Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College

Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College

Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College


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National Office Income and Expenses 2006–20073/16/2006 through 3/15/2007INFLOWSCertificate Replacement 30.00Charter Fee 250.00Convention Dorm Room 50.00Convention Registration Fee 3,637.00Express Mail Fee 240.00Gift Received 752.50Honor Cords 3,372.00Honor Hoods 1,254.00Initiation Dues 19,929.00Interest Inc 33.42Jewelry Sold 1,073.00Other Inc 166.32OVER PAYMENT 117.95Postage Fee 5.00Processing Charge 156.00Transfer from Endowment 7,200.00TOTAL INFLOWS 38,266.19<strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> Medals<strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> medals awarded tohonor students in secondary schoolLatin classes help to promote thestudy of Latin in high schooland give <strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong><strong>Phi</strong> an excellentcontact with highschool studentsof the Classics.Chapters can usethem as prizes forcontests or as a wayto recognize achievement.In addition, chapters can award the medals toObverseand reverseof the largesilver medaloutstanding students of the Classics at their home institutions.Two silver medals are available: the large medal (1½inches) at $28.75 and the small (¾ inch) at $10.25. Abronze medal (¾ inch) is available at $6.50. The variousmedals can be awarded to students at various levels of theirstudy.Medals may be ordered from Dr. Brent M. Froberg,5518 Lake Jackson St., Waco, TX 76710-2748. Please add$1.00 per order to cover the costs of postage and handling.Checks should be made payable to <strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> MedalFund and should accompany the order.OUTFLOWSAccountant Fee 159.00Archive Maintenance 30.00Book Prizes 359.00Certamen Machine 640.00Certificates 7,023.00Computer 387.65Convention Expenses 4,941.75Endowment Management 25.00Entertainment 285.31ESP Charter 15.00Fax Charges 101.00Government Fee 20.00Honor Hoods Purchase 898.00Honors Cords--Purchase 517.00Jewelry Purchased 1,767.60Misc 166.32Nuntius 6,366.97Office Assistance 600.00Office Supplies and Photocopying 556.35Overpayment Refund 31.00PayPal Fees 118.23Pins 432.00Postage 1,181.13Prizes 335.49Promotion Expenses 583.00Promotion Expenses--APA 4,697.01Refund 42.00Scholarship Award 8,600.00Translation Contest Prize 880.00Travel Reimbursement 5,130.00Web Page Maintenance 150.00TOTAL OUTFLOWS 47,038.81<strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> Meets PayPal<strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> members ordering honor cords, hoods andjewelry online now have the option of paying online for a$2.00 fee. No PayPal account is necessary and the processis simple and convenient.For further information, go to http://department.monm.edu/ classics/esp/Regalia.html.20

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