UGC BULLETIN (April-June 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2) - University Grants ...

UGC BULLETIN (April-June 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2) - University Grants ...

UGC BULLETIN (April-June 2011, Vol. 11, No. 2) - University Grants ...

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Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury joins<strong>UGC</strong> as Chairman (State Minister)Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman(State Minister)Economicupliftment of thecountry could beachieved only bybuilding up aknowledge-basedsociety throughcreation of newknowledge andits propagation.Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury,an eminent educationist, celebratedscientist and efficient administratorjoined the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong>Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) of Bangladeshas its <strong>11</strong>th Chairman on May 8,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> with the status of StateM i n i s t e r, first of its kind in theCommission. Prior to his joining the<strong>UGC</strong> he was serving theDepartment of Clinical Pharmacyand Pharmacology of the <strong>University</strong>of Dhaka as Professor. He was theVice-Chancellor of the <strong>University</strong> ofDhaka from September, 1996-<strong>No</strong>vember 2001.Professor Chowdhury obtained hisB.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. (Thesis) inBiochemistry in 1967 and 1968respectively securing First Class inboth of the examinations from the<strong>University</strong> of Dhaka. He completedhis Ph.D. in Pharmacy in 1976 fromthe <strong>University</strong> of Manchester, UK.He also did post-doctoral researchat the <strong>University</strong> of <strong>No</strong>ttingham, UK(1976-77), and at theBraunschweig Technical <strong>University</strong>,West Germany(1984) as a DAADfellow. He carriedout research workat the <strong>University</strong>of <strong>No</strong>ttingham,UK in 1985 as aC o m m o n w e a l t hAcademic StaffFellow and at theNational Instituteof Health(INSERM), Paris,France in 1995-96 as an EECFellow.Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhurywas the Dean, Faculty ofP h a r m a c y, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka(1995-1996), the Chairman,Department of Pharmacy, of the<strong>University</strong> (1983-1987), TemporaryA d v i s o r, Essential HealthTechnology, WHO-Geneva (2007),M e m b e r, National Health PolicyFormulating Committee ofBangladesh (1997-2000), MemberDrug Appellate Authority, Govt. ofBangladesh (1991-1996), Member,National Drug Control Committee(1984-1990), WHO-RegionalExpert on Essential Drugs,M e m b e r, WHO Essential DrugProgramme Evaluation Team. He isa Fellow of the BangladeshAcademy of Sciences, the apexbody of Science & Technology ofthe country, President ofBangladesh Association forAdvancement of Sciences (1999-2004), Member, Dhaka <strong>University</strong>Syndicate (1982-1985 & 1993-1996), Member, Dhaka <strong>University</strong>Senate (1988-1992 & 1993-1996),General Secretary, DhakaProfessor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury joining <strong>UGC</strong> as itsChairman with the status of State Minister

<strong>University</strong> Teachers A s s o c i a t i o n(1982-1983).Professor Chowdhury received agood number of awards anddistinctions like Rab ChowdhuryGold Medal by Dhaka <strong>University</strong> fororiginal research in 1978,Distinguished Citizen Honour foroutstanding contribution to highereducation in Bangladesh byAddiction Treatment, Rehabilitationand Research Center, BIRBA, andGeneral Hospital in 1999, GoldMedal by ADHUNIK for contributingto anti-smoking campaign inBangladesh in 1998 and MercantileBank Ltd. Gold Medal for hiscontribution to higher education in2009.Professor Chowdhury is a prolificw r i t e r, keen researcher andrenowned pharmaceutical scientistHe is the author of three books andhas over 90 research publicationsin national and internationaljournals. He was one of the editorsof Bangladesh National Formulary(Modern Medicine), was also amember of the Editorial Board ofDhaka <strong>University</strong> Studies, Part-Eand the Editor in Chief ofBangladesh PharmaceuticalJournal. He attended more than 27international conferences andseminars including millenniumLecture at UNGA in 1999 andGeneral Meeting at UNESCO in1998.Professor Chowdhury visited agood number of countries includingUSA, UK, Germany, France,Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium,Ghana, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya,Pakistan, India, Nepal, T h a i l a n d ,Singapore, Indonesia, SouthKorea, Australia and Japan foracademic and research purposes.There is no alternative to higher education innation-building activities and economic progress- New <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury<strong>UGC</strong> Members– Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim, Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor Dr. Amena Begum,Professor Dr. Atful Hye Shibly and Professor Dr. M. Muhibur Rahamn welcoming new <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (StateMinister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury at <strong>UGC</strong>Professor Dr. A. K. A z a dChowdhury, after joining his newassignment as Chairman, <strong>UGC</strong>sought support and cooperationfrom all concerned to successfullyrun the <strong>UGC</strong> when former <strong>UGC</strong>Chairman, <strong>UGC</strong> Members, Vi c e -Chancellors of universities, leadingeducationists, members of civilsociety and journalists of electronicand print media called on new <strong>UGC</strong>Chairman. He expressed hisdetermination that he would try hisbest to enhance and develop thequality of education at universitylevel and bring transparency,accountability and dynamism in theCommission.<strong>UGC</strong> Member– Professor Dr. M.Muhibur Rahman termed ProfessorD r. A K Azad Chowdhury as abrilliant academician & eff i c i e n ta d m i n i s t r a t o r. He praised Dr.Azad’s academic excellence andcontribution to the highereducation. He also projected theVice-Chancellors of different universities and other distinguished guests at the reception ceremony of new <strong>UGC</strong>Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury at <strong>UGC</strong>2 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah, Vice-Chancellor, National <strong>University</strong>congratulating Professor Dr.A KAzad Chowdhury for being appointed asthe <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister)development activities of Professor Dr. A K A z a dChowdhury during his tenure in Dhaka <strong>University</strong> as itsVice-Chancellor. Professor Dr. M. Muhibur RahmanProfessor Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Chairman, Human RightsCommission felicitating newly appointed <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister)Professor Dr. AK Azad Chowdhury at his officecommunity. The <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka often termed asthe Oxford of the East, was rated as the best universityin South Asia during his tenure as the Vice-ChancellorProfessor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury, former Vice-Chancellor of <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka(DU) and newly appointed Chairman (State Minister) of <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commissionof Bangladesh, being given a crest at a reception, organized by Bangladesh PharmacyGraduates Association at DU Senate Bhaban on May 26, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>observed that the appointment of Professor Dr. A KAzad Chowdhury with the status of State Minister to<strong>UGC</strong> as its Chairman is a positive sign for teachingHon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzad Chowdhuryspeaking on the topic ‘New Economic Order for Sustainable Peace’as ChiefGuest at the Asia Pacific Peace Conference, held at Dhaka on <strong>June</strong> 4, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>of the university. He has to his credit 90 researcharticles published in renowned national andinternational journals.Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhurywas present as Guest Speaker in a discussion meeting held in memory ofMahbubul Haque at National Press Club, Dhaka on <strong>June</strong> 4, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury, Hon’ble Chairman (State Minister), <strong>UGC</strong> at adiscussion meeting and Madel giving ceremony on the occasion of the <strong>11</strong>2th birthanniversary of National Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam organized by Bangladesh Shikshaparjabekkhan Society on May 24, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at National Museum Auditorium<strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> 3

Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury, Hon’ble Chairman (State Minister), <strong>UGC</strong> at a receptionceremony organized by Feni Journalist Forum on May 27, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at National Press ClubThe new <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman said economic upliftment ofthe country could be achieved only by building up aknowledge-based society. Creation of new knowledgeand its propagation is a must to build a knowledgebasedsociety in the country. He said, ‘quantity withoutquality in education is a disaster’. He urged theBangladesh Private Medical College Association accorded reception to Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong>Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury and National ProfessorDr. Shahla Khatun at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre on <strong>June</strong> 25, 2001.Hon’ble Finance Minister AMAMuhith is seen awarding crest to Chairman, <strong>UGC</strong>training to successfully run any organization.Professor Dr. Emajuddin Ahmed, former Vi c e -Chancellor, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka and Vice-Chancellor,<strong>University</strong> of Development Alternative, Professor Dr. SHon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury, as Chief Guest, with the stipend recipient students and thehigh officials of Exim Bank Ltd. at a stipend giving ceremony, organizedby the Exim Bank Foundation on May 29, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at Hotel Sonargaon.faculties in various universities to dedicate themselvesearnestly to the enrichment of knowledge throughresearch defying resource constrain. Professor Dr. A KAzad Chowdhury stressed the need for researchpublicationand urged the teachers and researchers totake initiatives for joint research collaboration with theforeign universities. There should not be anycompromise on the issue of quality education either bythe public or by the private universities, he observed.Professor Nazrul Islam, the past chairman of <strong>UGC</strong>,observed that <strong>UGC</strong>, as the apex body of highereducation in the country, not only extends support tothe administration and financial sectors of theuniversities, but also implements some specificprogrammes for university teachers. He stated thatduring his four-year tenure at <strong>UGC</strong>, activities of theCommission were carried out through corporategovernance and emphasized the need for foundationHon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhuryaddressing as Special Guest at a conference organized by ‘Bangladesh KarigoriCollege Shikkhok Somity’at the National Press Club on May 25, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>M Nazrul Islam, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, Bangladesh<strong>University</strong> of Engineering & Technology, Professor Dr.Hon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A K AzadChowdhury being accorded warm reception at Bangladesh Agricultural<strong>University</strong>, Mymensingh on <strong>June</strong> 16, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>4 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Shariff Enamul Kabir, Vice-Chancellor, Jahangirnagar<strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. Hafiz G. A Siddiqi, Vice-Chancellor, <strong>No</strong>rth South <strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. Md.Mahbub Ullah, Vice-Chancellor, International Islamic<strong>University</strong>, Chittagong, Professor Dr. Abdul MannanC h o w d h u r y, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, World <strong>University</strong> ofBangladesh, among others, were present on theoccasion.Newly appointed Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK AzadChowdhury calls on Hon’ble President Mr. Md. Zillur Rahman at Bangabhabanupgrade the <strong>UGC</strong> to CHE (Commission for HigherEducation) with more power and autonomy and soughtthe President’s response. The President agreed toextend his all-out support in this regard.Professor Dr. AK Azad Chowdhury, Hon’ble Chairman (State Minister),<strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) of Bangladesh along with otherguests, inaugurating a book titled 'Essential Medicines in Rural Treatment'at the National Press Club on <strong>June</strong> 18, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong><strong>UGC</strong> Members- Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim,Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor Dr. AmenaBegum, Professor Dr. Atful Hye Shibly were alsopresent on the occasion.<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister)calls on the PresidentMr. Md. Zillur Rahman, Hon’ble President, People’sRepublic of Bangladesh emphasized on ensuringquality higher education at minimum cost, especially atprivate universities. The President made thisobservation when the newly appointed Chairman(State Minister) of the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission(<strong>UGC</strong>) of Bangladesh Professor Dr. A K A z a dChowdhury called on him at Bangabhaban on May 22,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.The President also asked the Commission tostrengthen its monitoring over all public and privateuniversities of the country to ensure standard of highereducation. He said some private universities are takinglarge sum of money as admission and tuition fees andasked <strong>UGC</strong> to take necessary measures to check thiskind of practices of the private universities.The new <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman assured the President that hewould take necessary steps to ensure the quality ofhigher education at an affordable cost. He alsoapprised that he had already inspected sevenuniversities since joining <strong>UGC</strong> as its Chairman in earlyMay and would visit other universities shortly.The <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) proposed toReception ceremony of the newlyappointed <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister)A reception ceremony of the newly appointed <strong>UGC</strong>Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr. A K AzadC h o w d h u r y, jointly organized by <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong>Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) Officers’ Association and <strong>UGC</strong>Karmokarta Karmachari Parishad, was held on 18 May,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at <strong>UGC</strong> Auditorium. Mr. Md. Kamal Hossain,President, <strong>UGC</strong> Off i c e r’s Association and DeputyD i r e c t o r, Research and Publication Division, <strong>UGC</strong>presided over the function.In his speech, <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman said, it is the need of thehour to ensure quality higher education in the country.‘We want to take the higher education to a new heightso that our graduates compete globally,’ he added.He asserted that he would leave no stone unturned tobring transparency, accountability and dynamism in theCommission.Hon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury speaking at the reception ceremony at <strong>UGC</strong><strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> 5

Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim, Member, <strong>UGC</strong>, Mr. Md.Khaled, Secretary, <strong>UGC</strong>, Mr. Muhammed IbrahimKabir, Director, Finance and Accounts Division, Mr. S.M. Wazed Ali, Deputy Director, Planning andDevelopment Division, Mr. Shahidullah, FormerSecretary, <strong>UGC</strong> spoke on the occasion, among others.<strong>UGC</strong> Members Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, ProfessorDr. Amena Begum and Professor Dr. M. MuhiburRahman were also present.Full Commission Meeting of <strong>UGC</strong><strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) attendscourse on tertiary education in IndonesiaHon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury andthe full-and part-time Members at the 124 th Full Commission Meeting of <strong>UGC</strong>Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzad Chowdhuryalong with the other participants of the course ‘Transforming TertiaryEducation for Innovation and Competitivenessí’, held at Bali, IndonesiaA three-member delegation from Bangladesh led byProfessor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury, Hon'ble Chairman(State Minister), <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>)of Bangladesh, attended a global tertiary educationcore course titled ‘Transforming Tertiary Education forInnovation and Competitiveness’, held in Bali,Indonesia from <strong>June</strong> 6-9, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. The other members ofthe delegation were Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam,Member, <strong>UGC</strong> and Professor Dr. Shariff Enamul Kabir,Vice-Chancellor, Jahangirnagar <strong>University</strong>.The course was aimed at helping the policy-makersand institutional leaders to enhance levels ofunderstanding for policy reform and improvements inthe policy-making environment for tertiary education.The course also included a practical andcomprehensive framework for the country teams foranalyzing the performance and designing effectiveapproaches for successful tertiary level educationreforms.Cross-cutting issues such as the role of universities ineconomy and society and the construction of innovativepartnerships in education and research were alsoincorporated. Ministers, Senior government policymakersand ministry executives, officers and projects t a ff of tertiary education institutions and donororganizations of different countries participated at thecourse. The Chairman presented the higher educationscenario of Bangladesh and the progress of the countrymade in last two years, which received a lot of interestamong the participants.The <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) ofBangladesh approved a budget of Tk. 1,332.36 crorefor <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>-2012 fiscal year for itself and the country’spublic universities at its 124 th Full Commission Meeting,held on <strong>June</strong> 26, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at <strong>UGC</strong> Bhaban with Hon'ble<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr. A K AzadChowdhury in the chair. Of the total, Tk. 1,315.26 crorewould be spent for the 35 public universities while therest for the <strong>UGC</strong>.The <strong>UGC</strong> Full Commission also approved the revisedbudget of Tk. 1,270.78 crore for the universities and Tk.12.38 crore for <strong>UGC</strong> for 2010-<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> fiscal year. <strong>UGC</strong>Full-time and Part-time Members– Mr. Md. ShahabUllah, Member (Socio-Economic Infrastructure),Planning Commission, Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim,Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor Dr. AmenaBegum, Professor Dr. M. Muhibur Rahman, ProfessorD r. Kazi Shahidullah, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, NationalU n i v e r s i t y, Professor Dr. Pran Gopal Datta, Vi c e -C h a n c e l l o r, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical<strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Mannan Akanda,Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Agricultural <strong>University</strong>, Mr. Md. ImdadulHaque, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Finance,Professor Dr. M Nurul Islam, Dean (CSE), MawlanaBhashani Science & Technology <strong>University</strong>, ProfessorDr. Md. Rabiul Haque, Dean (Agriculture), PatuakhaliScience & Technology <strong>University</strong>, Professor Md. RuhulAmin, Dean (CSE), Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science& Technology <strong>University</strong>, Mr. Md. Khaled, Secretary,<strong>UGC</strong> and Mr. Muhammad Ibrahim Kabir, Director(F&A), <strong>UGC</strong> were present at the meeting.All the full-and part-time Members of <strong>UGC</strong>congratulated Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury forbeing appointed as the Chairman of <strong>UGC</strong> with thestatus of State Minister. They hoped that the dynamicand effective leadership of Professor Dr. A K AzadChowdhury would lead the higher education ofBangladesh to a praise-worthy standard.6 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Speaking on the occasion, Professor Chowdhury said<strong>UGC</strong> would be transformed into Commission for HigherEducation to bring dynamism in the higher educationsystem of our country in line with the internationalstandard. He also said that the role of <strong>UGC</strong> would bestrengthened to ensure accessibility, equality andquality in higher education. <strong>UGC</strong> would closely monitorall the public and private universities, but it would notbe an alternative of proposed Accreditation Council, headded.The meeting observed that public universities can takeinitiatives to increase tuition and other fees logically toensure quality education. Some speakers opined thatalthough quality of education in some privateuniversities is encouraging, the admission and otherfees are not affordable to the country’s middle andlower-middle class families.The meeting suggested that private universities can fixtheir fees considering the socio-economic perspectiveof the country.<strong>UGC</strong> seeks proposals to improvequality of educationThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) ofBangladesh sought fresh proposals from universities ofBangladesh to improve the quality of higher educationacross the country.‘We are looking for innovative ideas and collaborativeresearch proposals to improve the quality of highereducation and develop world-class human resourcesfor employment generation at home and abroad,’Hon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Prof Dr A KAzad Chowdhury said at a press conference at theNational Press Club on <strong>June</strong> 27, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. The pressconference was organized on the occasion of calling forAIF Sub-Project Proposals under the Higher EducationQuality Enhancement Project (HEQEP), beingimplemented by <strong>UGC</strong>.Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhuryspeaking at the press conference of HEQEP at the National Press ClubProfessor Chowdhury said some Tk. 189cr would bedistributed in favour of selected project proposals andeach proposal might get between Tk. 16 lakh to Tk. 4.5crore. However, he said recipients of the first phase ofthe <strong>UGC</strong>’s Academic Innovation Fund (AIF) might notbe eligible for same type of projects.Professor Chowdhury said <strong>UGC</strong> has launched a Tk.681crore project from a concessional loan from theWorld Bank for five years in 2009 and it has alreadydisbursed Tk. 183 crore in its first phase.‘Quality of higher education remains a big concern fordecades and it is time to focus on it as good educationis the only and possibly the only way to make the nationmove forward,’ he added.<strong>UGC</strong> Members– Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim,Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor Dr. AmenaBegum, Professor Dr. M. Muhibur Rahman and Ms.Kaniz Fatema, ndc, Project Director, HEQEP amongothers, also spoke on the occasion.Vice-Chancellors vow to raise highereducation to international standardThe AUB delegation led by its President BSMMU Vice-ChancellorProfessor Dr. Pran Gopal Datta calling on Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman(State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzad ChowdhuryThe Vice-Chancellors of public universities expressedfirm determination to produce quality graduates fromtheir respective universities and decided to set up ahigher education complex for raising the country’shigher education to an international standard.The determination was voiced at a view exchangemeeting at the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) ofBangladesh when a seven-member delegation fromAssociation of Universities of Bangladesh (AUB), led byits President Professor Dr. Pran Gopal Datta, also theVice-Chancellor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical<strong>University</strong> (BSMMU), called on the newly appointed<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr. A K AzadChowdhury on May 22, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.The delegation included Professor Dr. AAMS ArefinSiddique, Vice-Chancellor, Dhaka <strong>University</strong>, Professor<strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> 7

