WALTER GILLIS PEACOCK January 2012 - Landscape Architecture ...

WALTER GILLIS PEACOCK January 2012 - Landscape Architecture ...

WALTER GILLIS PEACOCK January 2012 - Landscape Architecture ...

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Lu, Jing-Chien, Walter Gillis Peacock, Yang Zhang, and Nichole Dash. 2007. Long-TermHousing Recovery: Does type really make a difference? Pp 1-8, Proceedings of 2 ndInternational Conference on Urban Disaster Reduction, Taipei, Taiwan, November 27-29,2007. http://ncdr.nat.gov.tw/2icudr/2icudr_cd/2007BOOK.htmlArlikatti, Sudha, Walter Gillis Peacock, Himanshu Grover and Carla S. Prater. 2007. Assessingthe Impact of the Indian Ocean Tsunami on Households: The Domestic AssetsApproachPaper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 48 th AnnualConference, October 18 th – 21 st Cleveland, Ohio.Peacock, Walter Gillis, Yang Zhang, and Nicole Dash. 2007. Long-Term Recovery FollowingHurricane Andrew: Does the Cuban Enclave Make a Difference? Presented at the AmericanSociological Associations Annual Meeting – International Research Committee on DisastersSession, New York City, August, 2007Peacock, Walter Gillis. 2006. Review of Loss Estimation Models and Metrics. Presentation tothe Workshop on Strategic Directions for Seismic Risk Modeling and Decision Support.Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the Mid-American Earthquake Center.July 14-15, Boulder Colorado.Peacock, Walter Gillis and Yang Zhang. 2006. Post Disaster Housing Turnovers followingHurricane Andrew – Implications for Disaster Recovery Planning. Paper presented at theAssociation of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 47 th Annual Conference, November 12 th FortWorth, Texas.Lu, Jing-Chein and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2006. Multi-family Housing Recovery Following1992 Hurricane Andrew in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Paper presented at the Associationof Collegiate Schools of Planning, 47 th Annual Conference, November 12 th Fort Worth,Texas.**Zhang, Yang and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2006. Predicting Residential Land Use ChangeFollowing a Major Natural Disaster – The Miami-Dade County Experience After HurricaneAndrew. Paper presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning, 47 th AnnualConference, November 10 th Fort Worth, Texas.Gladwin, Hugh, Jeffrey K. Lazo, Betty Hearn Morrow, Walter Gillis Peacock, and Hugh E.Willoughby. 2006. Social Science Research Needs for the Hurricane Forecast and WarningSystem. Paper presented at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meetings, Atlanta,Georgia, Feb. 2006.Yang, Zhang, Walter Gillis Peacock, and Nicole Dash. 2006. Long term housing recoveryfollowing Hurricane Andrew: a panel modeling approach. Disaster Researchers Round-up.Boulder Colorado. July 13, 2006.Lindell, Michael K., Carla S. Prater, and Walter Gillis Peacock. 2006. OrganizationalCommunication and Decision Making in Hurricane Emergencies. Paper presented at theAmerican Meteorological Society Annual Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 2006Peacock, Walter Gillis, Yang Zhang, and Nicole Dash. 2005. Long-Term Single Family HousingRecovery: The Case of Hurricane Andre and Miami-Dade County. Hazard and DisasterResearchers’ Meeting, Boulder Colorado, July, 2005.Peacock, Walter Gillis and Yang Zhang. 2005. Single Family Housing Recovery after HurricaneAndrew in Miami Dade County. Annual Southern Sociological Society Meetings. CharlotteNorth Carolina, April 2005.15

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