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828 RUGGERO MARIA SANTILLIISOAXIOM III. The projection in our spacetime of the isorelativistic laws ofdilation of time t ◦ , contraction of length l ◦ <strong>and</strong> variation of mass m ◦ with speedare given respectively by:t = ˆγ × t ◦ ,(6.1.13a)l = ˆγ −1 × l ◦ ,m = ˆγ × m ◦ .(6.1.13b)(6.1.13c)ISOAXIOM IV. The projection in our spacetime of the Doppler-Santilli isolawis given by the law (here <strong>for</strong>mulated <strong>for</strong> simplicity <strong>for</strong> 90 ◦ angle of aberration):ω = ω o × 1 − ˆβ × cosˆθ ˆ√ , (6.1.14)1 − hatbeta 2ISOAXIOM V. The projection in our spacetime of the isorelativistic law ofequivalence of mass <strong>and</strong> energy is given by: 7E = m × V 2 max = m × c 2 o × b2 4b 2 3In the above isoaxioms we have= m × c 2 o × n2 3n 2 . (6.1.15)4ˆβ = v × b 3 /c o × b 4 = v × n 4 /c o × n 3 = v/V max , cosˆθ ˆ = cos(θ × b s ) (6.1.16)Since v is always smaller than or equal to the maximal causal speed V max , ˆβ isalways smaller than or equal to one <strong>and</strong> ˆγ = (1 − ˆβ 2 ) −1/2 cannot take imaginaryvalues as it is the case <strong>for</strong> special relativity. For isotrigonometric functions, werefer the reader <strong>for</strong> brevity to EHM Vol. I. For detailed studies of the iso-Dopplerlaw, one may consult EHM Vol./ II, Section 8.5.F.Note that the isoaxioms are not isotopies of the corresponding axioms of specialrelativity, because they characterize major structural departures, such as; the themaximal local speed is not, in general, the speed of light; the energy equivalence isnot given by the familiar expression E = m × c 2 ; etc. These structural deviationsemerge only within physical media <strong>and</strong> have major implications we shall studylater on, such as the elimination of any need <strong>for</strong> dark matter..7 As indicated in Section 3.5, the initial <strong>for</strong>mulation of Isoaxiom V wasE = m × c 2 = m × c 2 o × b2 4 = m × c2 on 2 .4However, experimental verifications of isorelativity proved this <strong>for</strong>mulation to be wrong, <strong>and</strong> had to bereplaced with isolaw (6.1.15). The occurrence rein<strong>for</strong>ced the view that, contrary to popular beliefs inthe 20-th century, the speed of light is not, in general, the maxima. causal speed because physical mediaare generally opaque lo light, in which case the use of the speed of light has no mathematical or physicalmeaning. It happens that in vacuum b 3 = b 4 = 1 <strong>and</strong> in water b 3 = b 4 , in which case V max = c o, butthis is a mere particular case without universal validity.

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