Dr. M A Sattar Mandal, Vice-Chancellor, BangladeshAgricultural <strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. S. M. NazrulIslam, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, Bangladesh <strong>University</strong> ofEngineering and Te c h n o l o g y, Professor Dr. KaziShahidullah, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, National <strong>University</strong>,Professor Dr. RIM Aminur Rashid, Vice-Chancellor,Bangladesh Open <strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. Shah-e-Alam, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, Sher-e-Bangla A g r i c u l t u r a l<strong>University</strong> and Professor Dr. M Khairul Alam Khan,Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, Bangabandhu Sheikh MujiburRahman Science and Technology <strong>University</strong>,Gopalganj.Speaking on the occasion <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman ProfessorD r. A K Azad Choudhury said, building a highereducation complex is the demand of time for improvingthe higher education of the country to face effectivelythe challenges of the 21st century.Book Launching Ceremony held at <strong>UGC</strong>The launching ceremony of a book titled‘Maddoprachcher Itihas: Ottoman Samrajja T h e k eJatisatta Rastra,’ authored by Professor Emeritus A BM Hussain, Rajshahi <strong>University</strong>, was held on <strong>June</strong> 21,2 0 <strong>11</strong> at <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>)auditorium. Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhit, MP, Hon’bleM i n i s t e r, Ministry of Finance, Government of thePeople’s Republic of Bangladesh graced the functionas Chief Guest with <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister)Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury in the Chair. Theauthor of the book Professor Emeritus A B M Hossainwas present on the occasion.The Minister said in his speech, it is important topublish basic books in Bangla language, like thepresent one, for the expansion of higher education inour country. He highly lauded <strong>UGC</strong> for publishing sucha book and hoped that it would encourage the teachersand researchers to devote themselves in fundamentalresearches and book writing.Remarking the book ‘Maddoprachcher Itihas: OttomanSamrajja Theke Jatisatta Rastra as on of the valuablepublications of <strong>UGC</strong>, Professor Dr. A K A z a dChowdhury said, it is not only a text book for thestudents of history or for the historians, but will also beuseful for general readers at the same time.Among others, <strong>UGC</strong> Members– Professor Dr. Md.Abdul Hakim, Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, ProfessorDr. Amena Begum, Professor Dr. Atful Hye Shibly,Professor Dr. Md. Abdus Sobhan, Vice-Chancellor,Rajshahi <strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. Kazi Shahidullah,Vice-Chancellor, National <strong>University</strong>, Professor Dr. K.M. Mohsin, former member, <strong>UGC</strong> and all officers andemployees of <strong>UGC</strong> were present on the occasion.Contract signed between <strong>UGC</strong> and PGCBAn Indefeasible Right of Use (IRU) contract was signedbetween the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission ofBangladesh (<strong>UGC</strong>) and the Power Grid Company ofBangladesh (PGCB) for granting <strong>UGC</strong> the right to useone pair of dark optical fibers from PGCB’s countrywideOPGW network against the payment of a sum ofTaka 221.884 million. This pair of fibers shall be usedto build the Bangladesh Research and EducationNetwork (BdREN), which will connect all theuniversities and research institutions of the country.Hon’ble Finance Minister Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhit, MP along withHon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury and author of the book Professor Emeritus A B M Hossain andother distinguished guests launching the book titled ‘MaddoprachcherItihas: Ottoman Samrajja Theke Jatisatta Rastra’<strong>UGC</strong> Member Professor Dr. M. Muhibur Rahmandelivered the welcome address, while Professor Dr.Md. Akhtaruzzaman, Chairman, Department of IslamicHistory and Culture, Dhaka <strong>University</strong> was a discussanton the book. Professor Shahanara Hussain, wife of theauthor was also present on the occasion. Dr. LutfeAlam, Director (R&P), <strong>UGC</strong> gave the vote of thanks.Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK AzadChowdhury addressing the contract signing ceremonyA solemn ceremony was held on the occasion of thesigning of the contract on <strong>June</strong> 20, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at <strong>UGC</strong>auditorium. Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury, Hon’bleChairman (State Minister), <strong>UGC</strong>, Dr. Md. Harun-ur-Rashid, Chairman, PGCB, <strong>UGC</strong> Members– Professor8 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor Dr. Amena Begum, Ms.Yoko Nagashima, Task Team Leader, World Bank,Kaniz Fatema ndc, Project Director, Higher EducationQuality Enhancement Project (HEQEP) addressed onthis occasion emphasizing the importance of thisnetworking.<strong>UGC</strong> Members– Professor Dr. Md. Abdul Hakim,Professor Dr. Atful Hye Shibly, Professor Dr. M.Muhibur Rahman, Vice-Chancellors of diff e r e n tuniversities and concerned officials from PGCB, <strong>UGC</strong>and World Bank attended the ceremony.The contract shall be for 20 years. Mr. Md. Khaled,Secretary, <strong>UGC</strong> and Mr. Md. Ashraf Hossain, CompanySecretary of PGCB signed the contract on behalf oftheir respective organizations. <strong>UGC</strong> will establish theBdREN under the HEQEP, jointly financed by theGovernment of Bangladesh and World Bank.The network, built upon this pair of fibers, will be a highbandwidth, high quality, state-of-the-art network only forthe use of teachers, students and researchers of thecountry. It is intended to create a bridge between theacademic community of ours and the internationalcommunity. BdREN is expected to bring forth a hugepositive change in the higher education landscape ofthis country.British Council and <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong>Commission of Bangladesh exploreideas for joint collaborationThe British Council INSPIRE team headed by itsCountry Director, Mr. Charles Nuttall OBE, met the newChairman (State Minister) of the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong>Commission of Bangladesh (<strong>UGC</strong>), Professor Dr A KAzad Chowdhury at latter’s office on <strong>June</strong> 20, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> todiscuss and explore possibilities of further collaborationin the development of tertiary education in Bangladesh.The British Council in co-operation with <strong>UGC</strong> has beenimplementing its INSPIRE project that aims tosignificantly strengthen academic and researchpartnerships between UK and Bangladesh since 2008-9.Mr.Charles Nuttall OBE, Country Director, British Council-Dhaka met Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong>Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury at latter’s officeMr. Md. Khaled, Secretary, <strong>UGC</strong> and Mr. Md. Ashraf Hossain,Company Secretary of PGCB signed the contract onbehalf of their respective organizationsThe network shall be used for all modern applicationssuch as distance learning, on line lecture sharing, videoconferencing, digital library, resource sharing, weatherforecasting and disaster management through real timedata exchange, tele-medicine and host of otherapplications. As soon as this national research networkis established Bangladesh is going to be connectedwith Trans Eurasia Information Network 3 (TEIN3). Itwill definitely enhance