)<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-TCS<strong>IZT</strong> R3301 Transport Case (for shipping)<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-TCATransport Case for <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 Accessories<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CAR <strong>IZT</strong> R3301 Carrying Case<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-<strong>KB</strong>D USB Keyboard with Touchpad<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-SNCSynchronization Kit for two recording units<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CALCalibration Kit for two recording units<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-OLCEthernet Converter Kit<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-SSDSolid State System Disk<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-SDD Solid State Data Disk 500 GB<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CAM IP Camera Kit (requires <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>108)<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-DCFBias-T, external Adapter<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-LFM Low Noise Amplifier FM<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-LDVLow Noise Amplifier DAB III<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-LDLLow Noise Amplifier DAB L<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-GPAGPS Amplifier<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CBLunit colour black, without product & maker labelling<strong>IZT</strong> S1000<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-CHS<strong>IZT</strong> S1000 Chassis without GUISignal Generator <strong>IZT</strong> S1000-GUIGraphical User InterfaceHardware options*<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-RF3RF Output 3GHz<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-RFS3 RF Synthesizer 3GHz<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-8GB8 GB High Speed Memory<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-ESATA ESATA Interface<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-MTX RF Switching MatrixSoftware options* <strong>IZT</strong> S1000-110 VSG channel (up to 31)<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-120Streaming input<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-301Phase Noise Simulation<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-302Nonlinearity Simulation and TX Output-Filter Simulation<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-304Fading Channel Simulator with fixed Delays<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-305Power Level Profiles<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-306Frequency / Delay Profiles / Moving Path for Fading Channel Simulation<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-307Shaped Noise*For further hardware and software options please consider the <strong>IZT</strong> S1000 brochure with ordering guide

<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong><strong>IZT</strong> P1000 Server <strong>IZT</strong> P1100-SRV <strong>IZT</strong> P1100 Streaming Server (Monitor and Keyboard/Mouse included)<strong>IZT</strong> P1200-SRV<strong>IZT</strong> P1200 Diversity & Data Processing Server (Monitor and Keyboard/Mouse included)<strong>IZT</strong> P1000-RCKRack for <strong>IZT</strong> Server<strong>RecPlay</strong> Options <strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-100 <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite Data Processor<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-107 Encryption Interface<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-108 IP Camera Interface<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-110 GPS map visualization<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-111 Map conversion (per package)<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-120 RDS demodulator<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-200 <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite Database Server<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-205 <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite Database Client<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-300 <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite <strong>RecPlay</strong> Recorder<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>-400 <strong>IZT</strong> Signal Suite Multichannel-Diversity Controller (Notebook not included)Service <strong>IZT</strong> WE2 Hardware Warranty Extension to 2 years<strong>IZT</strong> WE3Hardware Warranty Extension to 3 years<strong>IZT</strong> SupportSoftware Support Contract<strong>IZT</strong> Training<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong> Training Course<strong>IZT</strong> R3301-CLCFactory calibration<strong>IZT</strong> S1000-CLCFactory calibration14 | 15

<strong>IZT</strong> <strong>RecPlay</strong>Record & Replay System for RF Signals<strong>Innovationszentrum</strong> fürTelekommunikationstechnik GmbH <strong>IZT</strong>General Manager: Rainer PertholdAm Weichselgarten 5, D-91058 Erlangen, GermanyPhone: +49 (0)9131 4800-100 Fax:-190sales@izt-labs.de www.izt-labs.deAbout <strong>IZT</strong>The <strong>Innovationszentrum</strong> fuer Telekommunikationstechnik GmbH <strong>IZT</strong> specializes inthe most advanced digital signal processing and field programmable gate array(FPGA) designs in combination with high frequency and microwave technology.The product portfolio includes equipment for signal generation, receivers for signalmonitoring and recording, transmitters for digital broadcast, digital radio systems,and channel simulators. <strong>IZT</strong> offers powerful platforms and customized solutions forhigh signal bandwidth and real-time signal processing applications. The product andproject business is managed from the principal office located in Erlangen/Germany.<strong>IZT</strong> distributes its products worldwide together with its international strategic partners.Customers are public and private companies, governmental agencies and armed forces.The <strong>IZT</strong> quality management system is ISO 9001:2000 certified.

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