Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College

Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College

Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College


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About the OfficersMegale PrytanisJasmine Merced-OwnbeyBeta Pi at the University of Arkansas(dmerced@uark.edu)I was born and raised in New York City.My youth was filled with stories of mythicalpeoples and places, and instilled inme an abiding passion to learn about theancient civilizations which permeated myimagination. After graduating from WilliamCullen Bryant High School in Long IslandCity and briefly attending New York CityTechnical <strong>College</strong> for Graphic Communications,I worked for several years and Iwas fortunate to have had opportunities tovisit Egypt, England, France, and severalof the Caribbean islands. These tripsrekindled my enthusiasm and curiosity,somewhat forgotten within the drudgery ofemployment in corporate America, and Iembarked on a path of independent study.After marrying my husband James,I decided that it was time to return toschool; so I enrolled at his alma mater, theUniversity of Arkansas. I began studyingthe Classics in my freshman year, enrollingin Latin and Ancient Greek Civilization.I studied Greek the following year,along with history and various otherclasses. My relationship with the Classicswas cemented in 2005, when I attendedthe University of Arkansas’ Classics inGreece program. There is something trulymagical about visiting a place for the firsttime, yet finding it somehow familiar forhaving already embarked on studies of itslanguage, culture and history. I’m lookingforward to more of that magic with myupcoming semester with the University ofArkansas’ Humanities in Rome program.During the last four years, my Classicsprofessors (Drs. Daniel Levine and DavidFredrick) have consistently demonstratedthat it is possible to have a career in anarea that is simultaneously fun, engaging,and fulfilling; their enthusiasm has sparkedin me a desire to pursue a PhD in Classics.My goal is to teach Classics, and to inspiremy students as my professors have inspiredme.<strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> is important to me andto the world of Classical Studies because itbrings together individuals who share thesame passion for the Classics. It matchesJasmine Merced-Ownbeyeager speakers with eager listeners whorevel in both teaching and learning. The2007 national convention at TempleUniversity in <strong>Phi</strong>ladelphia was my 4th <strong>Eta</strong><strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> convention, and has provenyet again that this community provideswonderful opportunities for meeting greatnew people and fostering friendships thatwill last far beyond graduation.When not doing Classics, – oh wait,these days I’m working on my thesis – I’mnever not doing Classics. But before mythesis reared its lovely head, I enjoyedspending time with family and friends,reading, gardening, and taking ridiculousnumbers of photographs.Megale HyparchosJes GearyAlpha Mu at the University of Missourijrgd6c@mizzou.eduI was born and raised in the state capital ofMissouri, Jefferson City. As a child, I spenthours reading mythology books that Ifound on my father’s bookshelf and foundthe stories of the ancient world to beintriguing. I was in an advanced programin grade school that allowed me to studythe mythologies of Rome, Greece, andEgypt on a much broader scale. DuringJes Gearymy middle-school years at Thomas JeffersonMiddle School, I was given a shortsix-week course in Latin that encouragedme to take my studies further. On enteringJefferson City High School, I was blessedto find that there was a four-year Latinsequence and an additional Classical Studiescourse offered.In my years at Jefferson City HighSchool, I attended various Latin Club(JCLC) events, won a translation awardfrom the National Junior Classics Leaguemy sophomore year, and served as secretaryof the local Latin club my junior year.When I began college at the Universityof Missouri-Columbia, I immediatelystarted into Latin, various Classics courses,ancient history, and, finally, ancient Greek.I have been incredibly lucky to find a universitywith such a wide variety of classesregarding the ancient world and have donemy best to take advantage of them. I feel astrong base in Classics and the languageshas allowed me to flourish in many subjectsoutside of the department, given mean interest in subjects I would have neverdreamed of studying, and allowed me anadvantage in my pursuit of knowledge.Originally, my career goal was simplyto become a high school Latin teacher,but further into my studies, I set my sightson being a professor. I’ve encountered so3

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