research collaboration betweenour researchers and their international counterparts inother countries.Professor Chowdhury appreciated the existingcollaboration and is very keen to strengthen this in theyears to come. It was agreed that this collaboration willbe in three main areas: quality assurance andinstitutional leadership in higher education; theknowledge economy and knowledge transfer for highereducation; and English in higher education inBangladesh.Professor Chowdhury also stated that <strong>UGC</strong> willappreciate the British Council’s support to take forwardthe following activities in the near future: organisingexchange visit programmes between Bangladesh andUK faculty members; organising training programmesfor Bangladesh faculty members (both Public andPrivate) by bringing senior faculty members from theUK; organising exploratory visits to UK by Bangladeshfaculty members and signing of MoUs to have specialwaiver in tuition fees for higher studies (MS, Ph. D.,Post-Doc, etc.), curriculum updating, etc.Professor Chowdhury also assured the British Councilof <strong>UGC</strong>’s on-going support and co-operation tomaterialize its INSPIRE activities in Bangladesh.Members of the <strong>UGC</strong> were also present in the meeting.The next meeting between British Council and <strong>UGC</strong> isexpected to be held at British Council- Dhaka sometimein the 2nd week of July <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> to work out futurecollaborative strategies between them.<strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> 9

Government appoints five NationalProfessorsThe government appointed five renownedacademicians of the country as National Professors fornext five years on <strong>June</strong> 20, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.Hon’ble President Mr. Md. Zillur Rahman, gave consentto these appointments under Bangladesh NationalProfessor (appointment, conditions and facilities)Decisions Act 1981 and special consideration.The appointed National Professors are– ProfessorSardar Fazlul Karim, former Professor, Department ofPolitical Science, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka; Professor AFSalahuddin Ahmed, former Professor, Department ofHistory, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka; Professor Rangalal Sen,former Professor, Department of Sociology, <strong>University</strong>Dhaka; Professor Mustafa Nur ul Islam, formerP r o f e s s o r, Department of Bangla, Jahangirnagar<strong>University</strong> and Dr. Shahla Khatun, former Professor,Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical <strong>University</strong>.The newly appointed National Professors will get theirhonorarium from the <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission(<strong>UGC</strong>) of Bangladesh.They can undertake research on the subjects of theirchoice with any organization, but the EducationMinistry and the <strong>UGC</strong> should be informed about it.Professor Nazrul Islam completes histenure as <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman on May 6, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>Professor Nazrul Islamsuccessfully completed histenure as <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman onMay 6, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. ProfessorIslam, who was thesuccessor of Professor Dr. M.Asaduzzaman joined the<strong>University</strong><strong>Grants</strong>Commission of Bangladesh(<strong>UGC</strong>) on May 7, 2007.During his tenure, Private<strong>University</strong> Act, 2010 wasapproved by Government. The Commission under hisleadership approved a new organogram with 419manpower. Under the new organogram, eight divisionshave been setup instead of six. The new divisions arePublic <strong>University</strong> Management Division and StrategicPlanning, Quality Assurance and Right to InformationDivision. In addition, two of the six original divisionshave been renamed. <strong>UGC</strong> formulated a guideline tostop the sexual harassment in country’s highereducation institutions and the Commission has handedover it to the concerned ministry. During his tenure,Higher Education Quality Enhancement Project(HEQEP) was launched.19 distinguished researchersadorned with <strong>UGC</strong> AwardHon'ble Finance Minister Mr. Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, M.P. addressingas Chief Guest at the <strong>UGC</strong> award ceremonyThe <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission of Bangladeshhonoured nineteen distinguished researchers ofdifferent public and private universities with <strong>UGC</strong> Awardfor their fundamental and innovative researchpublications. <strong>UGC</strong> handed over the prestigious awardto the researchers at a ceremony held at its ownauditorium on <strong>April</strong> 27, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. Mr. Abul Maal AbdulMuhith, MP, Hon’ble Finance Minister graced thefunction as Chief Guest while distinguished scholar andresearcher Professor Emeritus Dr. Anisuzzaman waspresent as the Special Guest. <strong>UGC</strong> ChairmanProfessor Nazrul Islam chaired the ceremony.The recipients of the award for 2008 were: Dr. Asit Roy,Department of Theatre and Music, <strong>University</strong> ofRajshahi (Arts and Humanities), Professor Dr. AbdulMaleque, Institute of Education and Research,<strong>University</strong> of Dhaka (Law and Education), Dr. PranabKumar Panday, Associate Professor, Department ofPublic Administration, <strong>University</strong> of Rajshahi (SocialSciences), Dr. Mohammed Kamrul Huda, AssociateP r o f e s s o r, Department of Botany, <strong>University</strong> ofChittagong (Biological Sciences), Dr. MohammedJasim Uddin, Assistant Professor, Department ofChemical Engineering & Polymer Science, Shahjalal<strong>University</strong> of Science & Technology (ChemicalSciences), Professor Dr. Md. Tofazzal Islam,Department of Biotechnology, Bangabandhu SheikhMujibur Rahman Agricultural <strong>University</strong> (AgriculturalSciences), Professor Dr. A.A. Mamun, Department ofPhysics, Jahangirnagar <strong>University</strong> (Physical andMathematical Sciences), Dr. Md. Ali Ahammad ShoukatC h o u d h u r y, Assistant Professor, Department ofChemical Engineering, BUET (Engineering andTechnology), Professor Dr. Md. Abdus Samad,Department of Veterinary Medicine, BangladeshAgricultural <strong>University</strong> (Text Book). The recipients for2009 were: Dr. Ridwanul Hoque, Assistant Professor,Department of Law, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka (Law andEducation), Dr. Sayan Chakrabarty, A s s o c i a t eProfessor Department of Economics, Shahjalal<strong>University</strong> of Science & Technology (Social Sciences) ,Professor Dr. M. Enamullah, Department of Chemistry,Jahangirnagar <strong>University</strong> (Chemical Sciences),10 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Professor Dr. Khan Md. Shaiful Islam, Department ofAnimal Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural <strong>University</strong>(Agricultural Sciences), Professor Dr. M. A t a h a r u lIslam, Department of Statistics, Biostatistics andInformatics, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka (Physical andMathematical Sciences), Dr. Khairul Alam, AssistantProfessor, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, EastWest <strong>University</strong> (Engineering and Technology), Dhaka,D r. Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Assistant Professor,Department of Chemistry, <strong>University</strong> of Chittagong(Clinical and Pharmaceutical Sciences), Professor Dr.Anwar Hossain, Department of Microbiology, <strong>University</strong>of Dhaka (Medical Sciences), Dr. Diba Hossain,Institute of Education & Research, <strong>University</strong> of Dhaka(Text Book) and Professor Dr. M. Ataharul Islam,Department of Statistics, Biostatistics and Informatics,<strong>University</strong> of Dhaka (Reference Book).The Minister, in his speech, said economic upliftment ofthe country could be achieved only by building up aknowledge-based society. This requires the spreadingof higher education and enhancement of its quality. Heopined that research is essential for the enhancementof the quality of higher education. He, mentioning thelimitation of the Government, observed that we allocatevery limited resources for higher education especiallyfor research. He urged the faculties in variousuniversities to dedicate themselves earnestly to theenrichment of knowledge through research defyingresource scarcity. The Special Guest Dr. Anisuzzamanstressed the need for research-publication and urgedthe teachers and researchers to take initiatives for jointresearch collaboration with foreign universities.