Charles Finkl, Potential Environmental Impacts from Tapping Ocean ...

Charles Finkl, Potential Environmental Impacts from Tapping Ocean ...

Charles Finkl, Potential Environmental Impacts from Tapping Ocean ...

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IMPACTS OF DRILLING FLUIDSON CORAL REEFSThe skeletal extension and corallite shape ofindividuals id of the Caribbean and Atlantic ti reefbuildingcoral Montastrea annularis (Ellis andSolander) were measured after more than sixweeks' continuous flow-through exposure inlaboratory aquaria to treatments t t of 0, 1, 10 and100-ppm (l 1 -1 ) drilling mud. Linear increase ofthe skeleton (extension rate) and fossa lengthwere significantly depressed in the 100-ppmtreatment. t t Chronic exposure to 100-ppm drillingmud impairs coral skeletal growth rate andpossibly interferes with sediment rejectioncapability by lowering calical relief.Dodge, R.E., 1992. Marine Biology, 71(2), 141-147.

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