Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College

Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College

Published by Eta Sigma Phi - Monmouth College


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Trustee Sister Thérèse Marie Dougherty of Beta Kappa at the <strong>College</strong>of Notre Dame of Maryland recognizes Leon Fitts, former trustee andout-going advisor of Delta Theta at Dickinson <strong>College</strong>, on the occasionof his retirement from teaching.Chair of the Board of Trustees Martha Davis of Zeta Beta at TempleUniversity presents an <strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> lifetime achievement award toRudolph Masciantonio.much debate. The University of Texas atTyler, despite not having a Classics majoror minor was approved, followed <strong>by</strong> theUniversity of Miami, Carthage <strong>College</strong>,and the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.Finally, Gonzaga University’s petition wasapproved, despite some concern that theschool apparently had no prior classicsorganization. Jasmine Merced-Ownbeydiscussed the findings of the financecommittee, where it had been decidedthat income was down largely due to adrop in alumni donations. The creationof an alumni database was suggested tohelp track down donations in the future.Dr. Augoustakis from Baylor Universityexplained the function of the scholarshipcommittee, as a tool to aid in educatingstudents in the various scholarships offered<strong>by</strong> <strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong>, and discussed new waysto increase applications. Lyndy Danvers,Prytanis of Zeta Beta at Temple Universitymade the committee report on nextyear’s convention site. Since there hadbeen only one bid to host the convention,the committee had focused on gatheringered <strong>by</strong> Dr. Davis from Temple University.Dr. Davis pointed out that her term wouldexpire this year and introduced the conceptof raising dues in order to amelioratethe budget problem. She suggested thatraising dues would not only address thecash flow situation but would also provideadditional funds for a new scholarshipfor archaeology students, strengthen theendowment, and fund national officers’travel expenses. She suggested raisingdues to forty dollars. Dr. Davis also heavilyencouraged the raising of convention fees.A motion was made to extend Dr. Davis’term, which was accepted <strong>by</strong> voice vote,and a second motion was made to raise thedues to twenty-five dollars. This motioncarried some controversy, and would haveto be voted <strong>by</strong> individual chapters. Beforethis could be done though, the motion wasamended to raise the dues to thirty dollars,and this was approved <strong>by</strong> chapter vote,forty-one to five.The new convention site was alsopresented and approved, after a discussionof activities in Amherst and travel accominformationfrom the delegation from theUniversity of Massachusetts at Amherst inorder to better educate those involved inthe planning of the 80th annual convention.Dr. Sick, from Rhodes <strong>College</strong>, withstudents from the Beta Psi, Beta Kappa,Beta Theta, Gamma Xi, <strong>Eta</strong> Delta andBeta Nu chapters made the resolutionsreport, followed <strong>by</strong> the endowment report.Dr. Froberg, from Baylor University,highlighted the areas where <strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong><strong>Phi</strong> investments have succeeded, such asdiversity and high return rate on morethan half the total endowment, as wellas areas that need improvement, such asdonations from living alumni.The executive secretary Dr. TomSienkewicz gave the Executive Secretary’sSummary, including a report on thesociety’s income and expenses. Citing thatdues were the largest source of income for<strong>Eta</strong> <strong>Sigma</strong> <strong>Phi</strong> (approximately $20,000),Sienkewicz fielded questions as to how theorganization could cut costs in order toavoid a deficit.The Board of Trustees report was deliv-9

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