<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman, in his presidential speech, observedthat <strong>UGC</strong>, as the apex body of higher education in thecountry, not only extends support to the administrationand financial sectors of the universities, but alsoimplements some specific programmes for universityteachers. He stated that <strong>UGC</strong> Award stands forrecognizing and encouraging the university teachers intheir devotion to advanced research and publication.He appealed to the Finance Minister to allocate morebudget in the field of research.<strong>UGC</strong> Member Prof. Dr. M. Muhibur Rahman, in hiswelcome speech, observed, <strong>UGC</strong> recognizes the basicfact that research is required for enhancing knowledgeand also getting access to the global knowledge bank.He noted that our faculties are not less talented thanthe faculties of the developed countries of the west.They only need adequate resources and incentives tomake their research output competitive. Dr. DibaHossain, the <strong>UGC</strong> Award recipient said, research is thepre-requisite of knowledge-based society. Sheobserved that research stands for searching truth,information, history and culture and application ofscience and technology. Another recipient Dr. JashimUddin observed, <strong>UGC</strong> Award is a good initiative toconsolidate the nation’s academic foundation. T h eCommission had so far awarded 74 scholars on fourdifferent occasions in various fields during the period1980-2007. <strong>UGC</strong> Members Professor Dr. Md. AbdulHakim, Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor Dr.Amena Begum and Professor Dr. Atful Hye Shibly werealso present on the occasion.New executive committee of <strong>UGC</strong>Officers’ Association takes oathNewly elected executive committee of <strong>UGC</strong> Officers’Association takingoath from <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman Professor Nazrul IslamThe 5th Installation Ceremony-<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> of <strong>University</strong><strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) Officers’ Association washeld at <strong>UGC</strong> Auditorium on <strong>April</strong> 19, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. ProfessorNazrul Islam, Chairman, <strong>UGC</strong> was present as ChiefGuest at the function and the newly elected executivecommittee for the tenure of <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>-2012 took oath fromhim. Members of <strong>UGC</strong>– Professor Dr. Md. A b d u lHakim, Professor Dr. Md. Tajul Islam, Professor. Dr.Amena Begum, Professor Dr. Atful Hye Shibly andProfessor Dr. M. Muhibur Rahman were also presenton the occasion.Mr. Md. Kamal Hossain, Deputy Director, <strong>UGC</strong> waselected as the President of the new executivecommittee of <strong>UGC</strong> Officers’ Association, while Mr.Dewan Golam Sarwar, Senior Assistant Director, <strong>UGC</strong>was elected as General Secretary.Other members of the committee are: Vice-President-1Mr. Md. Omar Faruque, Vice-President-2 Ms. MauliAzad, Joint Secretary Mr. Md. Jalal Ahmed, TreasurerMr. Md. Abdul Mannan, Organizing Secretary Mr. Md.Jamal Uddin, Sports and Cultural Secretary Mr. Md.Mustafejur Rahman, Members– Mr. Mohammad MasudHossain, Mr. Md. Mostafizar Rahman and Engr.Mohammad Ziaur Rahman. All divisional heads,officers and staff of <strong>UGC</strong> were also present on theoccasion.Certificate giving ceremonyCertificate giving ceremony of two courses offered by<strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission of Bangladesh: 1.Computer Application for Office Automation and 2.Basic Spreadsheet Analysis held on <strong>April</strong> 20, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.Professor Dr. Amena Begum presided over theceremony and <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman Professor Nazrul Islamwas present as Chief Guest. The duration of bothcourses was 24 hours (2 hours per day). In Computer<strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> <strong>11</strong>

<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman Professor Nazrul Islam handing overcertificates among the participantsApplication for Office Automation course forty-one (41)participants received the certificates, out of which thirtyfiveare from <strong>UGC</strong> and rest from HEQEP. Five (5)participants got the certificate on Basic SpreadsheetAnalysis and all of them are from <strong>UGC</strong>.Results of the Entrance Test ofSouth Asian <strong>University</strong>, IndiaResults of the Entrance Test for admissions to variousacademic programmes of South Asian <strong>University</strong>, NewDelhi have been published. The test was held on May21, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. Thirty-seven Bangladeshi applicants havesucceeded in getting admission for the academicsession <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>-2012. The number of successfulcandidates is: M.A (Development Economics)-4, M.A(International Relations)-5, M.Sc. (Biotechnology)-6,M.A (Sociology)-10, M.Sc. (Computer Science)-6 andL.L.M (Master of Laws)-6.<strong>University</strong> of DhakaMoU signed between ICCR and DUA Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between theIndian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) and the<strong>University</strong> of Dhaka (DU) was signed on May 12, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>regarding establishment of ‘Tagore Chair’ by ICCR atthe DU. High Commissioner of India in BangladeshH.E. Mr. Rajeet Mitter and DU Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o rProfessor Dr. AAMS Arefin Siddique signed the MoU onbehalf of ICCR and DU respectively at a ceremony heldat the latter’s office.Deputy High Commissioner Mr. Sanjay Bhattacharya,First Secretary Dr. Manoj Kumar Mohapatra andDirector of Indira Gandhi Cultural Centre Mr. AnkanBanerjee of the Indian High Commission were presenton the occasion.As per the MoU, ICCR in consultation with DU willappoint a competent academician who would be aTagore-expert to hold this Chair.Salary, allowances and all other costs of the ‘TagoreChair’ will be borne by ICCR, while DU will provide alllocal facilities. The Chair will commence from July 1,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.Congratulating and thanking the High Commissionerand the Indian Government for establishing the Chair atDU, Vice-Chancellor Professor Arefin Siddiqueexpressed hope that the collaboration and friendlyrelations between Bangladesh and India will be furtherstrengthened through this MoU.High Commissioner Mr. Rajet Mitter termed the MoUsigning ceremony as a historic occasion and hoped thatthis will help expand collaboration and cooperationbetween ICCR and DU as well as between India andBangladesh.Jahangirnagar <strong>University</strong>International Conference on English LanguageHon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury addressing the inaugural ceremony of the conference,organized by JU English DepartmentA two-day long international conference on ‘ThinkingOther-wise with/in English Studies’, organized by theEnglish Department of Jahangirnagar <strong>University</strong> (JU),was held during 13-14 May <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at the seminar roomof Bangladesh Public Administration Training Centre(BPATC), Savar.Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury, Hon’ble Chairman(State Minister), <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission ofBangladesh (<strong>UGC</strong>) inaugurated the conference asChief Guest, while Professor Dr. Shariff Enamul Kabir,Vice-Chancellor, JU addressed the session as SpecialGuest.Professor Dr. Shamsad Mortuza, Convener of theConference gave the thematic introduction while Mr.Mashrur Hossain, Chairman of the Departmentpresided over the inaugural session. ProfessorRajagopalan Radhakrishnan, Chancellor’s Professor ofEnglish and Comparative Literature, <strong>University</strong> ofCalifornia, USA presented the keynote paper.12 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury said, as English isthe medium of worldwide communication, there is noalternative to learn and practice English language tocompete effectively with the rest of the world.He also asked the authorities of both pubic and privateuniversities of the country to ensure quality highereducation. He said, ‘Higher education institutionsacross the country, in both public and private hands,have failed to keep up the quality of higher education.The authorities of these institutions have to pay moreattention to it.’More than 200 participants from home and abroadparticipated in the conference while a total of 75 paperswere presented by scholars from Australia, USA, India,Nepal and Bangladesh.Bangladesh <strong>University</strong> of ProfessionalsM. Phil. and Ph.D. programmes launchedSher-e-Bangla Agricultural <strong>University</strong>A seminar on higher education heldA seminar on ‘Higher Education of Bangladesh inFacing the Challenges of Globalization: Problems andProspects’ was held at the Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural<strong>University</strong> (SAU) on May 19, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman(State Minister) Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury waspresent as the Chief Guest while Professor Dr. Md.Shah-E-Alam, Vice Chancellor, SAU, was the SpecialGuest. Professor Dr. Md. Sarowar Hossain, PresidentSAU Teachers’Association presided over the function.Hon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury and BUPhigh officials at the inaugural ceremony of M.Philand Ph.D programmeBangladesh <strong>University</strong> of Professionals (BUP)launched M. Phil. and Ph.D. programmes at itscampus. Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury, Hon’bleChairman (State Minister) of <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong>Commission of Bangladesh formally inaugurated theprogramme on <strong>June</strong> 1, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. Vice-Chancellor of BAU,Major General Chowdhury Hasan Sarwardy, BB, ndc,psc presided over the function. Senior facultymembers, officers and students were present at theprogramme.New Vice-Chancellor joinsMajor General Chowdhury HasanSarwardy BB, ndc, psc joinedBangladesh <strong>University</strong> ofProfessionals (BUP) as its Vi c e -Chancellor on <strong>April</strong> 24, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. Beforejoining BUP he was the DirectorGeneral of Bangladesh Ansar andVDP.Hon’ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury addressing the AIF Promotional Workshop of HEQEP at SAU<strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor A z a dChowdhury, in his speech said that the researcherswould have to take the responsibility to advance thecountry through generation of new innovation andideas with a view to elevating the public university tothe global standard.Professor Dr. Md. Rafiqul Islam, Chairman, Departmentof Agricultural Extension & Information System, SAUpresented the keynote paper in the seminar.<strong>No</strong>akhali Science and Technology <strong>University</strong>Reception CeremonyHon'ble <strong>UGC</strong> Chairman (State Minister) Professor Dr.A KAzadChowdhury at the reception ceremony of NSTU<strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> 13

A reception was accorded to Professor Dr. A K AzadChowdhury newly appointed Chairman (State Minister),<strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) of Bangladesh at<strong>No</strong>akhali Science and Technology <strong>University</strong> (NSTU)on May 23, 2001.Professor A K M Sayedul Haque Chowdhury, Vice-Chancellor, NSTU presided over the function, whileProfessor Dr. Abdul Jalil Mia, Vice-Chancellor, BegumRokeya <strong>University</strong>, Rangpur, Professor Dr. ShahidUllah Ta l u k d e r, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, Sylhet A g r i c u l t u r a lU n i v e r s i t y, Professor Dr. M. Afzal Hossain, Vi c e -chancellor, Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science andTechnology <strong>University</strong>, Dinajpur, Professor Dr. AbdulMannan Akanda, Vi c e - C h a n c e l l o r, BangabandhuAgricultural <strong>University</strong>, Gazipur, Dhaka <strong>University</strong>Professor Dr. M Wahiduzzaman, Secretary,Bishshobiddaloy Shadhinota Shikkhok Porishod andMr. Mahfuzur Rahman, Chief Executive, BangladeshComputer Council were present as Special Guests.Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury in his speech said,if we can create quality graduates, we can capture theworld job market and it has already been started byNSTU students. He appreciated the NSTUenvironment and assured the students of all facilities inthe university.Chittagong <strong>University</strong>Seminar on urbanizationA Seminar on ‘Bangladesh in Urbanization andDemocratization’, organized by the Department ofGeography and Environmental Studies (GES) ofChittagong <strong>University</strong> (CU), was held on 23 <strong>April</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.Professor Nazrul Islam, Chairman, <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong>Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) of Bangladesh presented thekeynote paper at the seminar with Dr. Alak Paul,Chairman, GES Department, CU in the Chair.Professor Dr. Mohammad Alauddin, Vice-Chancellor(Acting), CU was also present on the occasion.Professor Emeritus Dr. Jamal Nazrul Islam, <strong>UGC</strong>Professor Dr. Alamgir Mohammad Sirajuddin,Professor Dr. Saroj Kanti Singh Hazari, Vi c e -C h a n c e l l o r, BGC Trust <strong>University</strong>, Chittagong,Professor Dr. Mohammad Nural A n w a r, Dean,Biological Science Faculty, CU, among others,participated at the seminar.New Vice-Chancellor appointedProfessor Md. Anwarul Azim Arif, Department ofManagement Studies, Chittagong <strong>University</strong> (CU) wasappointed the new Vice-Chancellor of CU on <strong>June</strong> 14,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.Earlier, Professor Arif served as Pro Vice-Chancellor ofCU from July 10 to <strong>No</strong>vember 13, 2001. Later, he tookover as Vice-Chancellor of Premier <strong>University</strong> for fouryears.Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical <strong>University</strong>1 st ConvocationHon’ble President Mr. Md. Zillur Rahman handing overcertificates to the graduates and Ph.D. awardeesHon’ble President Mr. Md. Zillur Rahman called forincreasing medical research activities at theBangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical <strong>University</strong>(BSMMU), the only institution of higher medicaleducation and research in the country, to help createworld-class specialist physicians. ‘I hope theresearches to be conducted from this institution will notonly bring benefits for the patients but will also playimportant role in the medical arena of the world,’ hesaid.The President gave the above call while presiding overthe 1st Convocation of the BSMMU at theBangabandhu International Conference Centre on<strong>June</strong> 21, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.Hon’ble Health Minister Dr. AFM Ruhul Haque, MP,Hon’ble Education Minister Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP,Hon’ble Health Adviser to the Prime Minister ProfessorD r. Syed Modasser Ali, Hon’ble Chairman (StateMinister) of <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission (<strong>UGC</strong>) ofBangladesh Professor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury andBSMMU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr. Pran GopalDatta, among others, also spoke on the occasion.A former adviser to the Caretaker Government and alsoformer Vice-Chancellor of Jahangirnagar <strong>University</strong>,Professor Zillur Rahman Siddiqui, was the ConvocationSpeaker.<strong>No</strong>rth South <strong>University</strong>Career FairThe Department of Career and ProfessionalDevelopment Services (CPDS) of <strong>No</strong>rth South<strong>University</strong> (NSU) organized the 7 th National Career Fair,under the title sponsor of Rabi Axiata Ltd. on May 28,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at the NSU Bashundhara campus.14 <strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>

Professor Dr.AK Azad Chowdhury, Hon’ble Chairman (State Minister), <strong>University</strong><strong>Grants</strong> Commission of Bangladesh inaugurated the event as Chief GuestProfessor Dr. A K Azad Chowdhury, Hon’ble Chairman(State Minister), <strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission ofBangladesh inaugurated the event as Chief Guestwhile Professor Dr. Hafiz G A Siddiqui, Vice-Chancellor,NSU, Dr. Abdul Hannan Chowdhury, Dean, School ofBusiness, NSU, Mr. Azim Uddin Ahmed, Chairman,Board of Trustees, NSU Foundation and Mr. MatiulIslam <strong>No</strong>wshad, Chief Human Resources Officer, Robiwere also present at the programme.State <strong>University</strong> of Bangladesh2 nd ConvocationThe 2 nd Convocation Ceremony of State <strong>University</strong> ofBangladesh (SUB) was held at BangabandhuInternational Conference Centre, Dhaka on <strong>April</strong> 25,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>. Mr. Md. Zillur Rahman, Hon'ble President of thePeople's Republic of Bangladesh and also theChancellor of the <strong>University</strong> presided over the occasionwhile Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MP, Hon'ble Minister,Ministry of Education, Government of the People'sRepublic of Bangladesh was present as Special Guest.Dr. Anisuzzaman, Professor Emeritus, <strong>University</strong> ofDhaka spoke on the occasion as Convocation Speaker.Professor Dr. Iftekhar Ghani Chowdhury, Vi c e -Chancellor, SUB and Dr. A M Shamim, President,Board of Trustees, SUB also spoke on the occasion.The President called upon the university graduates toget established in their career through selfemploymentafter obtaining higher education.Emphasizing on quality higher education, the Presidentalso said people without quality education would not beable to sustain in the present day highly competitiveworld.Independent <strong>University</strong>, Bangladesh‘Sing the Jatiya Sangeet in Every School, Everyday’The Rotary Club of Shymoli-Dhaka, Swadhin BanglaBetar Kendra Parishad and Independent <strong>University</strong>,Bangladesh (IUB), Dhaka jointly launched the project‘Sing the Jatiya Sangeet in Every School, Everyday’ onMarch 28, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at IUB’s permanent campus atBashundhara. Professor Dr. M Omar Rahman, Vice-Chancellor (In-charge), IUB, Rtn. Seyedur Rahman,President, Rotary Club of Shyamoli-Dhaka, SabdaSainik Dr. Zahid Hossain Pradhan, President, SwadhinBangla Betar Kendra Parishad, and Mr. A QuaiyumKhan, Member of the IUB Trust spoke, among others,on this occasion. Under this project a pool of singerschosen from all over the country will be trained andencouraged to volunteer in their respective communityand locality to help schools and institutions becomingproficient in singing the Jatiya Sangeet.In the launching programme of the project the artists ofSwadhin Bangla Betar Kendra Parishad entertainedthe audience with patriotic songs.Daffodil International <strong>University</strong>Seminar on ‘Tobacco Control Act and Bangladesh’Mr. Md. Abdus Shahid, Hon’ble Chief Whip, NationalParliament of Bangladesh said, ‘It is impossible tomake the anti-tobacco movement a success withoutraising our values and creating social awareness withthe participation of people from all walks of life. In thisregard young generation, specially the students canplay a vital role.’ He made the above remark whileaddressing as Chief Guest at a seminar on ‘TobaccoControl Act and Bangladesh’, jointly organized byDaffodil International <strong>University</strong> (DIU) and Associationfor Prevention of Drug Abuse (MANAS) on May 26,<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> to mark the ‘World Tobacco Free Day’<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> at DIUAuditorium.Md. Sabur Khan, Chairman, Board of Trustees, DaffodilInternational <strong>University</strong> presided over the programme,while Professor Dr. Arup Ratan Choudhury, founderPresident of MANAS and Member of National TaskForce on Tobacco Control presented the keynotepaper.The seminar was also addressed by Professor Dr.Mizanur Rahman, Dean, Faculty of Business andEconomics, DIU, Ferdous Wahid, Joint Secretary ofMANAS and country’s renowned artist, Motiur RahmanTalukder, Organizing Secretary of MANAS and SyedMizanur Rahman, Coordinator, Career DevelopmentCenter, DIU.New Vice-Chancellor joinsProfessor Dr. Lutfar Rahman, founderChairman of Computer Science andEngineering Department, <strong>University</strong>of Dhaka and the founder Vi c e -Chancellor of Begum RokeyaU n i v e r s i t y, Rangpur joined Daff o d i lInternational <strong>University</strong> (DIU) as itsVice-Chancellor on <strong>April</strong> 20, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.<strong>UGC</strong> Bulletin, <strong>Vol</strong>. <strong>11</strong>, <strong>No</strong>. 2, <strong>April</strong>-<strong>June</strong> <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> 15

Prior to joining as Vice-Chancellor he was working asDean (part-time) of the Faculty of Science andInformation Technology of DIU.Eastern <strong>University</strong>Foundation-Stone laying of permanent campusThe Foundation-Stone of the permanent campus ofEastern <strong>University</strong> was laid at Uttara on <strong>April</strong> 29, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>.The Chief Guest of the programme Mr. Nurul IslamNahid, MP, Hon’ble Education Minster, Government ofthe People’s Republic of Bangladesh laid the stoneceremonially. Professor Dr. AKM Saiful Majid, Vice-Chancellor of Eastern <strong>University</strong> delivered the welcomeaddress while it was presided over by Professor Dr.ABM Shahidul Islam, Chairman, Board of Trustees,Eastern <strong>University</strong>. It was also the 8th anniversary ofthe university.Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina laying thefoundation-stone of AUWChaired by Cherie Blair, Chancellor of AUW and formerfirst lady of UK, the function was also addressed by Dr.Dipu Moni M.P., Hon’ble Foreign Minister, Mr. NurulIslam Nahid M.P., Hon’ble Education Minister, NgoziIkonjo Iweala, Managing Director, World Bank, Mr.Kamal Ahmed, Acting Vice-Chancellor, AUW, ProfessorD r. Mary J Sansalone, Provost, AUW and seniorgovernment officials.It is expected that the construction work of theuniversity will be completed by 2013. World famousAmerican architect Moshe Safdi designed the layout ofthe university.Hon’ble Education Minister Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid, MPunveiling theplaque of foundation-stone laying ceremony of permanent campus ofEastern <strong>University</strong>Appreciating the steps undertaken for developing thepermanent campus, Chief Guest Mr. Nurul Islam Nahid,MP said ‘it is a historical day for Eastern <strong>University</strong>.Through building permanent campus Eastern<strong>University</strong> is entering into a new era. It will definitelypromote the qualitative development of the <strong>University</strong>. Iexpect that other private universities will build their ownpermanent campuses following the example of Eastern<strong>University</strong>’.Asian <strong>University</strong> for WomenFoundation-stone laying ceremonyHon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said that theAsian <strong>University</strong> for Women (AUW) would act as abridge between the nations of Asia and help to extendcollaboration for the development of this region. Shesaid this while addressing the foundation-stone layingceremony of AUW at Chittagong on <strong>April</strong> 26, <strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong> asChief Guest.Editorial BoardEditorProfessor Dr. Md. Abdul HakimMember, <strong>UGC</strong>MembersProfessor Dr. Atful Hye ShiblyMember, <strong>UGC</strong>Md. KhaledSecretary, <strong>UGC</strong>Dr. Md. Lutfe AlamDirector, <strong>UGC</strong>Member-SecretaryShamsul ArefinDeputy Secretary, <strong>UGC</strong>Published by<strong>University</strong> <strong>Grants</strong> Commission of Bangladesh29/1, Agargaon, Dhaka-1207Tel: 8<strong>11</strong>2629, 912<strong>20<strong>11</strong></strong>, Fax: 8122948, 9<strong>11</strong>4707E-mail: chairmanugc@yahoo.comwww.ugc.gov.bdPrinted by Momin Offset Press9 Nilkhet, Babupura, Dhaka-1205

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